ok, so I had to put on our Beauty & The Beast dvd, but I got to exercise on our elliptical in the basement this morning for 30 whole minutes! woohoo! then I dragged them upstairs with me while I showered.
mommy confession du jour: i was a little lazy and feeling sorry for myself about the coming weekend. so I loaded the girls up and took them to Winstead's, where we went to the drive-through for grilled cheese sammies and french fries...I ate like a pig. But I worked out this morning, so I figure I broke even. Or at least this is the lie I'm telling myself.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
my dad and kory were supposed to arrive in KC tomorrow and stay through Tuesday morning, but have canceled their trip due to a variety of reasons. i'm very disappointed. they haven't seen the girls since January, and haven't been to KC since early last December. i understand the reasons, i guess, but i was looking forward to doing fun stuff this weekend and having some company. now it's going to be an ordinary weekend alone while Dan's working/on call. hopefully it won't be too bad, but you just never know.
i am going to attempt to work out on our elliptical in the basement in a bit. going to let the girls play down there (and will resort to turning on a dvd for them if i have to) while i work out and see how it goes. maybe then at least some of the time i won't have to wake up so early to go running.
it is supposed to be sizzling hot here the next few days. we had a ton of rain yesterday, which we desperately needed. now the heat's going to set back in.
i am going to attempt to work out on our elliptical in the basement in a bit. going to let the girls play down there (and will resort to turning on a dvd for them if i have to) while i work out and see how it goes. maybe then at least some of the time i won't have to wake up so early to go running.
it is supposed to be sizzling hot here the next few days. we had a ton of rain yesterday, which we desperately needed. now the heat's going to set back in.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
These are in my front yard. I am partial to the pink ones, of course! They are absolutely amazing, and what I love about them is that they only bloom in the hottest months...which is when I need a boost. So to have these pretties greeting me every day is pure joy! And it speaks volumes that my un-green thumb doesn't kill them off. Yay for hibiscus!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
the girls
The girls continue to amaze me.
Last night as we were preparing for bed time, we told them they could each choose some books to read. they can't reach the shelf, so they point to which ones they want. Goodnight Moon is a regular request and they know it by heart and ask for it by name; however, last night, Abby pointed to a yellow one (normally how they request a book---by its color or some pictures that are on the cover), and said, "I want Birthday Monsters, Mommy." I was speechless. This is one of many Sandra Boynton books we have, but one we don't read very often. And still she knew the title. Then Izzy piped up, "Mommy, I want Barnyard Dance!"
I had no idea. either they've known the titles for a while and just never bothered to use/ask for them, or they're just starting to figure it all out. either way, I'm very impressed. We are working on teaching them their middle names----they each know their own first and last names, as well as mommy and daddy's names....and they know their birthday. So cool to see their little minds working....how it's all falling into place so quickly. Abby's completely potty trained. Wish I could say the same for her sister, but each in her own time, right?
We are very excited for PopPop and NaNa's visit this weekend. My dad and Kory haven't seen the girls since January....I'm eager to show them off!
Last night as we were preparing for bed time, we told them they could each choose some books to read. they can't reach the shelf, so they point to which ones they want. Goodnight Moon is a regular request and they know it by heart and ask for it by name; however, last night, Abby pointed to a yellow one (normally how they request a book---by its color or some pictures that are on the cover), and said, "I want Birthday Monsters, Mommy." I was speechless. This is one of many Sandra Boynton books we have, but one we don't read very often. And still she knew the title. Then Izzy piped up, "Mommy, I want Barnyard Dance!"
I had no idea. either they've known the titles for a while and just never bothered to use/ask for them, or they're just starting to figure it all out. either way, I'm very impressed. We are working on teaching them their middle names----they each know their own first and last names, as well as mommy and daddy's names....and they know their birthday. So cool to see their little minds working....how it's all falling into place so quickly. Abby's completely potty trained. Wish I could say the same for her sister, but each in her own time, right?
We are very excited for PopPop and NaNa's visit this weekend. My dad and Kory haven't seen the girls since January....I'm eager to show them off!
