Friday, October 3, 2008


My dad and Kory arrived safely late last night and I've enjoyed shopping/hanging out with them today. The girls are in school and Dan's at work, so I really got to relax. I bought some new Uggs for winter (they are black and sooo cute with some sweater-like material on the legs. my old Uggs finally bit the dust this spring and my feet were getting wet every time I walked in the snow) and we had lunch at the Nordstom's cafe---my favorite thing there is a spinach, chicken, and strawberry salad. it has glazed pecans on top. yum!

I am going to pick the girls up shortly and when Dan gets home we're taking Dad and Kory to see the new house. They were supposed to start putting the roof on today, and Dan said some of the bathtubs are even in already (it's been nearly 2 weeks since I've gone inside of it). I'm looking forward to seeing all the progress. Tonight we're going to get some BBQ and lay low.

I went to see my doctor yesterday and he started me on a two-week course of steroids to hopefully get my thyroiditis under control. My neck has been sooo tender and swollen and last night I had trouble sleeping. The new meds should kick in later today, I hope.

And I bought my girls a new CD which they love: All of her stuff is great for kids, but we bought the Grandma's House album. What's even better is that it's music I don't mind. We saw Funky Mama play again earlier this week (have seen her a few times and she's a hit everywhere she goes) and I decided it's high time for some new music, even if it's for the kids instead of me.

I ordered a raisin challah for Yom Kippur and got a regular one today so we can make challah french toast with dad and Kory this weekend. YUMMMMMMMY! So good. I guess I better run a few extra miles, eh?

I guess that's about it. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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