All pajammied up and trying on all of mommy's shoes. This can keep us occupied for at least 15 minutes. Sweet!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
All pajammied up and trying on all of mommy's shoes. This can keep us occupied for at least 15 minutes. Sweet!
Can you stand more memories?
I remember the day the Challenger exploded. I was in 4th grade. Most of the school crowded into the cafeteria where there was a small black and white television. It was very quiet in there. They played it over and over. It was awful. I think we were just old enough to realize what had happened. I remember doing a report on Christa McAuliffe soon after, Teacher in Space.
I remember our teacher then, Mrs. Tocho. She was tough. But she taught us how to study. She kept a small tin of peppermints on her desk. If you had a sore throat, she'd give you one. If you feigned a cough, she'd give you one. She also handed out these really long, hard study guides with 75+ questions. We'd read all about ancient Mesopotamia and then have to do the study guides in our black and white composition books.
I remember struggling with Latin in 8th grade. Everyone else got it except for me. I copied Allison's homework a few times, nearly crying with shame. Amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant. Mrs. Troxclair recommended that I get a tutor. Amazingly, I met with said tutor once, and it was like everything clicked. All of a sudden I was conjugating verbs and declining nouns with ease. Whew.
I remember having a string of French teachers in high school. I'm not sure why Ecole couldn't keep one. Maybe we scared them off? I still remember memorizing dialogues for Mrs. Barr (was that her name?). "Ou sont les jeunes filles en chapeaux? Elles ont a la plage." We had to sit in alphabetical order, so I always sat behind Kim and then Riley sat behind me. We had to choose French names for ourselves from a dinky list in our textbooks. I chose "Chantal." Snort.
I remember having to memorize that speech from Julius Caesar for Ms. Foley. We each took turns going up to her desk to quietly repeat it to her. I think it was around 187 lines, beginning with, "Friends, Romans, countrymen: lend me your ears. I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him." I remember being very anxious on that day, but I did it. I stopped here and there and drew a blank. Ms. Foley told me to just relax and wait a minute, and assured me it would come. She was right. I amazed myself.
I remember doing this stupid "red book" in sophomore writing. It was a workbook all about improving one's writing with phrases like, "in addition to," "above all," "not only....but also," and words like "nevertheless," "however," and "moreover." It also involved writing and re-writing extensive paragraphs with no mistakes. Back then it was frustrating and stupid. In retrospect I think it was a brilliant thing.
I remember dissecting worms, frogs, and something else---mice, maybe? in Biology class. We had metal trays with cushioning inside that you could use pins with to secure the subject to. The smell was awful. I thought about being one of those students that refused to harm animals, but in the end I was much too curious and interested about seeing the organs and insides.
I remember loathing P.E. I wasn't decent at any sports except for volleyball. And no one dared use the showers afterwards--no doors and very dirty/gross. So we just poured on the deodorant after class. Some of the girls even used Right Guard. The thought of all that aerosol still makes me shudder.
I remember realizing my freshman year that now that I was in high school, I could go to the Homecoming Dance. Only I didn't have a date. I stayed home. When I was a sophomore I really really wanted to go. So I asked the first guy I ever kissed, Scott. I can't believe I had the balls to call him after not talking to him in years. He agreed to go with me. I picked out a black dress with a giant bow along the top that had polka dots. I was very excited. I even got David L. to go with my best friend, Laura. So we doubled. It was an uneventful night. Laura got to spend the night at my house afterwards.
I remember the next morning. My mom made her usual Sunday breakfast: homemade biscuits, fried eggs, bacon, and grapefruit. Honey, butter, and preserves for the biscuits. Coffee for my parents, milk for me, Laura, and my brothers. After we stuffed ourselves, Laura's mom came to pick her up. I remember being upstairs making my bed when my parents called us back down for a "family meeting." Mark and I joked with each other on our way downstairs. "You'd better start pulling your weight around here. Take out the trash!" I jabbed at him with my elbow.
I remember going into the living room and hitting a wall of angst. My mom was sitting there crying and my dad was pacing. I remember wondering what was going on and immediately banishing the idea of more chores from my head. This wasn't going to be your average family meeting.
I remember my dad looking at a legal pad he held in his hand. Usually he reserved those for work, but clearly this was more serious than I thought.
I remember the first things my dad said. He said, "This is about honesty, integrity, respect, and my love for all of you." And then I remember he said, "Your mother and I are getting a divorce. Your father is a homosexual." I remember wondering why he was speaking about himself in the third person. It sounded so strange, like he was talking about someone other than himself. Maybe he wanted it to be about someone else.
I remember the words were thin and airy and they floated up to the ceiling. I instantly left myself. All I wanted was for the speech to be over. I remember as he was wrapping it up I asked if I could be excused. As I left the room, I remember hearing my younger brother, Kevin (who was 9 at the time), start asking a string of silly questions. I bolted upstairs.
I remember calling my best friend, Michelle. She was at a soccer tournament. I called Laura, but she had just left my house and wasn't home yet. I was crying so much I couldn't see the numbers on the phone. Finally someone answered me. Joe. I think I blurted out, "My parents are getting divorced." He suggested we meet at Metairie Playground and do homework. I didn't do any homework. I copied Joe's homework.
I remember it was a cold November day. I couldn't stop crying or shivering. I remember Joe was very patient with me and offered hugs and some wrinkled up handkerchiefs from his pocket. I didn't say much. I just needed someone to be there with me, for me. He may have saved me.
I remember our teacher then, Mrs. Tocho. She was tough. But she taught us how to study. She kept a small tin of peppermints on her desk. If you had a sore throat, she'd give you one. If you feigned a cough, she'd give you one. She also handed out these really long, hard study guides with 75+ questions. We'd read all about ancient Mesopotamia and then have to do the study guides in our black and white composition books.
I remember struggling with Latin in 8th grade. Everyone else got it except for me. I copied Allison's homework a few times, nearly crying with shame. Amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant. Mrs. Troxclair recommended that I get a tutor. Amazingly, I met with said tutor once, and it was like everything clicked. All of a sudden I was conjugating verbs and declining nouns with ease. Whew.
I remember having a string of French teachers in high school. I'm not sure why Ecole couldn't keep one. Maybe we scared them off? I still remember memorizing dialogues for Mrs. Barr (was that her name?). "Ou sont les jeunes filles en chapeaux? Elles ont a la plage." We had to sit in alphabetical order, so I always sat behind Kim and then Riley sat behind me. We had to choose French names for ourselves from a dinky list in our textbooks. I chose "Chantal." Snort.
I remember having to memorize that speech from Julius Caesar for Ms. Foley. We each took turns going up to her desk to quietly repeat it to her. I think it was around 187 lines, beginning with, "Friends, Romans, countrymen: lend me your ears. I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him." I remember being very anxious on that day, but I did it. I stopped here and there and drew a blank. Ms. Foley told me to just relax and wait a minute, and assured me it would come. She was right. I amazed myself.
I remember doing this stupid "red book" in sophomore writing. It was a workbook all about improving one's writing with phrases like, "in addition to," "above all," "not only....but also," and words like "nevertheless," "however," and "moreover." It also involved writing and re-writing extensive paragraphs with no mistakes. Back then it was frustrating and stupid. In retrospect I think it was a brilliant thing.
I remember dissecting worms, frogs, and something else---mice, maybe? in Biology class. We had metal trays with cushioning inside that you could use pins with to secure the subject to. The smell was awful. I thought about being one of those students that refused to harm animals, but in the end I was much too curious and interested about seeing the organs and insides.
I remember loathing P.E. I wasn't decent at any sports except for volleyball. And no one dared use the showers afterwards--no doors and very dirty/gross. So we just poured on the deodorant after class. Some of the girls even used Right Guard. The thought of all that aerosol still makes me shudder.
I remember realizing my freshman year that now that I was in high school, I could go to the Homecoming Dance. Only I didn't have a date. I stayed home. When I was a sophomore I really really wanted to go. So I asked the first guy I ever kissed, Scott. I can't believe I had the balls to call him after not talking to him in years. He agreed to go with me. I picked out a black dress with a giant bow along the top that had polka dots. I was very excited. I even got David L. to go with my best friend, Laura. So we doubled. It was an uneventful night. Laura got to spend the night at my house afterwards.