Monday, July 28, 2008
This has to be one of my all-time favorite shots of my adorable niece...having chips and a diet coke!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Bookworms Anonymous?
The first step to a meaningful recovery is admitting one has a problem. Right?
Deep breaths....
I have a reading/book problem. I can't stop buying books. I bought several on Amazon.com over the weekend and today at Costco I bought two more. It may even be months before I actually get to them, but I can't stop myself. I have to have them.
I have a serious stack on my nightstand already. I don't know what to do. I've never been good at juggling more than two or three books at a time, but perhaps I need to try!
I wonder if this is a common affliction/addiction?
D is at the pool with his parents and the girls, giving me a precious bit of alone time. I am working on putting together dinner. Sole fillets dipped in lemon juice, bread crumbs, and parm, then baked. Boiling water for fresh corn on the cob (courtesy of the CSA). Not sure what else....got some eggplant this weekend, too, and asked my mom for her killer eggplant casserole recipe. So I'm eager to try that later in the week.
It is HOT here. Ugh! I can't take this weather anymore!
Deep breaths....
I have a reading/book problem. I can't stop buying books. I bought several on Amazon.com over the weekend and today at Costco I bought two more. It may even be months before I actually get to them, but I can't stop myself. I have to have them.
I have a serious stack on my nightstand already. I don't know what to do. I've never been good at juggling more than two or three books at a time, but perhaps I need to try!
I wonder if this is a common affliction/addiction?
D is at the pool with his parents and the girls, giving me a precious bit of alone time. I am working on putting together dinner. Sole fillets dipped in lemon juice, bread crumbs, and parm, then baked. Boiling water for fresh corn on the cob (courtesy of the CSA). Not sure what else....got some eggplant this weekend, too, and asked my mom for her killer eggplant casserole recipe. So I'm eager to try that later in the week.
It is HOT here. Ugh! I can't take this weather anymore!
Friday, July 25, 2008
i've been trying to post all day and blogger's apparently been down.
so this will have to be short since i have my kids with me now.
1.) we closed on our house(s). sold our current one (which we will be renting from new owner until our new house is built/complete) and bought our lot/new construction. VERY nervous, but equally as excited. all the numbers keep swimming around in my head, though, and i don't like it one bit. will have to get over it. i was just as freaked out when we bought this house, and we survived. right?
2.) izzy ruined my very favorite pink Kate Spade bag....it met its demise with a black ink pen she decided to decorate it with. mea culpa because (a) i wasn't really watching her/paying attention, and (b) i left a pen within her reach. dumb, dumb, dumb. i handled it rather well, considering. and perhaps it's a good excuse to get a new bag. a-hem. my birthday is coming. hint, hint.
3.) my brother mark has his first trial starting on monday. keep him in your thoughts!
4.) recent nugget of wisdom: running at 5:45 or 6 a.m., even in the midst of the summer, is NOTHING like running at 1 p.m. in the summer. i almost had a stroke today. it was raining when i woke up, so i tabled it until the girls were at grandma's house after the closing. big mistake. HUGE. i could hardly run the last 3/4 of a mile. my face was purple. nearly passed out. will never do that again, have totally learned my lesson. haven't been able to cool down much since, despite a shower.
have a good weekend, everyone!
so this will have to be short since i have my kids with me now.
1.) we closed on our house(s). sold our current one (which we will be renting from new owner until our new house is built/complete) and bought our lot/new construction. VERY nervous, but equally as excited. all the numbers keep swimming around in my head, though, and i don't like it one bit. will have to get over it. i was just as freaked out when we bought this house, and we survived. right?
2.) izzy ruined my very favorite pink Kate Spade bag....it met its demise with a black ink pen she decided to decorate it with. mea culpa because (a) i wasn't really watching her/paying attention, and (b) i left a pen within her reach. dumb, dumb, dumb. i handled it rather well, considering. and perhaps it's a good excuse to get a new bag. a-hem. my birthday is coming. hint, hint.
3.) my brother mark has his first trial starting on monday. keep him in your thoughts!
