Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Power of a Decision

The Power of a Decision

by LARA KLEIN on OCTOBER 24, 2010
Today I went to yoga class for the first time in 10 months. Yes, it was the end of 2009 when I last set foot in a yoga studio.  It felt so good to reconnect with my body again and to bask in the love and inspirational messages from our instructor.  I felt joyous and peaceful as I left the studio and walked home.
I won’t go into all the reasons as to why I fell out of my yoga practice in the first place, but let’s just say that life got “busy” and I made other things a priority.  But after not practicing for a while, I started to yearn for that feeling of peace, vitality, a clear mind, and connectedness that comes with a regular yoga practice.  And so for a while I had been saying, “I really want to get back into yoga.”  I had been saying that for months, but why was it that I was finally able to show up today?
I attribute it to making a clear decision.  About a week ago, I decided that I was going to go to yoga class on Sunday.  I marked it in my calendar.  Then I told two friends of my decision.  And then today (Sunday), I actually showed up to yoga class.  And I am so glad I did!
While my example of returning to a yoga practice is a fairly simple thing, the power of a decision can be applied to much larger goals as well.  Whether you want to find a new job, get in shape, start a blog, make more money, or anything else, it all starts with a decision.
What is something that you’ve been wanting to do in your life but that hasn’t been happening?  What may be missing is a clear decision.  Rather than waiting and hoping for something to happen, if there is something in your life that you want to change, make a decision now.  Next, set a date by when you will achieve your objective.  Write down your goal and place it somewhere where you will see it every day.  When you read it each day, visualize what it will feel like to have attained your goal.  For larger goals, break down the goal into smaller milestones.
My thinking on this topic has been heavily influenced by the classic success book by Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich, which I recommend highly.  The author invested 20 years in researching successful people and the book is a culmination of that research.  He lays out a simple, six-step formula for achieving a financial goal, but the formula can be applied to any other desire you may have.
I hope this has inspired you in some way.  If so, the time to get started is now!  Commit to a specific first step this week and mark it in your calendar.  I look forward to hearing about your results!

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