I remember the next morning. My mom made her usual Sunday breakfast: homemade biscuits, fried eggs, bacon, and grapefruit. Honey, butter, and preserves for the biscuits. Coffee for my parents, milk for me, Laura, and my brothers. After we stuffed ourselves, Laura's mom came to pick her up. I remember being upstairs making my bed when my parents called us back down for a "family meeting." Mark and I joked with each other on our way downstairs. "You'd better start pulling your weight around here. Take out the trash!" I jabbed at him with my elbow.
I remember going into the living room and hitting a wall of angst. My mom was sitting there crying and my dad was pacing. I remember wondering what was going on and immediately banishing the idea of more chores from my head. This wasn't going to be your average family meeting.
I remember my dad looking at a legal pad he held in his hand. Usually he reserved those for work, but clearly this was more serious than I thought.
I remember the first things my dad said. He said, "This is about honesty, integrity, respect, and my love for all of you." And then I remember he said, "Your mother and I are getting a divorce. Your father is a homosexual." I remember wondering why he was speaking about himself in the third person. It sounded so strange, like he was talking about someone other than himself. Maybe he wanted it to be about someone else.
I remember the words were thin and airy and they floated up to the ceiling. I instantly left myself. All I wanted was for the speech to be over. I remember as he was wrapping it up I asked if I could be excused. As I left the room, I remember hearing my younger brother, Kevin (who was 9 at the time), start asking a string of silly questions. I bolted upstairs.
I remember calling my best friend, Michelle. She was at a soccer tournament. I called Laura, but she had just left my house and wasn't home yet. I was crying so much I couldn't see the numbers on the phone. Finally someone answered me. Joe. I think I blurted out, "My parents are getting divorced." He suggested we meet at Metairie Playground and do homework. I didn't do any homework. I copied Joe's homework.
I remember it was a cold November day. I couldn't stop crying or shivering. I remember Joe was very patient with me and offered hugs and some wrinkled up handkerchiefs from his pocket. I didn't say much. I just needed someone to be there with me, for me. He may have saved me.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Jennifer Aniston thinks that gossips are getting creative
In Jennifer Aniston's opinion about gossips, she perceive it as getting more creative.
She said “Oh my God, they are getting so creative and desperate now. It’s really kind of interesting. It doesn’t bug me if people don’t believe it. That’s all.
“I just would hate it if people actually believed any of it. That’s what I would be disappointed with because I don’t want crap like that to distract from what I do, my work.”
Well, creative gossips do sell. The same old gossips will not attract readers.
Jennifer Aniston step in right foot whenever go in plane
Whenever Jennifer Aniston step in the plane, she has a little ritual. She will step in with her right foot first.
She said “If I walk on to an airplane, I always have to go on with my right foot first and tap the outside of the plane.I have always done it. For luck. Someone told me to do it and I don’t remember when that was. But it’s kinda stuck.”
Monday, September 28, 2009
Dear Erin (1994),

**This post is shamelessly copied from Kyslp. Read her version here.
Dear Erin (1994),
Stop sucking in your gut---you don't even have one and have no idea yet what a real gut looks like. Just wait and see. You look skinny and amazing, and you will never be this thin again. Especially without having to exercise or monitor what you eat.
I am so glad you finally stopped obsessing over that other boy who never liked you and instead moved on to Marc the Player. He was a hottie, wasn't he? I can't believe you landed him! He may have been hot, but he wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the batch. He loved to play with your hair and bring you flowers, so that wooed you. Yet he was a Westbanker and you could never *really* get past that, could you? It's a good thing he blew you off; it was really in your best interests. I think you simply had "gullible" scrawled across your forehead.
Say goodbye to the people who were mean to you and called you "Witchnose." The boys who are always telling you to "crawl back into your little Erin shell."
Don't worry about the stupid guys who never gave you a second look--in college you will meet and date several really great guys, but none will be The One. Still, it will be good practice.
Shrug off the seriousness and stress of the last few years at home and try to just have fun. Are you capable of doing that?
Oh, and skip out on the nervous breakdown in college. It's really a bummer for everyone and you should just get some good anti-depressants ahead of time. Don't take on too much at college. You really don't need to teach those 3rd graders French. They won't really be listening or paying much attention to you. Save that time and hang out with your friends or just focus on yourself. Skip tutoring in the Writing Center, too---nobody cares about that shit on your resume!
P.S. Do not drink so much of that punch on fraternity row. It is filled with Everclear and makes you act like a fool.
P.P.S. Overalls are not, were not, nor will they ever be in style. Burn them! Along with those high-waisted pants.
Erin (2009)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
More memories
I remember when the ice cream man would venture into our neighborhood while I was growing up, my mom never let us buy anything from him. She always said, "You never know how long that stuff's been sitting in the back of that nasty old truck!"
I remember all the friends I had growing up on Toby Lane in Metairie, LA. If I knocked on one door and no one was home, I just went on to the next door. I remember Jennifer, Jill, Kacie, Cherie, Michelle, Brennan, and Anne.
I remember Jennifer's mom kept a stash of Blow Pops. My mom never let us have candy (except on Halloween). So I'd just go over to Jennifer's house.
I remember Brennan was a cheerleader at our school and she taught me all of her routines so I could try out when I was in 5th grade. I had to try out first (we drew numbers out of a hat). I was so nervous. I didn't make the cut. Not entirely surprising. But it's the first time I can really remember wanting to belong to something---but being on the outside of it. Not worthy. Not good enough. The cheerleaders were the popular girls.
I remember making green slime with Jill (a la Nickelodeon's "You Can't Do That on Television"). We used oatmeal and green food coloring and made a mess. Jill's mom was less than thrilled. Jill is brilliant and now retired with a hedge fund. I don't even really know what a hedge fund is.
I remember we went to the pet store one day and came home with a Yorkie and two parakeets. My younger brother Kevin was allowed to name the birds (I'm not sure why). He named them "Jack" and "Jack." My parents named the dog Darby. I remember her running around in huge circles in the backyard. We called her "the black blur" because all you'd see was this blur of her fur as she whizzed by.
I remember Darby once got a hold of a pack of gum. I don't have to tell you the rest. It wasn't pretty.
I had a fear of dogs when I was little. Our next door neighbors in Houma had an English Mastiff. His name was Chaos. 'Nuff said. One day Chaos chased me (I didn't understand that dogs chase you when you run) and it was so incredibly scary. He never hurt or bit me, but he was soooo big, and I was soooo little. That sealed the deal. Until we got Darby, I steered clear of dogs. If I was going to a friend's house and she had a dog, I had to ask her to put the dog in another room. Now I can't imagine being afraid of the most lovable creatures on earth!
I remember the awful red plaid skirts we had to wear to school. They were supposed to be knee length, but a lot of the girls wore theirs shorter. I remember getting hand-me-down skirts from some of our babysitters who also lived down the block. They were not the kind of girls who wore short skirts, either.
I remember our favorite babysitters on the block were Natalie and Cathy (sisters). Natalie was older and a Star Trek and Doctor Who fan. I didn't love that about her. But she was fun and actually interacted with us and taught us how to play Sardines (glorified Hide & Seek, you hide with the person when you find him/her...until one person is left looking for everyone else who is hiding together).
I remember my parents traveled to Europe when I was in 6th grade or so and Natalie and Cathy stayed with us. We got to eat Popeye's fried chicken, Domino's pizza, and sloppy joes all week. We rented "Jumpin' Jack Flash" from Blockbuster which was a BIG deal because it was rated R and had curse words in it.
I remember one day when I was 13, I was outside talking to some kids I babysat for when I felt something weird. I went inside to use the bathroom. I'd gotten my first period. I knew what I thought it was, but I wasn't exactly sure, so I called for my mom. Then we had to go to Walgreens with toilet paper stuffed in my underwear. I was so excited to buy my first pack of Always for teens. They came in individual little purple wrappers. Nevermind that I was about the last girl in my class to get it. I was self conscious but very relieved.
