Teen Actors Light up The Stage
in 8 Original Plays
I do believe that our youth are THE FUTURE.
Two years ago I began teaching acting for a non-profit organization called Opening Act,

an after-school program that provides acting training to under-served teens in various New York City Public Schools. Accepting this opportunity would be my first time teaching youth and in the New York City Public school system for an extended period of time. Prior to this, I would freelance around New York City and beyond conducting workshops and master classes in leadership, acting, dance, and voice. Though that was very fulfilling I felt I never really stayed long enough to make that connective investment and see the young girl or boy grow.
Nervous about this new chapter in my life, I followed my heart and committed to the young girls and boys of Opening Act who dared to dream big, be better, and become more in this life. I knew I had the tools to share my knowledge and professional experience in theater with the young actors, however, I didn't forsee how each student would teach me how to be a better teacher, a stronger artist, a better communicator, a better listener, and a more powerful creative and spiritual being.
I am proud of the experience and gifts that I have been blessed with.

Opening Act provides a space where students can shine, not just on stage, but in their personal lives as well. Modeling its program on providing students with an artistic space where they can develop commitment, community, and leadership through their artistic achievement. Theater is life...Life is theater, and theater is an agent and or vehicle for social change. Change in one's perceptions of who they are, change in one's emotional and physical well being, a change in one's unfortunate circumstance which has the potential to illuminate one's fortunate circumstances.
Hopefully you can hear how deeply I believe in this program and this why today on Arts.Advocacy+Wellness Wednesday I am choosing to feature such an important organization and such important young people.
Therefore I invite you out today, Wednesday May 19th, to the Closing Night Performances of Shades Of Grey. Eight original plays written by the student Acting Companies of Opening Act. Come see what inspiring and entertaining work these young students have worked so hard to write, perform, and produce.

Opening Act brings high quality after-school theater programs to eight NYC public high schools in need. Theater is the medium through which our students gain confidence, pride, and the knowledge that they can succeed at anything in life. Find out more about our work - and how theater can and does transform teens' lives – at OpeningActNewYork.org.
8 Original Plays
conceived, written, & performed by the Acting Companies of
Clara Barton, Cobble Hill, Columbus,
Gompers, Graphic, Lane, Tilden, &
Walton High Schools
FINAL Performances
Wednesday, May 19
Gompers, Walton, & Columbus
6pm wine & cheese
6:30pm curtain
Baruch Performing Arts Center
(at Baruch College)
55 Lexington Avenue
Entrance on 25th Street between Lexington and Third
6 train to 23rd Street
FREE tickets and info:
646 418-7088
with Cornelius Jones Jr.
Tune in next Wednesday for more
Arts.Advocacy+Wellness with Cornelius Jones Jr.
Stay connected with me:
FaceBook: Cornelius Jones Jr.
Twitter: CorneliusJonesJ
FaceBook Fan Page: FlagBoy Official Fan Page of the Actor
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