4.) recent nugget of wisdom: running at 5:45 or 6 a.m., even in the midst of the summer, is NOTHING like running at 1 p.m. in the summer. i almost had a stroke today. it was raining when i woke up, so i tabled it until the girls were at grandma's house after the closing. big mistake. HUGE. i could hardly run the last 3/4 of a mile. my face was purple. nearly passed out. will never do that again, have totally learned my lesson. haven't been able to cool down much since, despite a shower.
have a good weekend, everyone!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
izzy is finally asleep.
in other news, we are closing on our house this Friday. i haven't said much about it to anyone because i wasn't sure it was all going to work out. basically, someone is buying our house. we are going to pay him rent until we finish building our new house. once we move out, he will tear this house down and build something else huge and fabulous. his partner is a contractor who will build our new house. we have a lot already picked out. it's ready to go. we have plans we designed with an architect that have been approved by the city. we're good to go. just need to have the closing and get the building permit. nervous. excited. long road ahead. lots of other decisions to be made. it will be rough. i figure if we can stay married through this process, we can survive anything.
the new house will be roughly a mile or so from our current one, but technically in a different city---Fairway, KS.
in other news, we are closing on our house this Friday. i haven't said much about it to anyone because i wasn't sure it was all going to work out. basically, someone is buying our house. we are going to pay him rent until we finish building our new house. once we move out, he will tear this house down and build something else huge and fabulous. his partner is a contractor who will build our new house. we have a lot already picked out. it's ready to go. we have plans we designed with an architect that have been approved by the city. we're good to go. just need to have the closing and get the building permit. nervous. excited. long road ahead. lots of other decisions to be made. it will be rough. i figure if we can stay married through this process, we can survive anything.
the new house will be roughly a mile or so from our current one, but technically in a different city---Fairway, KS.
houston, we have a PROBLEM
one of my girls is boycotting her afternoon nap.
this NEVER happens.
izzy is singing "Ring Around the Rosie" at the top of her little lungs.
and it's interspersed with lyrics from "Itsy Bitsy Spider."
a little while ago she gathered up her blankie and her Nemo and came out of her room, acting like she'd just woken up (only I knew this wasn't the case since I'd been listening to her singing!). i forced her back to her room and she protested. argh. but at least abby's continued to snooze through the racket (so far).
this is the worst possible (or best, depending on how you look at it) day for her to pull a stunt like this. i have a sitter coming tonight because i am going out with my friends and D is golfing. so my guess is the sitter is in for it. but on the flip side, i'm NOT in for it, since i won't be here. but frankly i'm worried for the sitter!
pray for us.
this NEVER happens.
izzy is singing "Ring Around the Rosie" at the top of her little lungs.
and it's interspersed with lyrics from "Itsy Bitsy Spider."
a little while ago she gathered up her blankie and her Nemo and came out of her room, acting like she'd just woken up (only I knew this wasn't the case since I'd been listening to her singing!). i forced her back to her room and she protested. argh. but at least abby's continued to snooze through the racket (so far).
this is the worst possible (or best, depending on how you look at it) day for her to pull a stunt like this. i have a sitter coming tonight because i am going out with my friends and D is golfing. so my guess is the sitter is in for it. but on the flip side, i'm NOT in for it, since i won't be here. but frankly i'm worried for the sitter!
pray for us.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I just finished watching this movie. Happened upon it while scrolling through Netflix on line a few weeks ago, and since it debuted at the Sundance Film Festival (2004), I figured it might be really good and it sounded interesting. I didn't realize until just now it's based on a book, and I will definitely be reading it.
It moved me beyond words. It is amazing to me how although my teenage years seem so far behind, I can at the same time feel instantly transported to those awkward, awful periods. And while I did not experience the exact things Melinda did, I could still relate and immediately recall the feelings of being shunned, invisible, alone and sad, but for different reasons. Melinda was raped (I was not, obviously). Instead I feel like I was robbed of my innocence on other levels and forced to grow up in a sudden, awful instant when I was only 14.