I remember my first training bra. My friend Cherie teasing me. She'd snap it in the back and sing, "Erin's got the cotton!" I turned purple with embarrassment. Probably because I didn't really need a training bra. Training for what, anyway? Why can't they just call it a bra?
I remember with my period came an onslaught of other issues. Acne, obsession with my weight/how I looked, terrible self-consciousness, anxiety, and bouts of self-deprecation. Even a little self-mutilation. Does every young girl go through this? Fortunately my mom took me to the dermatologist and Retin-A resolved the acne. But the rest? We found a good therapist who worked predominantly with teenage girls.
I remember seeing my therapist off and on starting at age 13. When things got really rough I went twice a week. After my dad came out of the closet, Robin (my therapist) suggested to me that I had sensed things were not right with my parents. That I was coping with all that stuff. Who really knows?
I remember Robin's office was very cool. Neat artwork. Lots of books on shelves. Quiet. She was always drinking coffee. Nonstop. I wonder how that woman ever slept. She was chronically late, too. Even if I was late, she was later. I remember her taking notes on yellow legal pads. I always wondered what she wrote about me. It would be interesting to see now. But I don't know that I'd really want to. I cringe at the thought.
I remember there were railroad tracks right by her office. When trains passed by, it got so loud and you could feel the vibrations and a slight shudder/shift in the building. Sometimes I wanted to get on that train and let it take me far away to another place.
I remember Robin always perched her two perfect feet on a little stool in front of her swivel chair. Probably something for posture, or to help her deal with sitting all day. She always wore the coolest shoes. I focused on them when I was afraid to speak or wasn't sure where to begin.
I remember seeing other patients in the waiting room, seeing the other therapists walking around in between appointments. Wondering what went on in other offices there. Seeing other people come out with kleenex and runny noses, red faces. Wanting to go up and hug them and tell them they were not alone.
I remember feeling guilty that my parents had to pay for my therapy. I remember the insurance running out and then they had to pay out of pocket. And still I went. It may have saved me.
I remember all the friends I had growing up on Toby Lane in Metairie, LA. If I knocked on one door and no one was home, I just went on to the next door. I remember Jennifer, Jill, Kacie, Cherie, Michelle, Brennan, and Anne.
I remember Jennifer's mom kept a stash of Blow Pops. My mom never let us have candy (except on Halloween). So I'd just go over to Jennifer's house.
I remember Brennan was a cheerleader at our school and she taught me all of her routines so I could try out when I was in 5th grade. I had to try out first (we drew numbers out of a hat). I was so nervous. I didn't make the cut. Not entirely surprising. But it's the first time I can really remember wanting to belong to something---but being on the outside of it. Not worthy. Not good enough. The cheerleaders were the popular girls.
I remember making green slime with Jill (a la Nickelodeon's "You Can't Do That on Television"). We used oatmeal and green food coloring and made a mess. Jill's mom was less than thrilled. Jill is brilliant and now retired with a hedge fund. I don't even really know what a hedge fund is.
I remember we went to the pet store one day and came home with a Yorkie and two parakeets. My younger brother Kevin was allowed to name the birds (I'm not sure why). He named them "Jack" and "Jack." My parents named the dog Darby. I remember her running around in huge circles in the backyard. We called her "the black blur" because all you'd see was this blur of her fur as she whizzed by.
I remember Darby once got a hold of a pack of gum. I don't have to tell you the rest. It wasn't pretty.
I had a fear of dogs when I was little. Our next door neighbors in Houma had an English Mastiff. His name was Chaos. 'Nuff said. One day Chaos chased me (I didn't understand that dogs chase you when you run) and it was so incredibly scary. He never hurt or bit me, but he was soooo big, and I was soooo little. That sealed the deal. Until we got Darby, I steered clear of dogs. If I was going to a friend's house and she had a dog, I had to ask her to put the dog in another room. Now I can't imagine being afraid of the most lovable creatures on earth!
I remember the awful red plaid skirts we had to wear to school. They were supposed to be knee length, but a lot of the girls wore theirs shorter. I remember getting hand-me-down skirts from some of our babysitters who also lived down the block. They were not the kind of girls who wore short skirts, either.
I remember our favorite babysitters on the block were Natalie and Cathy (sisters). Natalie was older and a Star Trek and Doctor Who fan. I didn't love that about her. But she was fun and actually interacted with us and taught us how to play Sardines (glorified Hide & Seek, you hide with the person when you find him/her...until one person is left looking for everyone else who is hiding together).
I remember my parents traveled to Europe when I was in 6th grade or so and Natalie and Cathy stayed with us. We got to eat Popeye's fried chicken, Domino's pizza, and sloppy joes all week. We rented "Jumpin' Jack Flash" from Blockbuster which was a BIG deal because it was rated R and had curse words in it.
I remember one day when I was 13, I was outside talking to some kids I babysat for when I felt something weird. I went inside to use the bathroom. I'd gotten my first period. I knew what I thought it was, but I wasn't exactly sure, so I called for my mom. Then we had to go to Walgreens with toilet paper stuffed in my underwear. I was so excited to buy my first pack of Always for teens. They came in individual little purple wrappers. Nevermind that I was about the last girl in my class to get it. I was self conscious but very relieved.
I remember my first training bra. My friend Cherie teasing me. She'd snap it in the back and sing, "Erin's got the cotton!" I turned purple with embarrassment. Probably because I didn't really need a training bra. Training for what, anyway? Why can't they just call it a bra?
I remember with my period came an onslaught of other issues. Acne, obsession with my weight/how I looked, terrible self-consciousness, anxiety, and bouts of self-deprecation. Even a little self-mutilation. Does every young girl go through this? Fortunately my mom took me to the dermatologist and Retin-A resolved the acne. But the rest? We found a good therapist who worked predominantly with teenage girls.
I remember seeing my therapist off and on starting at age 13. When things got really rough I went twice a week. After my dad came out of the closet, Robin (my therapist) suggested to me that I had sensed things were not right with my parents. That I was coping with all that stuff. Who really knows?
I remember Robin's office was very cool. Neat artwork. Lots of books on shelves. Quiet. She was always drinking coffee. Nonstop. I wonder how that woman ever slept. She was chronically late, too. Even if I was late, she was later. I remember her taking notes on yellow legal pads. I always wondered what she wrote about me. It would be interesting to see now. But I don't know that I'd really want to. I cringe at the thought.
I remember there were railroad tracks right by her office. When trains passed by, it got so loud and you could feel the vibrations and a slight shudder/shift in the building. Sometimes I wanted to get on that train and let it take me far away to another place.
I remember Robin always perched her two perfect feet on a little stool in front of her swivel chair. Probably something for posture, or to help her deal with sitting all day. She always wore the coolest shoes. I focused on them when I was afraid to speak or wasn't sure where to begin.
I remember seeing other patients in the waiting room, seeing the other therapists walking around in between appointments. Wondering what went on in other offices there. Seeing other people come out with kleenex and runny noses, red faces. Wanting to go up and hug them and tell them they were not alone.
I remember feeling guilty that my parents had to pay for my therapy. I remember the insurance running out and then they had to pay out of pocket. And still I went. It may have saved me.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Is Jennifer Aniston pregnant?
Jennifer Aniston has a small tummy and Ok!magazine already saying she is pregnant. Well, because everyone knows that she has a great body and she has a nice flat stomach. Well, you can't blame them when they see a bump.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Paula Deen Halloween Recipe
Okay all you ghouls, ghosts, and goblins, this one's for you! It's to DIE for, hahahahaha!!!
Paula Deen's Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake
Cake ingredients:
1 (18 1/4 ounces) package yellow cake mix
1 egg
8 tablespoons butter, melted
Filling ingredients:
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
1 15-ounce can of pumpkin
3 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
8 tbsp. butter, melted
1 16 oz. package confectioners' sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine the cake mix, egg and butter and mix well with an electric mixer. Put the mixture in the bottom of a lightly greased 13 x 9 inch cake pan.
For the filling, beat the cream cheese and pumpkin in a large bowl until smooth. Add the eggs, vanilla, and butter and beat together. Add the confectioners' sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg and mix well. Spread the pumpkin mixture over the cake batter and bake for 40-50 minuted. Make sure not to over bake it, as the center should be a little gooey.
