Monday, January 12, 2009


I haven't posted lately and have been stuck in a funk. It really sucks.

I attribute it primarily to the fluctuation of my hormone levels from my thyroid procedure. I am now hypothyroid and have started taking Synthroid, the medicine I'll be on for the rest of my life. But apparently it's going to take a few months to get my levels to where they're supposed to be. I've been a little depressed, sad, cold, irritable, exhausted, and I have zero energy. I feel like crying a lot. I keep trying to tell myself it's only temporary and I know the cause of it, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with on a daily basis.

A bright spot recently was a visit from my brother Mark and his wife Katheryn, and their darling daughter Livy. Livy is only 6 weeks younger than Abby and Izzy, so the girls had a blast and played together all weekend. I think it was a little shock to Livy's system, as she's not accustomed to all the fighting that siblings do. She's not used to other kids coming up to her to steal her toy or yank her hair for no reason. My kids, however, do these things to each other all day long so they're old pros.

They arrived in Kansas City early Friday afternoon and that evening we took them to see the Doo Dads, one of our favorite kiddie bands. We weren't sure how Livy would handle it, but she loved it and really enjoyed herself. Saturday we took them to Wonderscope, which is essentially our children's museum, and then out to lunch at Winstead's. While the girls were napping we took Mark and Katheryn over to see our new house. That night we had a sitter and the grownups went bowling and out for dinner. Pics to follow soon---I bowled 100, my top score ever! My arm and shoulder are still really sore, I hope I didn't do any damage, lol. That would be just like me. Sunday we mostly laid low, and Dan took Mark and Katheryn out for a barbecue lunch while I stayed home with all 3 girls. They were too cute. We took tons of pics, but my laptop won't recognize our digital camera anymore, so I'll have to load them via the dinosaur later on. Stay tuned!

It was wonderful having them here and I was sad to see them go. I hope they'll come back soon!!!

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