Tim'm T. West's
Ready, Set, Grow
premiering at
Austin's BAM Festival

If you are in the Austin, TX area this Thursday make sure you check out my dear friend Tim'm T. West's debut of his one-man show Ready, Set, Grow (which is co-directed by me!)

"Ready, Set, Grow" is a one-man show by critically acclaimed rapper and Spoken Word Artist Tim'm T. West that speaks to the question: What becomes of little black boys who've considered suicide robbed of any rites of passage? Inspired by the works of James Baldwin and his mentors Ntozake Shange and Carl Hancock Rux, Tim'm offers a coming of age story, through spoken word, rap, and song, that suggests an inalienable right to these rites. Moving through the complex maze of American poverty, racism, sexism, and sexuality, "Ready, Set, Grow" suggests that "waiting for superman" may not be as sensible as becoming a super man. How do we save ourselves? How do we respect the diversity and complexity of black male experience when so many young men, objectified and stigmatized at birth, are sucked into a system recycling defeatist and hopeless futures. One man, through his own transparent, vulnerable, experiences offers one way he strives in spite of racism, poverty, homophobia, HIV/AIDS... so surely there are other ways. Ready. Set. Let's Grow.
Thursday June 16, 8PM
Salvage Vanguard Theater
2803 Manor Road
Austin, TX 78722
For tickets go to:
If you are not in the Austin area, no worries, Ready, Set, Grow will be playing a city near you soon (NYC'ers keep your eyes and ears open!). For updates and info just check out Tim's's website: www.reddirt.biz
Tune in next Wednesday for more
Arts.Advocacy+Wellness with Cornelius Jones Jr.
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