Paula Deen's Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake
Cake ingredients:
1 (18 1/4 ounces) package yellow cake mix
1 egg
8 tablespoons butter, melted
Filling ingredients:
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
1 15-ounce can of pumpkin
3 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
8 tbsp. butter, melted
1 16 oz. package confectioners' sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine the cake mix, egg and butter and mix well with an electric mixer. Put the mixture in the bottom of a lightly greased 13 x 9 inch cake pan.
For the filling, beat the cream cheese and pumpkin in a large bowl until smooth. Add the eggs, vanilla, and butter and beat together. Add the confectioners' sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg and mix well. Spread the pumpkin mixture over the cake batter and bake for 40-50 minuted. Make sure not to over bake it, as the center should be a little gooey.
Tips & tricks
Lately I have discovered some tips & tricks for instant weight loss BEFORE getting on the scale every morning. I think it's my duty to share these so that others may benefit from my expertise. It's crucial to weigh yourself first thing in the morning before eating anything. You should also aim to weigh yourself at the same time each day. But I bet you didn't realize all the other ways to lose those pesky extra ounces:
1.) Remove ALL clothing.
2.) Remove any hair accessories, i.e. ponytail holders, bobby pins, and clips.
3.) Pluck your eyebrows. Vigorously.
4.) Shave your legs. All the way, not halfway.
5.) Pee and poop.
6.) Trim your fingernails down to the quick and remove your nail polish.
7.) Get a Brazilian bikini wax.
8.) Take off any and all jewelry, including rings, necklaces, nipple ring, etc.
9.) Poop again, if you can.
10.) Blow your nose. Hard. Use your neti pot.
11.) If you have showered, make sure your hair is thoroughly dry and retains no water.
12.) Brush your teeth and gargle with Listerine to kill those nasty bacteria.
13.) Consider a hair cut. Or at least a trim.
14.) Do not put on any products until after you've weighed in. This includes, but is not limited to the following: moisturizer, makeup, deodorant, lotion, or hair products/spray.
15.) Expel all of the air from your lungs prior to stepping on your scale. Do not inhale until your weight has registered.
Can you help me think of any more?
1.) Remove ALL clothing.
2.) Remove any hair accessories, i.e. ponytail holders, bobby pins, and clips.
3.) Pluck your eyebrows. Vigorously.
4.) Shave your legs. All the way, not halfway.
5.) Pee and poop.
6.) Trim your fingernails down to the quick and remove your nail polish.
7.) Get a Brazilian bikini wax.
8.) Take off any and all jewelry, including rings, necklaces, nipple ring, etc.
9.) Poop again, if you can.
10.) Blow your nose. Hard. Use your neti pot.
11.) If you have showered, make sure your hair is thoroughly dry and retains no water.
12.) Brush your teeth and gargle with Listerine to kill those nasty bacteria.
13.) Consider a hair cut. Or at least a trim.
14.) Do not put on any products until after you've weighed in. This includes, but is not limited to the following: moisturizer, makeup, deodorant, lotion, or hair products/spray.
15.) Expel all of the air from your lungs prior to stepping on your scale. Do not inhale until your weight has registered.
Can you help me think of any more?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I remember
Until Bird by Bird arrives, I'm using a Leslea Newman book on writing to get me started. One of her first suggestions is to start with the phrase, "I remember." Just write out whatever comes to mind, and start over with "I remember" again after the first memory floats away. So I thought I might share some of that here.
I remember sitting in the Millsaps computer lab in 1994 being very confused about how to send an email to someone NOT on campus. Several failed attempts later, I finally got it. My how times have changed!
I remember eating lots of cold cereal and turkey sandwiches during my college years. The food in the caf was less than appetizing. Of course there was also the occasional late night Domino's Pizza...
I remember eating fried pickles at the Cherokee Inn with my sorority sisters. It was like a rite of passage. Fried pickles and beer. Oh, and MAPS Fest at the Reservoir: Men Are Pond Scum.
I remember being very upset on Bid Day morning when I woke up a Phi Mu. I was so sure I was destined to be a KD. But things have a way of working out for the best. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I remember wearing my Gap overalls a lot in college. I LOVED them. I thought they were so cute. Obviously that's no longer the case, but I was addicted back then. I also remember loving my Doc Martens. My friend, Emily, showed me how to rip my jeans at the bottom to look cool.
I remember sitting in the Millsaps computer lab in 1994 being very confused about how to send an email to someone NOT on campus. Several failed attempts later, I finally got it. My how times have changed!
I remember eating lots of cold cereal and turkey sandwiches during my college years. The food in the caf was less than appetizing. Of course there was also the occasional late night Domino's Pizza...
I remember eating fried pickles at the Cherokee Inn with my sorority sisters. It was like a rite of passage. Fried pickles and beer. Oh, and MAPS Fest at the Reservoir: Men Are Pond Scum.
I remember being very upset on Bid Day morning when I woke up a Phi Mu. I was so sure I was destined to be a KD. But things have a way of working out for the best. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I remember wearing my Gap overalls a lot in college. I LOVED them. I thought they were so cute. Obviously that's no longer the case, but I was addicted back then. I also remember loving my Doc Martens. My friend, Emily, showed me how to rip my jeans at the bottom to look cool.
I remember becoming news co-editor of the campus newspaper and being so excited. That excitement waned as the semester wore on and I was writing most of the articles myself plus juggling classes, sorority, and other extra-curricular activities.
I remember working in the Millsaps Writing Center in the John Stone House. It was such a neat old place. Kind of creaky, quiet, and drafty. I took a Women's Studies class that was held upstairs there, and we all sat around on the floor on old pillows talking about Mary Wollstonecraft.
I remember going to synagogue with all of my favorite professors in Jackson. We barely had a minyan half the time. It was always lovely and I even got to carry the Torah scrolls a few times.
I remember meeting Dan while I was in graduate school and thinking early on that he was the man I'd marry. On our first date in October of 1999, we dined at Vincent's in NOLA and I didn't really eat. I was too nervous. I left my leftovers in his car by accident when he dropped me off. When he drove away, I left him a message on his answering machine at home telling him I enjoyed our date and thanking him for dinner. When he got home and heard the message he called his mom and played it for her. He thought it was cute.
I remember wanting to be a mom even when I was very young. I always knew it was something I wanted to do. I never dreamed it would be so difficult. People should realize that conceiving a child is akin to all the planets aligning; it's that complicated. Some people are just lucky, I guess. I wasn't one of them.
I remember lugging around my dog-eared copy of "Taking Charge of Your Fertility," along with charts of my cycles. I remember the doctor saying, "Honey, you're not having cycles. Honey, you're not even ovulating." I remember filling my Clomid prescription and starting it several months before we moved to KC. I remember getting my hopes up. I remember deluding myself and imagining what it would be like to get a positive pregnancy test.
I remember all the tests. I remember crying. I remember the phone call from the nurse that fall afternoon. She said, "The IUI failed. We need to move on to in vitro (IVF)." I remember being so caught off guard I couldn't really speak. I never thought I'd need IVF.
I remember filling about 12 prescriptions at the pharmacy. My new red sharps box. Needles--both large ones and small ones. A bottle of progesterone in oil. Pills, pills, and more pills. A schedule written out. I remember driving back and forth to that office every other day for months. Ultrasounds. Blood work. Procedures.
I remember the first mock embryo transfer, which was like practice for the IVF. My cervix wasn't cooperating and the doctor couldn't pass the catheter through, so she had to use a tenaculum to clamp it. I screamed and cried. And she yelled at me, "Get a hold of yourself! You're a grown woman!" That cut me to the core. If I hadn't wanted a baby so badly, I might have left right then and there.
I remember the first IVF failing. I was broken. But I wanted to get right back on the horse and do it again. I was determined.
I remember starting all over again. Not long after the shots began, I told Dan, "I can't go through this again. If this one fails, I want to talk about adoption." He nodded silently.
I remember on the day of the embryo transfer the doctor said both looked so good she was concerned we'd end up with twins. I cried tears of joy.
I remember 7 days later, I started bleeding. I called Dan at work to tell him. He could hardly speak. I remember I called the nurse and started crying so hard on the phone. She told me to come in the next morning for my blood test, even though it was still too early. I begged her because I needed to know it was over. I needed to have closure and begin to move on.