I wish for my daughters an adolescence unlike my own. I want them to be carefree and happy and outgoing. For many reasons I was none of those things. Sooner or later I have to take responsibility for myself, but conversely I think my dad's revelation couldn't have come at a more complicated time in my life. I had to feel feelings that no one else my age would even begin to comprehend. I had no one to share it with. I was utterly and completely alone. Like Melinda, I confided in a teacher, which ultimately proved to be a mistake because it later became another source of angst for me as people misperceived (i don't think that's a word but i don't care) our relationship. People thought I was sleeping with my writing teacher (and honestly, people, this is ME we're talking about), when in fact nothing could have been further from the truth. Like Melinda, I often ate lunch in my teacher's room for lack of friends to sit with. I don't know what would have happened if I'd tried to reach out more. But I was too scared so I'll never know. It is hard for me to even write this because some of those days are still so raw and fresh in my mind. If I could go back, what would I do differently, or would I even be able to? Would people really see me? Was I too much in my own head? All I wanted was a normal teenage existence. I got a bit of it in random spurts here and there. But mostly when I look back, it makes me sad. And I don't want that for my girls.
My senior year of high school things finally turned around a bit for me. I'm not sure if it came from within or if other people were also starting to grow up. I was also relishing the idea of going away to college and being able to start over where no one knew anything about me, and I could have a blank slate to fill as I wished.
Why do I still think so much about the past? About how I was? About the pile of old journals I can't bear to open that are hiding in an old backpack in my basement....last time I looked back in them and read snippets, I cried. I wrote so much and I wrote all the time. I like to think it helped me through some rough things. I've often thought about burning them. I don't ever want anyone to read/find them. But part of me can't let go or something. I don't write much anymore. Part of it is not having the time, and perhaps the other part is scared of what might come out or how it might sound.
I am me. I am okay. I want to be okay with being me.
I am a little pre-menstrual. sorry.
It moved me beyond words. It is amazing to me how although my teenage years seem so far behind, I can at the same time feel instantly transported to those awkward, awful periods. And while I did not experience the exact things Melinda did, I could still relate and immediately recall the feelings of being shunned, invisible, alone and sad, but for different reasons. Melinda was raped (I was not, obviously). Instead I feel like I was robbed of my innocence on other levels and forced to grow up in a sudden, awful instant when I was only 14.
I wish for my daughters an adolescence unlike my own. I want them to be carefree and happy and outgoing. For many reasons I was none of those things. Sooner or later I have to take responsibility for myself, but conversely I think my dad's revelation couldn't have come at a more complicated time in my life. I had to feel feelings that no one else my age would even begin to comprehend. I had no one to share it with. I was utterly and completely alone. Like Melinda, I confided in a teacher, which ultimately proved to be a mistake because it later became another source of angst for me as people misperceived (i don't think that's a word but i don't care) our relationship. People thought I was sleeping with my writing teacher (and honestly, people, this is ME we're talking about), when in fact nothing could have been further from the truth. Like Melinda, I often ate lunch in my teacher's room for lack of friends to sit with. I don't know what would have happened if I'd tried to reach out more. But I was too scared so I'll never know. It is hard for me to even write this because some of those days are still so raw and fresh in my mind. If I could go back, what would I do differently, or would I even be able to? Would people really see me? Was I too much in my own head? All I wanted was a normal teenage existence. I got a bit of it in random spurts here and there. But mostly when I look back, it makes me sad. And I don't want that for my girls.
My senior year of high school things finally turned around a bit for me. I'm not sure if it came from within or if other people were also starting to grow up. I was also relishing the idea of going away to college and being able to start over where no one knew anything about me, and I could have a blank slate to fill as I wished.
Why do I still think so much about the past? About how I was? About the pile of old journals I can't bear to open that are hiding in an old backpack in my basement....last time I looked back in them and read snippets, I cried. I wrote so much and I wrote all the time. I like to think it helped me through some rough things. I've often thought about burning them. I don't ever want anyone to read/find them. But part of me can't let go or something. I don't write much anymore. Part of it is not having the time, and perhaps the other part is scared of what might come out or how it might sound.
I am me. I am okay. I want to be okay with being me.
I am a little pre-menstrual. sorry.
