Friday, May 27, 2011
Bromance Denied, Wild Girls Granted?
On this particular night, I began to raise questions regarding a recent incident. Everyone was completely sober in the room when I walked in. No one even took a sip of their drinks. This gave me a chance to see how people act when they are sober.
One hour after being in the room, the music started flowing nicely, and the drinks were coming from everywhere. This was the first time I ever had to tell someone ten times that I am underage. The next song that came on was Dynamite by Taio Cruz. Whenever that song came on, everyone goes crazy. Every time that song is played everyone is kissing each other.
Suddenly, the owner of the club started asking people to come on stage and show affection. These one group of friends decided to go up there. Two girls and two guys. They were dancing all over the place while I was sitting in the middle of the room, watching where everything took place.
Ten minutes later, the affection began. You can look at them and know they don't date the same sex. One girl and one guy were dating each other. The four of them has been best friends since childhood and were always not afraid to show affection in front of each other. The two guys kissed each other first. They were showing off true bromance. I turned around to see their reaction. Some of them were raising their eyebrows. Then the girls kissed each other and everyone went wild.
Three hours later, I walked out of that place feeling extremely confused. The crowd know that the two guys are just best friends, but they still felt a little disgusted that they kissed. As for the girls, they didn't mind it at all. Instead, they wanted to be a part of it. Once I got home, the incident got me thinking.
Why do people mostly want to see women act wild than men show true bromance?
Baby food selling like hot cakes after rumors Jennifer Aniston's baby-food diet
There were rumors saying that Jennifer Aniston eat baby food as her diet food to maintain her svelte body last year. Since then thse sales of wet and dry baby food have been increased according to Marie Claire reports (wet is up 20%, dry is up 59%).
I wonder how baby food tastes. I would like maintain my body but baby food?No thanks!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Modern Black Male Affection
I discovered this photo on Facebook. Apparently, some woman took this photo to share with her friends and cause a stir of hatred. I find the photo to be a positive representation of two young men who know how to love or at least not afraid to show affection publicly. The problem that exists in American culture especially is that the world has set Black men up to fight each other. We see this is varies outlets boxing, football, prisons. The images that we are used to seeing with two black men are generally those where there is some form of competition. The woman who took the picture probably didn't expect this photo to get this much shine, but it goes to show you what technology can do.
What do you think about the photo?
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Arts.Advocacy+Wellness: "Still Swimming"

“Still swimming (…I remember…)”
I remember going with you to Chesapeake Bay and I saw my first farm raised fishpond. I think there was salmon swimming in there. I remember when the boat came in and you, your fishermen friends, and Uncle John unloaded the wild caught fish: lake trout, shad, bass, and even live crabs. I remember a group of black men and white men laughing together knowing that this was a good catch and you all would be racking in the dollars. I remember this in Virginia.
I remember when I made momma cry ‘cause she looked at the calendar we always kept in the kitchen to remind us of important appointments and I think momma was checking the calendar for her dentist appointment and saw that I marked: June 21st, Dad comes home. I remember this was the day you came home from being hospitalized with pneumonia for over a month. I remember. I remember. I remember when you starred on the 6’oclock news…Something you tuned into daily, in our living room, but this day you were not home, you were in jail and you headlined the news that entire evening…In handcuffs they had you and tucked your head into the police car ‘cause you sold illegal dear meat. I remember being so angry…so confused. You saying, “I’m just doing what I need to do, ‘cause I ain’t gon’ be here for too much longer.” I remember.
I remember loving Kraft American cheese. The individual wrappers…going through 5-7 slices a day for 2 weeks straight, and you warned, “That cheese is gonna bind you up,” and I remember thinking you didn’t know what you were talking about and I kept eating my American cheese, and two weeks later, I learned my lesson. My bowels couldn’t pass through, and you had to buy me prune juice, which was so gross. I couldn’t stomach it, so you mixed it in with coca-cola and a day later you stood by my side as I screamed in the bathroom like a pregnant woman giving birth (as I would imagine momma giving birth to my hard-headed self). It finally passed through. You grinned and I said, “Yeah, I learned my lesson.” I remember.
I remember you trying to get your strength back, testing what life had left. I remember you trying so hard. I remember. I remember you lying in bed. I remember communicating through raised and lowered hands and blinks of the eye and movements of the lip. I remember your last nod…your last smile. The look of joy that you were completing your last lap…finally you could float with no support. I remember….as I’m still swimming.
©2010 Cornelius Jones Jr.
Jennifer Aniston's hair is now brunette
Monday, May 23, 2011
Special Screening on May 26th of the film "Children of God"
GLO TV Network & GMAD will host a special screening
on Thursday, May 26th at 7:10pm & 9:35pm