I remember it was an eternity until I went for that blood test. I remember waiting by the phone. I remember getting the call an hour after I got home. I remember Brandi saying, "Erin, you're pregnant!"
I remember extra shots of progesterone to stop the bleeding. I remember being scared it wouldn't stick.
I remember morning sickness setting in. My fear began to wane.
I remember going in for my 6-week ultrasound. I remember as soon as something was on the screen the nurse grinned from ear to ear and held up two fingers. "It's twins!" she yelled.
I remember Friday, December 9, 2005 like it was yesterday. The best day of my life. The day my daughters were born.
Favorite Posts,
I remember,
Jennifer Aniston is dating with film producer Scott Stuber
There were rumors circulating saying she was dating wih Butler but now according to the latest reports, she is dating with producer Scott Stuber.
One source said “Jen is into Scott in a big way, and she’s distancing herself from Gerard."
“Jen began stressing out over Gerard’s history as a womanizer, and then she began hearing crazy rumors about his sexuality. In the end, she figured Gerard was just too much drama.
“Jen and Scott have known each other for years. They have a great working relationship and now that’s blossoming into romance.
“Scott has been a steady friend and confidante to Jen for years — and now the timing is finally right for more.”
Jennifer Aniston cried when a scene reminded her of Brad Pitt
Jennifer Aniston cried in her trailer when she was on the set "The Bounty" because a scene " reminded her of former husband Brad Pitt according to source.
The source tells Page Six that when an assistant went to see Aniston, she was crying, and said, "I need a moment. This scene reminds me of Brad and me."
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Interview with....Izzy M.

What is your favorite color? pink
What is your favorite holiday? Halloween
What do you want for your birthday? a Sleeping Beauty cake
What is your favorite food: red beans and rice
What is your favorite movie? The Little Mermaid
What is your favorite cereal? Cheerios with hearts (Kashi Heart to Heart)
What is your favorite dessert? cereal bars (Kashi)
What is your favorite restaurant? Winstead's
Who is your best friend? Kaylie
What is your favorite holiday? Halloween
What is your favorite animal? goat
What is your favorite thing to do? kick the soccer ball or play with bouncy balls
What is your favorite story/book? Goodnight NOLA
What do you want for your birthday? a Sleeping Beauty cake
What do you want to be when you grow up? a fairy
** I interviewed both girls at the same time, which may have worked against me, for some of the answers mirrored each other. Some answers, on the other hand, appear to be pulled out of thin air. But I still really wanted to do this and thought it was a cute idea. May have to add more questions later.
Interview with....Abby M.

What is your favorite color? blue
What is your favorite food? chicken nuggets with ketchup
What is your favorite movie? Sleeping Beauty
What is your favorite cereal? Rice Chex
What is your favorite dessert? pumpkin pie and sunflower seed cookies (unable to choose just one, apparently)
What is your favorite restaurant? Winstead's
Who is your best friend: Jenna
What is your favorite holiday? Halloween
What is your favorite animal? pig
What is your favorite thing to do? play outside
What is your favorite book/story? Fancy Nancy
What do you want for your birthday? a Belle cake (Belle as in Beauty and the Beast)
What do you want to be when you grow up? A toy fairy (something we instated courtesy of Parents Magazine. The toy fairy visits our home nightly and takes any toys that haven't been cleaned up. She then holds them until further notice or brings them to some other kids in need)
What is your favorite food? chicken nuggets with ketchup
What is your favorite movie? Sleeping Beauty
What is your favorite cereal? Rice Chex
What is your favorite dessert? pumpkin pie and sunflower seed cookies (unable to choose just one, apparently)
What is your favorite restaurant? Winstead's
Who is your best friend: Jenna
What is your favorite holiday? Halloween
What is your favorite animal? pig
What is your favorite thing to do? play outside
What is your favorite book/story? Fancy Nancy
What do you want for your birthday? a Belle cake (Belle as in Beauty and the Beast)
What do you want to be when you grow up? A toy fairy (something we instated courtesy of Parents Magazine. The toy fairy visits our home nightly and takes any toys that haven't been cleaned up. She then holds them until further notice or brings them to some other kids in need)
Jennifer Aniston went to Britney Spears' El Paso concert
According to spies, Jennifer Aniston is currently in Texas because she is a fan of Britney Spears and she went to Britney Spears' El Paso concert at the Don Haskins Center on Monday night.
Around the house on a lovely Wednesday morning...
It's a lovely morning here. I was in the kitchen scrambling some eggs with the windows and screen doors to the porch open. Cool fall breezes are wafting in and I can hear the scrunchy sound of the first fall leaves as they come together in haphazard piles on the sidewalk. This morning is a tease---it will warm up later, but with temperatures in the 50s at breakfast, it's just enough of an excuse for me to put on my new purple sweater from Ann Taylor Loft and get all cozy.
Toast is in the oven, the cinnamon sugar melting slowly into the butter. Cold milk in the girls' plastic cups with blue and green monsters all over them. I've sliced some perfect red strawberries and can't stop shoveling their sweetness into my mouth as I go. I'm in a fantastic mood because I adore fall. It's my favorite season (well, except for having to clean up said leaves---you will be seeing more posts about this soon enough). I love turtlenecks and sweaters and corduroy pants, boots and scarves and hats, and bundling up under lots of woolly layers. I do miss Miss New Orleans, but one of my issues with her is that she really only has one season---hot. I always had a hard time getting into the holiday spirit when we lived there. Here, not so!
The Halloween countdown continues--I put up my little skeleton guy the other day, and perhaps later this afternoon the cobwebs might come out. Fall, I love you!
Toast is in the oven, the cinnamon sugar melting slowly into the butter. Cold milk in the girls' plastic cups with blue and green monsters all over them. I've sliced some perfect red strawberries and can't stop shoveling their sweetness into my mouth as I go. I'm in a fantastic mood because I adore fall. It's my favorite season (well, except for having to clean up said leaves---you will be seeing more posts about this soon enough). I love turtlenecks and sweaters and corduroy pants, boots and scarves and hats, and bundling up under lots of woolly layers. I do miss Miss New Orleans, but one of my issues with her is that she really only has one season---hot. I always had a hard time getting into the holiday spirit when we lived there. Here, not so!
The Halloween countdown continues--I put up my little skeleton guy the other day, and perhaps later this afternoon the cobwebs might come out. Fall, I love you!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life?
The world would split open."
--Muriel Rukeyser
The world would split open."
--Muriel Rukeyser
Monday, September 21, 2009
I am so UNworthy

1. Each Superior Scribbler must turn and pass on this award to 5 of the most deserving blogs.
2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the blog and name the author from which he/she received the award on his/her blog. Click on Lee's blog to see her original post.
3. Each Superior Scribbler must display the award on his or her blog, and link to this post.
4. Each blogger who was awarded Superior Scribbler must visit this post and add their name to the Mr. Linky list. That way we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives this prestigious honor.
5. Each Superior Scribbler must post the rules to their blog.
Now...I pass this little gem on to:
Stir-Fry Awesomeness
The Redhead Riter
These ladies are amazing and I really love reading their blogs daily. Sissi is brand new to me, but I'm already enjoying what she has to say. Please read, FOLLOW, and pass it on!!
Danielle Staub offered to give Jennifer Aniston a tour to New Jersey
Real Housewives Of New Jersey star Danielle Staub has offered Jennifer Aniston to tour around New Jersey after Jennifer comments about the state's smells.
Staub said told US weekly: "Why don't you see more of New Jersey before you say it smells?
"I would love to hang out with her. I hear she is really fabulous - but she really shouldn't say that.
"If you land in Newark and leave out of Newark, yeah, you will think NJ smells. But you can't judge it by one part. If it was so bad, I wouldn't be living here for 22 years."
Staub added: "I will personalise a tour and take her to a fabulous lunch on me afterwards. All homemade Italian food, and a tour of all the wonderfully-smelling places in New Jersey before I take you to a luncheon, my treat."
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Jennifer Aniston was a guest in Ellen show
In Ellen DeGeneres show, Jennifer Aniston was a guest few days ago. She was there to promote her new film, Love Happens.