Monday, July 21, 2008
i ran 2 1/2 miles today (tried a new route) and am going to attempt 3 tomorrow. will see how that goes for a while. i was very bad last week....skipped thursday-sunday. thursday mornings dan always leaves the house extra early (by 6:15), so i'm not quite willing to get up that early (he runs first each morning so that by the time i get back home, he can leave for work). friday morning i was planning to go and then it never happened, and then there's the weekend. poor excuses. but hey, if my goal is to do it 5 days a week and i mostly accomplish that, then i'm happy. and anything is better than nothing, which is what i was doing a few months ago-----right?
the girls are finishing up lunch. they were throwing grapes across the table at one another a few minutes ago and i told them if it didn't stop, lunch was over. abby stopped, but izzy did not. took her lunch away and then caved after 5 solid minutes of screaming and gave her a 2nd chance. they are now eating "roast feet" for lunch (roast beef). lol.
we had a great weekend. cirque de soleil (Saltimbanco) was not as good as the others we'd seen, but still was amazing. One of our neighbors got pulled out of the audience for a skit on stage. it was really funny. the girls had a great time with their grandparents and we also took them to the pool both afternoons....it was HOT. 99 yesterday and supposed to be the same today. gross.
i am heading to lawrence tomorrow to take my aunt to lunch in honor of her birthday. otherwise nothing too exciting going on this week.
have i mentioned i'm ready for fall?
the girls are finishing up lunch. they were throwing grapes across the table at one another a few minutes ago and i told them if it didn't stop, lunch was over. abby stopped, but izzy did not. took her lunch away and then caved after 5 solid minutes of screaming and gave her a 2nd chance. they are now eating "roast feet" for lunch (roast beef). lol.
we had a great weekend. cirque de soleil (Saltimbanco) was not as good as the others we'd seen, but still was amazing. One of our neighbors got pulled out of the audience for a skit on stage. it was really funny. the girls had a great time with their grandparents and we also took them to the pool both afternoons....it was HOT. 99 yesterday and supposed to be the same today. gross.
i am heading to lawrence tomorrow to take my aunt to lunch in honor of her birthday. otherwise nothing too exciting going on this week.
have i mentioned i'm ready for fall?
Friday, July 18, 2008
weekend, here we come!
i am tres, tres excited about this weekend.
tonight D's mom is taking the girls (at her request!) over to her house for a sleepover. we are having some friends over for dinner and drinks. it'll be so nice not to have to cope with cranky children whilst attempting to entertain our pals....
then tomorrow night we are going to Cirque de Soleil, just the two of us, and D's dad and step mom are taking the girls for a sleepover. we asked if we could do this a while back since Cirque doesn't start until 8 p.m. and we knew it would be a late night...D's dad and step mom are leaving for San Francisco again in less than two weeks (and will be there for 6 weeks), so they will enjoy this quality time with the girls.
the girls will be with us during the day tomorrow, of course, and we'll pick them up by 9 or 10 Sunday morning (and even earlier on Saturday morning)...so they will still have plenty of mommy and daddy over the weekend.
on another note, my dad and kory are coming to visit from 8/1 - 8/4, so that is something to look forward to as well.
i am attempting my first challah this afternoon. i'm sure it will be a bust, but i wanted to try.
desperately need a shower. must dash. hope everyone has a fun weekend!
tonight D's mom is taking the girls (at her request!) over to her house for a sleepover. we are having some friends over for dinner and drinks. it'll be so nice not to have to cope with cranky children whilst attempting to entertain our pals....
then tomorrow night we are going to Cirque de Soleil, just the two of us, and D's dad and step mom are taking the girls for a sleepover. we asked if we could do this a while back since Cirque doesn't start until 8 p.m. and we knew it would be a late night...D's dad and step mom are leaving for San Francisco again in less than two weeks (and will be there for 6 weeks), so they will enjoy this quality time with the girls.
the girls will be with us during the day tomorrow, of course, and we'll pick them up by 9 or 10 Sunday morning (and even earlier on Saturday morning)...so they will still have plenty of mommy and daddy over the weekend.
on another note, my dad and kory are coming to visit from 8/1 - 8/4, so that is something to look forward to as well.
i am attempting my first challah this afternoon. i'm sure it will be a bust, but i wanted to try.
desperately need a shower. must dash. hope everyone has a fun weekend!
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