Saturday, October 30, 2010
Stella Behaviour
Stella McCartney's latest collection for Target is OK, but it's no Matthew Williamson for H&M, which was the benchmark and will be near impossible to top. Stella's latest collection is extremely structured with strong lines and neutral colours. Boring, but wearable.

Friday, October 29, 2010
Two New Roque's Reality Videos
One is a video called "Role Models." I talk about the three people that became the main reason why I'm doing what I'm doing right now. I want to ask you guys the same question. Who are the role models of your life?
The second video is called "Bring Back The Classics." I have been paying attention to the business for quite some time now. I have seen dramatic changes that I cannot stop looking at. Because of that, I always say "Let's bring back the classics."
I'll Show You Mine if You Show Me Yours, or, The Crap That Lives In My Purse.
Exhibit A:
My Gap handbag I got on sale for $16.99 a few weeks ago. Looks innocent enough, right? Yeah, well, let's just say looks can be deceiving, people.
In true Ally Sheedy/Breakfast Club fashion, I dumped all its contents onto the living room floor. Then I took photos of things in small groups. However, please note that
In no particular order, here is everything that was/is in my bag.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
GLO TV's Show The Gayest Sh*t EVER hit YouTube This Week

This week GLO TV Network premiered it's official YouTube Channel - and the internet got it's first taste of the first season of the show, "THE GAYEST SH*T EVER!"
Outrageous! Outlandish! Overt and Over the top. It's funny, raw, in your face and uncensored comedy and commentary at it's best. No one is safe...from Beyonce to Oprah to dudes waring "skinny jeans"'s all some of "The Gayest Sh*t" you've ever seen! (LOL) Check out the funniest comedians and celebs in this episode, then GO TO today to get the best in Urban LGBT Entertainment, News and Events!

Jennifer Aniston went party at Ecco
She joined her cast members on Wednesday night for a wrap party that was held at Ecco in Midtown. The party was hosted by Alan Alda.
Kanye West's "Runaway": Reaction & Review
Just in case you missed it, last Saturday, October 23, Kanye West premiered his highly anticipated 35 minute video, locking down three major TV stations MTV, MTV2, and BET. This video's soundtrack was tracks from his upcoming album My Dark and Twisted Fantasy due for release on Monday, November 22, 2010.
Listen to Kanye explain the symbolism in the video:
To read the entire article, visit J9's MusicLife.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Lebron Ask, “What Should I do?”

Lebron James New Nike Commercial Creates Buzz – “What Should I Do?” This is the question asked by former Cleveland Cavaliers and now Miami Heat player Lebron James in his recent Nike commercial.
Lebron James has been creating so much buzz among the players of the NBA. For one, his mother Gloria James has been rumored before to have an affair with fellow basketball player Delonte West. After that controversy, his famous move to leave his home team Cleveland Cavaliers despite the fact that he would be taking less money to play in Miami was next.
Lebron left Cleveland to join Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami Heat giving the team one of the most dynamic power trios in the basketball league history. Back then, James uttered the following words: “The attraction in Miami is being alongside Dwyane Wade and being alongside Chris Bosh. It is a new challenge for myself. The major factor was this is the best opportunity for me to win and win now and in the future. The number one thing with me is to help my teammates get better and to win.”
Perhaps the new Nike Commercial of Lebron James asking for “What Should I Do” is a reflection of the many things and controversies happening to him now. He asks his audience: “What Should I Do?”
What's up with Lance Armstrong?
Tour Down Under 2011: RadioShack's Lance Armstrong back for first UCI World Tour race
Lance Armstrong has sprung something of a suprise by announcing that he will compete in one more UCI World Tour race before the finally retires - the Tour Down Under in Adelaide in January 2011, the event which officially opens the new season.
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Arts.Advocacy+Wellness: "Cornelius speaks OUT against Bullying and Hate Crimes"