In that show, Ellen question about her love life. Everyone seems to interested in her love life. When she was dating with John Mayer, every paparazzi seem to swarm around her. Anyway, I always think John is not a suitable candidate for her.
Sunday Stealing Meme, Part 1 (also stolen from Stir-Fry Awesomeness)
To see Stir-Fry's Blog (from whence I stole this), go here:
1. The phone rings. Who will it to be? Mostly telemarketers or someone soliciting some sort of donation, etc...a lot of times it's also the hospital looking for Hubs.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Yep. I ALSO BRING MY OWN BAGS (& not just to the grocery store, either!)
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? I think I'm mostly a listener?
4. Do you take compliments well? no
5. Do you play Sudoku? Would love to learn!
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? No. I cannot survive without running water/plumbing and I wouldn't be able to find my own food. I'd be the one eating the poisonous berries.
7. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? never to sleep away camp, but I did do art & drama classes over some summers. And I later worked as a camp counselor myself.
8. What was your favorite game as a kid? I loved Hungry Hippos, and later Monopoly and Scattergories
9. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he was married, would you? I would never date a married man.
10. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? I dated a few guys who weren't Jewish, but I knew I wanted to marry a Jew. It's that important to me.
11. Do you like to pursue or be pursued? Who doesn't like to be pursued?
12. Use three words to describe yourself? a dreamer, introspective, loyal
13. Do any songs make you cry? "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole
14. Are you continuing your education? Not currently, although I do think I'd make a kick-ass professional student.
15. Do you know how to shoot a gun? Heck no!
16. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? When I was a teenager
17. How often do you read books? Often, but not necessarily daily.
18. Do you think more about the past, present or future? the past. I dwell too much on it.
19. What is your favorite children’s book? I can't choose just one. I love the Olivia books, the Madeline books, Goodnight Moon, Where the Wild Things Are, and any Dr. Seuss. Oh and Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree.
20.What color are your eyes? brown
21. How tall are you? 5 ft 8 in
22. Where is your dream house located? I think probably on the southern coast of France, St. Tropez, maybe?
23. If your house was on fire, what are the first things you grab? My family, dog, and photo albums
24. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden? years ago during college, when we'd try to see how many baskets of free bread sticks we could score....
25. Where was the furthest place you traveled today? the day is only 1/2 over, but so far just the grocery store.
26. Do you like mustard? Yes, but really only plain yellow. Not a fan of Dijon.
1. The phone rings. Who will it to be? Mostly telemarketers or someone soliciting some sort of donation, etc...a lot of times it's also the hospital looking for Hubs.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Yep. I ALSO BRING MY OWN BAGS (& not just to the grocery store, either!)
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? I think I'm mostly a listener?
4. Do you take compliments well? no
5. Do you play Sudoku? Would love to learn!
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? No. I cannot survive without running water/plumbing and I wouldn't be able to find my own food. I'd be the one eating the poisonous berries.
7. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? never to sleep away camp, but I did do art & drama classes over some summers. And I later worked as a camp counselor myself.
8. What was your favorite game as a kid? I loved Hungry Hippos, and later Monopoly and Scattergories
9. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he was married, would you? I would never date a married man.
10. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? I dated a few guys who weren't Jewish, but I knew I wanted to marry a Jew. It's that important to me.
11. Do you like to pursue or be pursued? Who doesn't like to be pursued?
12. Use three words to describe yourself? a dreamer, introspective, loyal
13. Do any songs make you cry? "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole
14. Are you continuing your education? Not currently, although I do think I'd make a kick-ass professional student.
15. Do you know how to shoot a gun? Heck no!
16. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? When I was a teenager
17. How often do you read books? Often, but not necessarily daily.
18. Do you think more about the past, present or future? the past. I dwell too much on it.
19. What is your favorite children’s book? I can't choose just one. I love the Olivia books, the Madeline books, Goodnight Moon, Where the Wild Things Are, and any Dr. Seuss. Oh and Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree.
20.What color are your eyes? brown
21. How tall are you? 5 ft 8 in
22. Where is your dream house located? I think probably on the southern coast of France, St. Tropez, maybe?
23. If your house was on fire, what are the first things you grab? My family, dog, and photo albums
24. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden? years ago during college, when we'd try to see how many baskets of free bread sticks we could score....
25. Where was the furthest place you traveled today? the day is only 1/2 over, but so far just the grocery store.
26. Do you like mustard? Yes, but really only plain yellow. Not a fan of Dijon.
How Jennifer Aniston keeps fit
Jennifer Aniston wakes up at 5 am every morning and run laps around New Jersey’s Monmouth Park racecourse.
One insider said “She showed up every morning at 5am to run laps on the giant oval for a solid hour before cameras rolled."
“She’s really disciplined about keeping fit. She’d get there before everyone else and zip around that huge track like a winner!”
One insider said “She showed up every morning at 5am to run laps on the giant oval for a solid hour before cameras rolled."
“She’s really disciplined about keeping fit. She’d get there before everyone else and zip around that huge track like a winner!”
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Okay, gird your loins because I have a feeling this post might come off as a little strange to some of you....
We took the girls out to dinner Friday evening with some friends of ours. They have a daughter who is Abby & Izzy's age and a baby boy who is about 3 months old. Such a sweet couple and their kids are just darling. That little boy makes my ovaries ache, and I could almost swear he might be messing with Dan's mind just a tad, too---see, Dan says he doesn't want any more kids-- he says, "We're done." But I kinda feel like he could change his mind eventually.
At any rate, the baby got fussy and needed to eat. Mom donned her nursing/chest-concealing/blanket/wrap/sling thing and tossed baby up under there, all the while talking, laughing and nibbling on crab rangoon. She made it seem so natural & effortless. He hung out there for about ten minutes or so and when my girls asked what the baby was doing, I told them he was taking a nap (did not want to get into that discussion while we're at a restaurant!). I didn't mean to stare, but I was fascinated, as I am each time I witness a woman comfortably nursing her baby.
Nursing did not go well for me. I had two preemies who fell asleep at the wheel, so to speak, and unless I nursed them simultaneously I found that all I did was nurse someone all day long, basically. We have two incredible photos (one of which I debated posting here, but was too shy and not entirely sure it's appropriate even though you can't really see anything) of one of the few times I was able to get them both to latch at the same time for a feeding. It was amazing. Mind you I had 24-hour access to lactation consultants since the girls were in the NICU for three weeks. Preemies are a PAIN when it comes to breastfeeding (both literally and figuratively). With the incessant nursing and constantly having to get one and then the other latched, re-latched, and latched again, I developed severe lesions and breastfeeding became very painful and stressful for me. In the end, I gave up and resorted to pumping and doing bottle feeds.
I felt like a failure. I don't think I would have exclusively breastfed, but it sure would have been nice to have the ability and the option. But by the time the girls were discharged from the NICU and we brought them home, I was so overwhelmed with two little babies who would scream from hunger and get so frustrated with me...pumping and giving them bottles was so much easier. Some people say it's the easy way out. Needless to say the lactation consultants weren't thrilled with me when I told them I wanted to make the switch to bottles. But we did, and 48 hours later the girls were allowed to come home.
Every time I see a mom nursing I just want to cry and go up to her and ask her how she does it and how amazing it is, and does she take it for granted....because it would have been so cool to bond with my babies that way. I often wish for a third child, a singleton, so that I could try again. I'd like to think I could do it if I just had one baby to deal with.
But I'll probably never know.
We took the girls out to dinner Friday evening with some friends of ours. They have a daughter who is Abby & Izzy's age and a baby boy who is about 3 months old. Such a sweet couple and their kids are just darling. That little boy makes my ovaries ache, and I could almost swear he might be messing with Dan's mind just a tad, too---see, Dan says he doesn't want any more kids-- he says, "We're done." But I kinda feel like he could change his mind eventually.
At any rate, the baby got fussy and needed to eat. Mom donned her nursing/chest-concealing/blanket/wrap/sling thing and tossed baby up under there, all the while talking, laughing and nibbling on crab rangoon. She made it seem so natural & effortless. He hung out there for about ten minutes or so and when my girls asked what the baby was doing, I told them he was taking a nap (did not want to get into that discussion while we're at a restaurant!). I didn't mean to stare, but I was fascinated, as I am each time I witness a woman comfortably nursing her baby.
