It's just another Manic Monday here, so I thought I'd liven up the morning by handing out a few awards!

The entertaining and always interesting Steph in the City gave me this Heartfelt Award and I couldn't be more excited! Thanks, Stephanie! I really enjoy reading her blog. She really makes me think, which is a rarity when I'm so often in mommy-coma-land. You should check her out here right now and become her newest follower! I would like to pass this award on to these lovely ladies:
Bacon is my Lover
Life Laugh Latte
Martinis or Diaper Genies
Speaking of Witch
A Day in the Life: Chronicles of an Only Parent
Princess of Sarcasm
Next, Kys over at Stir-Fry Awesomeness gave me this Friends Award, which made me feel all warm & fuzzy inside. Thanks, girl! Kys is a kick in the pants and her sense of humor is outta dis world. FOLLOW HER NOW! I'm going to be a big dork and give it back to her, as well as to these wonderful peeps:

Adventures of the Reluctant Housewife
Leigh vs. Laundry
The Miss Elaine-ous Life
2 Kids.....3 Martinis
Headaches, Hormones & Hot Flashes
Daffy over at Batcrap Crazy gave me the Silver Shoe of Sincerity Award, which is a new one and I'm sooooo flattered! Thank you, Daffy, from the bottom of my heart. And in case you didn't know, Daffy and I are going to meet in person soon. I'm sure she'll stop following me once that happens, though. We live not terribly far from one another and she's going to risk everything by coming to meet me & my little hooligans!
I'm going to pass this gem along to:
MJ over at Dirty Little Confessions. Mary Jane isn't afraid to tell it like it is or to let her true, vulnerable self shine through. So she is very deserving of this and you should go check her out now!
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