Sending my best out to everyone this A.A+Wsome Wednesday. I want take time this week to reflect on Bullying and Hate Crimes, which has taken a huge toll in the LGBT community over the past few weeks, primarily amongst our gay youth.
I am deeply saddened by this, however, it is not shocking news to me. For years I have been documenting numerous hate-crimes and suicides that has taken place within the LGBT community. Sadly...but finally, this serious matter is making national headlines. For a while it seemed as if the world did not care about us, and more importantly our gay youth. Today, tomorrow, and forever, I pause to remember the lives lost and the lives almost lost. With love I remember: Raymond, Tyler, Seth, Billy, Asher, and Carl Joseph by inviting you to listen to my special message and poem below:
Top 10 Reasons I Can't Leave the House Today. But I'm Not a Hermit, I Swear.
2.) I haven't showered in 3+ days. I used to shower daily, but that was prior to having children. Now showering is a luxury, one I can rarely afford. My options are: (a) shower with little people whining and pounding on the door to tattle at regular intervals; (b) wake up at the ass crack of dawn to shower before the little hags wake up; or (c) shower with them while they point at my va-jay-jay and ask me when they will grow boobies. Anylazy, (d) I'm too tired by the time I corral their little asses into bed at night to shower then. So three days without any soap or shampoo = pretty ripe. Better stay in.
3.) I am too busy cramming Cheez-its in my mouth and washing them down with Honest Tea while watching all the shows I have saved on my DVR, like Brothers & Sisters, Grey's Anatomy, Dexter, Gossip Girl, and Man vs. Food. Me and the couch? We're like in love. Actually, this is just a fantasy of mine.
4.) I had a bikini wax the day before. So there's that initial uncomfortable chafing thing
5.) I was too busy cleaning the house because The Father Load is hosting a Journal Club tonight with many very important medical people. They come over, eat Oklahoma Joe's, use too many plastic cups and paper plates
6.) I am still learning the ways of the vegetarian woman. I haven't yet determined the proper ratio of salads and fruit to beans and nuts that won't offend my delicate intestinal tract. When I overdose, my body rebels and leaving the house becomes impossible.
7.) I'm addicted to your blogs. I love reading them. Alas, so many wonderful blogs, so little time. I also love writing blogs. And did I mention reading blogs? I thrive on the connections I'm making with people. I've made so many friends and I've come out of my shell because I've read about you coming out of yours. Thank you. I'm in love with you. You've taught me how to use this noggin of mine that's been dormant for so long. You keep my heart open, my mind sharp, and my body moving. You teach me things every day. THANK YOU for being so delicious that I can't leave my computer all day.
8.) My children are being such hellions that I am afraid to take them out in public for fear of being shunned. People will look at me and I'll be that mom. You know who I'm talking about--- that yelling, red-faced, screaming banshee who's completely out of control. My shopping cart will be full of bribes like Twinkies, Zhu Zhu pets, Halloween candy, coloring books, pop tarts, and all manner of ridiculous crap. I also might start to imagine something like this is a good solution:
9.) I have this eyebow
So, I pluck and pluck and pluck (don't tell me to get 'em waxed because I'm incapable of not plucking until the next wax, can't tolerate the strays---I am slightly OCD, remember?). And then I have all these lovely red pock marks between my eyes and my eyebrows and I look scary for a day. So I can't leave the house.
10.) I have absolutely no idea what goes here. But I got nine, so that's good, right?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Jennifer Aniston's hairdresser will face jail
She is accused of revealing off the credit card info of a number of stars and private types.
Best. Couple. Ever.
Wedding Style
I would choose a different dress (not quite perky enough to carry it off anymore), veil (too poufy), shoes (too blingy), venue (too RSLy), makeup (too drag queeny), hair (too school formaly).
Actually the more I think about it, the more I realise that the only thing I'd keep the same is the groom!
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Dress by Catherine Colubriale Couture |
Gay Films hit the Big Screen this 2010 Holiday Season

"Violet Tendencies" is a romantic comedy about Violet, the last of the fag hags who endeavors to leave all her gay friends behind to find a man of her own. The film stars Mindy Cohn (who played Natalie on Facts of Life), Marcus Patrick, Jesse Archer - who also wrote the screenplay, Samuel Whitten, Kim Allen, Adrian Armas, Armand Anthony and Casper Andreas who also directed. It's set to premiere in New York City on November 5th.
I Love You Phillip Morris, Steven Russell is happily married to Debbie, and a member of the local police force when a car accident provokes a dramatic reassessment of his life. Steven becomes open about his homosexuality and decides to live life to the fullest - even if it means breaking the law. Steven's new, extravagant lifestyle involves cons and fraud and, eventually, a stay in the State Penitentiary where he meets sensitive, soft-spoken Phillip Morris. His devotion to freeing Phillip from jail and building the perfect life together prompts Steven to attempt and often succeed at one impossible con after another. In theaters December 5th.