Nursing did not go well for me. I had two preemies who fell asleep at the wheel, so to speak, and unless I nursed them simultaneously I found that all I did was nurse someone all day long, basically. We have two incredible photos (one of which I debated posting here, but was too shy and not entirely sure it's appropriate even though you can't really see anything) of one of the few times I was able to get them both to latch at the same time for a feeding. It was amazing. Mind you I had 24-hour access to lactation consultants since the girls were in the NICU for three weeks. Preemies are a PAIN when it comes to breastfeeding (both literally and figuratively). With the incessant nursing and constantly having to get one and then the other latched, re-latched, and latched again, I developed severe lesions and breastfeeding became very painful and stressful for me. In the end, I gave up and resorted to pumping and doing bottle feeds.
I felt like a failure. I don't think I would have exclusively breastfed, but it sure would have been nice to have the ability and the option. But by the time the girls were discharged from the NICU and we brought them home, I was so overwhelmed with two little babies who would scream from hunger and get so frustrated with me...pumping and giving them bottles was so much easier. Some people say it's the easy way out. Needless to say the lactation consultants weren't thrilled with me when I told them I wanted to make the switch to bottles. But we did, and 48 hours later the girls were allowed to come home.
Every time I see a mom nursing I just want to cry and go up to her and ask her how she does it and how amazing it is, and does she take it for granted....because it would have been so cool to bond with my babies that way. I often wish for a third child, a singleton, so that I could try again. I'd like to think I could do it if I just had one baby to deal with.
But I'll probably never know.
Rosh Hashanah-inspired Haiku
Made the honey cake
So dry the dog won't eat it.
Should've done box mix.
Time for Tekiah Gedolah
I would have passed out by now
How does he do it???
Dinner prep at two,
Red wine goes in the brisket--
And into my glass.
Round raisin challah!
Bought mine from Great Harvest Bread.
(round challah impaired)
Sneaking into shul
Twenty minutes late in jeans.
So disrespectful.
Apples and honey
Dip deep into the sweetness
of a bright new year!
So dry the dog won't eat it.
Should've done box mix.
Time for Tekiah Gedolah
I would have passed out by now
How does he do it???
Dinner prep at two,
Red wine goes in the brisket--
And into my glass.
Round raisin challah!
Bought mine from Great Harvest Bread.
(round challah impaired)
Sneaking into shul
Twenty minutes late in jeans.
So disrespectful.
Apples and honey
Dip deep into the sweetness
of a bright new year!
Jennifer Aniston may want to open Mexican restaurant
There have been rumors saying that Jennifer Aniston may want to open a restaurant. Well, in talk show host Conan O'Brien, she confirmed she wants to be a restaurateur.
She said "I've always wanted to open a restaurant. My dad had a restaurant in New York City, called The Fives, in the days of yore. And that always was fun . . . New York needs a great Mexican restaurant . . . I love Mexican food! And usually, a really great night is had in a Mexican restaurant, no?"
Friday, September 18, 2009
Halloween--Cast your votes NOW for your favorite ensemble!!!
I'm having SO much trouble deciding which of these costumes would be best for Halloween this year. Thus I'm asking you, my devoted readers, for guidance so that I can make an informed decision. Which one should I stuff myself into, huh? (if you don't know me very well, please trust that this is oozing with sarcasm and I am not considering any of the above ensembles)
I just want to know why most adult costumes are either (a) totally inappropriate (see above) or (b) totally dumb/geeky? I am not crafty like some people (you know who you are!), so making my own costume isn't an option. This year I would like to dress up with the girls. I know I've still got time, but when faced with options like these, I just want to pull on my jeans and call it a day. Every year our country club throws a very fun Halloween party for the kids, and a lot of the adults dress up too. But I never have. So PROJECT HALLOWEEN is officially ON!
Are you dressing up for Halloween? And if so, what will you be?
Jennifer Aniston mayb consider artificial insemination
Jennifer Aniston maybe consider artificial insemination. In her next movie The Baster, she will be acting as unmarried woman who plans to use insemination method to have children.
When quoted by Entertainment Tonight whether she will do the same thing,she replied, "I'm ready for anything. Bring it on. I wouldn't rule anything out."
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Just call me....Amazon Woman.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
thinking a lot
I've been thinking a lot lately about writing a book, something I've always wanted to do, but have never really tried to do. Something I don't begin to know how to do. I know it won't be easy, and I also know there's a lot of crap out there---I want this to be good. Really, really good. Anyone can write a book. But it takes a special person to write a kick-ass book. Right?
The book I fantasize about writing is probably much bigger than I and too much to undertake, at least at this point in my life. The book I would actually write is likely a collection of shorter essays (not as daunting, perhaps more doable) and geared towards young adults. I would like to draw from my own experiences, predominantly my dad's coming out and the aftermath for me.
My dad came out of the closet not long after my 15th birthday. It was sudden and unexpected. Shortly thereafter he moved out and my two younger brothers and I continued to live with our mom.
Shortly after dad's revelation I went to Waldenbooks at Lakeside Mall (this was before the days of Barnes & Noble, before the Internet, etc.) and asked the saleswoman for help. I told her I needed to find books on "having a gay parent." She sort of giggled and hesitated, looking at me like I was crazy. Then she led me to the children's section in the back and handed me a copy of "Heather Has Two Mommies," by Leslea Newman. I'm not knocking Leslea Newman or anything, but that book (in case you didn't know) is geared towards 2-5 year olds and is about 30 pages long.
I need to do some research, but I'm not sure there's been a whole lot written since then for kids, and perhaps even less for tweens/teens. I also think it's completely different to be born as the child of a gay couple than it is to be born to a more (for lack of a better word) traditional couple that later disintegrates because one or both decide to come out. Does that make any sense?
How do I get started? If you were going to read a book like this, what would you be interested in hearing? Am I supposed to query publishing companies first to find out if there would be any potential interest in the project, or do I wait until I actually have something substantial before I shop around? I am utterly clueless.
I just keep thinking that surely the world needs a Judy Blume-esque book about having a parent come out of the closet (though I don't presume to equate myself with someone as amazing as Judy Blume!). In this age there are more and more topics kids need to become familiar & more comfortable with.
The book I fantasize about writing is probably much bigger than I and too much to undertake, at least at this point in my life. The book I would actually write is likely a collection of shorter essays (not as daunting, perhaps more doable) and geared towards young adults. I would like to draw from my own experiences, predominantly my dad's coming out and the aftermath for me.
My dad came out of the closet not long after my 15th birthday. It was sudden and unexpected. Shortly thereafter he moved out and my two younger brothers and I continued to live with our mom.
Shortly after dad's revelation I went to Waldenbooks at Lakeside Mall (this was before the days of Barnes & Noble, before the Internet, etc.) and asked the saleswoman for help. I told her I needed to find books on "having a gay parent." She sort of giggled and hesitated, looking at me like I was crazy. Then she led me to the children's section in the back and handed me a copy of "Heather Has Two Mommies," by Leslea Newman. I'm not knocking Leslea Newman or anything, but that book (in case you didn't know) is geared towards 2-5 year olds and is about 30 pages long.
I need to do some research, but I'm not sure there's been a whole lot written since then for kids, and perhaps even less for tweens/teens. I also think it's completely different to be born as the child of a gay couple than it is to be born to a more (for lack of a better word) traditional couple that later disintegrates because one or both decide to come out. Does that make any sense?
How do I get started? If you were going to read a book like this, what would you be interested in hearing? Am I supposed to query publishing companies first to find out if there would be any potential interest in the project, or do I wait until I actually have something substantial before I shop around? I am utterly clueless.
I just keep thinking that surely the world needs a Judy Blume-esque book about having a parent come out of the closet (though I don't presume to equate myself with someone as amazing as Judy Blume!). In this age there are more and more topics kids need to become familiar & more comfortable with.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Jennifer Aniston does not care about her physical appearance
I can't believe these words coming from Jennifer Aniston, who paid thousands of money on her hair, body. And she said she doesn't pay any attention to her appearance???? Funny she may say that.