Have you seen one of the most controversial, yet refreshing films from this year? GLO TV and GMAD are proud to present and host special screenings on Thursday, May 26th at 7:10pm and 9:30pm at the Quad Cinema Theater. We are asking the community to enjoy this powerful and beautiful story with us.
In Children of God, writer and director Kareem Mortimer tackles the subject of gay rights and human behavior in the Bahamas. Amid the sunny background of this Caribbean paradise lies a boiling cauldron of social and religious unrest. Mortimer carefully weaves the stories of four people all headed towards a fate none would expect.
What starts out as a casual trip from the city of Nassau to the tranquil island of Eleuthera, suddenly becomes a life-altering journey. For Johnny, a painfully shy art student who struggles to deal with his own sexuality and lack of inspiration decides to take some time off to find himself artistically and personally. Along the way, he meets Romeo, a handsome, young musician, whose double life as a straight man leads him to escape the suspicions of his family, ultimately finding a kindred spirit in Johnny. In the case of Lena, a wife, mother, and devout Christian campaigning against gay rights in the Bahamas, she also discovers the tiny island, all while learning some disturbing truths about her husband, the fanatical Reverend Ralph. His shocking infidelity does more physical and emotional harm than anyone could ever imagine.
Children of God's ending is nothing short of jaw-dropping and yet, there is something oddly cathartic and reassuring about each character’s fate. Overall, Children of God is an emotionally charged film with stellar performances and beautiful location shots. Mortimer has skillfully crafted a tale that is both touching and painfully realistic in its portrayal of relationship dynamics and the impact of fanatical religious hatred. Children of God is a culturally relevant and thought provoking movie that shouldn’t be missed.

“Finds moments of grace in it¹s believable central relationship
...Ferro and Williams keep their attraction and their doubts natural.”
- Variety
“A landmark feature film by directed by Kareem Mortimer...a powerful and
beautiful story about love, fear and religious intolerance” - Man about town
"Children of God is sumptuous and daring" – Extra
Film is scheduled to play at the Quad Cinemas from May 20th-May 26th. Opening Weekend filled with parties, Q&A and panels. Showtimes are 1:00 pm, 3:00pm, 5:05pm, 7:10pm and 9:35pm.
Quad Cinema, 34 West 13th Street, New York, NY 10011-7911, (212) 255-8800
Jennifer Aniston is in fifth place for best hair
In a poll, Audrey Hepburn's French pleat in her role in Breakfast at Tiffany's still favoured by many people.
Marilyn Monroe's blonde curls were in the second place and Twiggy's gamine crop was third.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Every Ebony Issue from 1959 to 2008 Now Online

Jennifer Aniston is not dating with Justin Theroux
Jennifer Aniston's love life has been always the target of media. The latest rumor was Jennifer Aniston dating with Justin Theroux but this was not true. This rumor sparks when they were spotted having dinner together.
Aniston's rep told Us Weekly, "What X17 neglected to mention was that there were three other people at the dinner. It was a friends dinner."
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Jennifer Aniston may get "Decade of Hotness" award
Jennifer Aniston may get "Decade of Hotness" award according to Spike TV. The award will be given at the network's 5th annual Guys Choice Awards in June.
You're In Love With Your Best Friend. Now What?
Friday, May 20, 2011
Jennifer Aniston say goodbye to 'The Oprah Winfrey Show'
Only left few days for the finale 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' and Jennifer Aniston say goodbye.
She said, "It really makes me very sad cause it's something that I think we've all grown up with." Aniston praised Winfrey for her inspirational words, honesty and joy, and said she'll miss her deeply.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Lady Gaga Goes to the Farm

If you’re like us, you’ve been waiting for that new Lady Gaga album for what seems like an eternity. With Born This Way set for its U.S. release on Tuesday, the days get longer, and the struggle gets more maddening with every secondhand tick.
Fortunately, online game developer Zynga has us covered. Yes, the Gaga-ster is heading to the farm…FarmVille to be exact. The newly branded “GagaVille” will be your go-to place for new songs before the album hits stores. And, it features her own bevy of crops including rubies, rhinestones and diamond-encrusted flowers. But wait, there’s “more.” If you listen very carefully to your favorite Clear Channel station this Thursday, you will hear a code for a special limited edition Lady Gaga special item for your farm. If the above spot from EVB and Moxie Pictures director Seth Gordon is any indication, those of you who already feel stupid for playing FarmVille every day can be rest assured that you’ll feel even more so after playing GagaVille.
NBA Stars Speak Out Against Homophobic Speech

On the heels of Kobe Bryant and his teammates recording a PSA after Kobe’s very public anti-gay slur, the NBA as a whole is launching a campaign taking on the same kind of hateful language.
The spot, created by Arnold NYC, GLSEN, Ad Council, NBA and featuring Phoenix Suns players Grant Hill and Jared Dudley (whose boss, Suns president/CEO Rick Welts, came out over the weekend), also features a track from the Beastie Boys called “Make Some Noise” from the group’s recently released, critically acclaimed album Hot Sauce Committee Part Two. It’s always nice to see a professional sports association like the NBA taking a real stand against trash-talk, but maybe an “It Gets Better” video might have had a bit more impact? In any case, as the Bulls and Heat play in the most anticipated series of the 2010-2011 season so far, a huge amount of passive fans are probably now just tuning into the playoffs, giving this spot more reach than it would have gotten it previous years.Jennifer Aniston had a date with Justin Theroux
According tot X17online report, Jennifer Aniston and Your Highness star Justin Theroux had a dinner together on Wednesday night at West Hollywood's Sunset Towers Tower Bar.
A source tells X17, "Jen and Justin have recently started dating. They've known each other for a while, but they're more than friends now. They're cautious -- they're both taking it slowly."
I Love Shoe York!
My morning stroll had me snapping photos of shoes from the window of a store called Irregular Choice. I'm pretty sure the fellas won't be moved by these photos, but ladies, if you are into zany, stylish, future forward footwear, then check these out.