October 14, 2009
Anti-homosexual bill in Uganda introduced by David Bahati
February 5, 2010
US condemns Uganda anti-gay law
The Obama Administration called Uganda to task as the African nation considers a law that would criminalise homosexuality. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she had expressed U.S. concerns about the bill to Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni.
February 17, 2010
Anti-gay bill finds support in conservative Uganda
March 25, 2010
International Uproar over Uganda Anti-Gay Bill, Study Finds American Evangelicals Encouraging Homophobia
Proposed anti-gay legislation in Uganda has sparked international uproar. Homosexuality is already illegal in Uganda, but the new bill would impose much harsher punishments including life imprisonment and even the death penalty for some homosexual acts. We speak with a leading Ugandan gay rights organizer and a Zambian priest who has documented the role of American evangelicals in fostering homophobia in Uganda.
October 2, 2010
Ugandan media, politicians campaign against homosexuality
Gays and lesbians in Uganda say they are living in fear, targets of a media and political campaign to wipe homosexuality from the face of the East African country. Tabloid newspaper Rolling Stone is spreading anti-gay hatred and identifying gays in Uganda. In its Oct. 2 edition, the newspaper launched a campaign to identify 100 "top homos" in Uganda, adding on the front page, "Hang Them."
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2010/11/22/f-uganda-anti-gay.html#ixzz1CTU2d7oc
December 8, 2010
Rachel Maddow - David Bahati "Kill The Gays" Bill Uganda Sponsor
- Part 1
December 14, 2010
African Americans protest Bahati’s US tour to promote “kill the gays” in Uganda
LGBT People of African Descent and our allies, family and friends are responding to the immediate attack on our fellow brother and sisters in the country of Uganda. The conservative Christian right organization known as The Family and so-called “ex-gay” activist Scott lively exported hatred to Africa with a direct threat to the LGBT community in Uganda by funding and sponsoring the “Anti-Homosexuality” bill which would introduce the death penalty for gay people and require extradition of gay Ugandans around the world.
LGBT communities of color in the USA and across the globe are at greater risk for hate crimes and persecutions. Killing LGBT people in Uganda or anywhere else around the world is wrong.
Learn more about Frank Mugisha and the POWERFUL work he is doing.
Frank on NPR: (December 20, 2010)

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