She said: "I don't think a lot about my physical appearance. It is what it is and I can't control it. I pay attention to the extent that I put on clothes today, I decided which shoes to wear with them and I even combed my hair! But apart from that, I just feel I am what I am."
She said: "I don't think a lot about my physical appearance. It is what it is and I can't control it. I pay attention to the extent that I put on clothes today, I decided which shoes to wear with them and I even combed my hair! But apart from that, I just feel I am what I am."
Jennifer Aniston gets dirty when fight with her boyfriends

When fight with her boyfriends, Jennifer Aniston can "get dirty". But what she means by getitng dirty?
She told "I'm not a fighter, I'm a discusser. I could probably use more fight in me. I don't yell. I talk. I can get dirty. I've been guilty of dirty fighting. But usually I don't like to fight. I like it to be harmonious and fun. So the quicker we can discuss an issue and get through it, the sooner we get back to the fun."
Monday, September 14, 2009
Jennifer Aniston's father didn't want her to be an actress
Jennifer Aniston's father who was an actor, didn't encourage her to be an actress.
She said: "My dad did not want me to do this at all. It wasn't that he didn't think I could, but he just thought that it was such an iffy thing."
She said: "My dad did not want me to do this at all. It wasn't that he didn't think I could, but he just thought that it was such an iffy thing."
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Jennifer Aniston and friends went to Dave Matthews Band concert

Jennifer Aniston had her great time with her group of friends at the Dave Matthews Band concert which was held at the Greek Theater in LA on Thursday night.
At the concert, they were spotted dancing and drinking beers. When the concert ends,
they went to the backstage to have a talk with the band.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Jennifer Aniston is taking a time off from acting

Jennifer Aniston wants to stop acting for a while after the completion of "The Bounty".
She tells Fox News "I'm going to go on an adventure, take myself somewhere. I won't start another job until at least January. I want to take time off."
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Jennifer Aniston hates guys wear baggy underwear

Jennifer Aniston turned on when men wear "tighty-whities". She turned off when guys wear loose underwear.
She said: "I like tighty-whities on a man. Not boxers. I don't like boxers. Boxer briefs."
Well, I think its good for guys to wear tight briefs. Not healthy for them. LOL.
Kathy Griffin wants to be Jennifer Aniston

Kathy Griffin is obsessed with Jennifer Aniston. She said this: “Look, I am always going to want to be Jennifer Aniston, maybe more than Jennifer Aniston wants to be Jennifer Aniston.”
Well, I think many people would like to be Jennifer. She is beautiful, great body and great personality.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Jennifer Aniston meets up with John Mayer for intimate sessions

Now Magazine claims Jen reunites her former beau John Mayer for intimate sessions at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York.
One source said “John flew to New York in the middle of August for 48 hours to spend time with Jen while she was filming. He managed to give the paparazzi the slip and the couple spent time talking. John left convinced it’d be worth giving things one more shot.”
The insider adds, “Of course, talking wasn’t all they did; their relationship’s always been based on great sex. Jen says she hasn’t met a guy who’s had this effect on her before – John’s the best lover she’s had. That’s why she’s glad to go back.”
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Jennifer Aniston gives advice about love
Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston gives advice about love and explain how relationship works. Well, sometimes to give advice is easier than practice it. Not many people would like to compromise. Sometimes one partner prefer to receive than give.
She said: “Why does the romance leave relationships? I think it’s laziness. I really do. I think a good relationship is about collaboration. That’s the way to go in a relationship.”
She also advice: “I think you just need to talk to each other. Say what you want. That way it’s not threatening. You just need to say, ‘This is important to me.’ Don’t expect your mate to read your mind.”
Monday, September 7, 2009
Renee Zellweger indirectly comments on Jennifer Aniston

Renee Zellweger make a comment that indirectly refers to her boyfriend Bradley Cooper’s former date Jennifer Aniston by saying she doesn’t need “fabulous” hair to boost her career.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
This is just how we roll (and you should, too)
(a) the reusable grocery bags with inspirational words;
(b) the just-as-reusable PRODUCE bags (woot, woot!) that my onions and broccoli are in;
(c) my milk from the local Shatto dairy that comes in a reusable glass bottle that I return to the grocery store afterwards; and most importantly
PSA du jour: Since we do not eat banana peels and bananas come in a convenient bunch you can simply carry, YOU DO NOT NEED TO WASTE A BAG ON THEM! The pure idiocy astounds me sometimes. I can't comprehend why anyone would bag their bananas. Can someone please enlighten me?
I just can't help it. Melanie (The Reluctant Housewife) has been telling me that in Canada, customers are charged 5 cents per plastic bag they require at checkout. Personally I think it should be more! But apparently this small amount has motivated almost everyone to begin bringing their own bags shopping. Why can't American stores begin to do the same? We need a swift kick in our lazy ass so we can start doing something right. It may seem like such a small thing, but if everyone did it, the impact would be HUGE.
It burns me up when I am schlepping my kids and my shopping bags, purse, etc. in the pouring rain and as I'm entering the store there are people coming out with tons of plastic bags or even one plastic bag that appears to have just one or two small items in it. It's lazy, it's wasteful, and quite frankly it's just plain sad.
I know we can't do it all, and I'm certainly not perfect. But BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag) should become commonplace and mandatory here and everywhere. It's the least we can do. What do you think about this?
Jennifer Aniston no more contact Brad Pitt

Jennifer Aniston no more keep in touch with her former husband Brad Pitt. She knows Brad will stay on with Angelina Jolie and won't return back to her.
A source told American tabloid the National Enquirer “Jen is absolutely done with Brad; she has no intention of staying in touch with him anymore and is looking forward to starting a brand new chapter in her life."
“The ongoing communication she had with Brad was getting in the way of her ability to lead a normal life."
“He was leading Jen along and using her as a shoulder to cry on, but playing with her head every step of the way. Jen now realizes that for all the promises and small talk, Brad had no real intention of leaving Angie."
“She feels strung along and pretty burned by the whole experience.”
“As far a Jen’s concerned, Angelina is welcome to Brad and all his issues,” the source added. “She’s seen how out-of-control he’s been at film premieres and parties recently, and that’s the last thing she wants in her life on a daily basis."
“As much as she loves Brad and always will, Jen wants to be free from all the drama and dysfunction — once and for all!”
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Gerard Butler gave Jennifer Aniston a gift on first day set of "The Bounty"

Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler know each other before they act together in the movie ‘The Bounty’. They were introduced by friends few years ago.
A source said: “Jennifer and Gerard already knew each other quite well after meeting several years ago through friends in Hollywood. On the first day of making ‘The Bounty’, Gerard had remembered that Jennifer had once told him she collected chicken memorabilia for her kitchen, so he bought her a ceramic rooster and gave it to her on set - she loved it!”
Friday, September 4, 2009
My 33rd Birthday---My First From-Scratch Cake
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Fresh clip of "Love Happens" released starring Jennifer Aniston
Universal Pictures has released a fresh clip from "Love Happens". The clip shows a scene between Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart where she pretends to be deaf to deter from talking to Eckhart.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Did Jennifer Aniston had boob jab?
Jennifer Aniston was spotted a curvier figure. Did she went for boob jab? This boob jab can boost her bra measurements by a whole cup size.
Their source said: "I believe Jen's had Macrolane injections. She looks like she's gone up at least a whole cup size. She feels super confident at the moment."
Their source said: "I believe Jen's had Macrolane injections. She looks like she's gone up at least a whole cup size. She feels super confident at the moment."
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Jennifer Aniston still wears watch given by John Mayer

Even though Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer have already split but she still wears the gold Rolex watch that was given by him.
Could it be that Jennifer still loves him? But in my opinion, John is not the suitable candidate for her because he does not seem like those guy that is serious in love, unlike Jennifer.
A source said: “John gave Jennifer the Rolex when they were at the height of their romance in May 2008. Jennifer hardly took the watch off, but when they split she stopped wearing it. In recent weeks she’s started wearing it again to show John he’s still in her thoughts.
“She’s even been sending him flirty texts and emails."
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