Saturday, July 31, 2010
Jennifer Aniston talks about making babies
making babies. What was the question? He asked her whether she
know anything about donor banks. Then she replied “Jeez, that question’s never been asked to me!. You go to the bank and you have a card…I honestly don’t know exactly!”
Friday, July 30, 2010
Red Writing Hood --- A Short Story
Today's assignment for The Red Dress Club is:
Write a short piece of fiction about seeing an ex in the grocery store from the first person point-of-view. Instead of writing from the female perspective, we want you to write from the male perspective. Hopefully, this will help us in regards to character development and stepping outside of ourselves as writers. Have fun ladies!
(It's my first time. Go easy on me.)
The Jitney Jungle's automatic doors swooshed open and a welcome blast of Arctic air hit me in the face. I swiped my damp forehead with my sleeve and yanked a cart from the jumble near the entryway. Ignoring the open container of anti-bacterial wipes, I headed straight for the frozen food aisle. I opened the freezer door and stood there for a minute, still recovering from the brutal Mississippi summer heat. It was like a hangover that wouldn't go away. I slumped against the freezer door holding it open with my hip, hands jammed in my pockets, my eyes half closed, in a kind of trance.
"Anythin' I can hep ya find?" asked a pudgy employee wearing fuschia lipstick all over her top two front teeth. She looked almost hopeful. I hated to burst the bubble of chewing gum she was working on, but frankly I'm a guy, and aside from sex, my needs are simple.
Over the annoying sound of her gum snapping I said, "Nah, I'm okay. Just lookin' for some Hungry Man...Men...whatever," I mumbled, as I felt a reddish hue creep up from my starched collar to my stubbly cheeks.
"Right there," she gestured to the door I'd just been shamlessly cooling myself off in front of. Before I had a chance to thank her, she'd turned around to help an elderly woman with a walker who was asking where she could find the prune juice.
Shuddering, I tossed two weeks' worth of frozen dinners into my cart, hurried past the Green Giant vegetables, and strode over to the hygiene aisle to grab some deodorant. After I made sure no one was looking, I sheepishly scooped up several twin packs of Secret Shower Fresh. For some reason it's the only deodorant that works for me. I've tried other kinds before, believe me. And those were the only times I could smell my own special brand of stink. So for now I'll just keep Secret one of my secrets. My bathroom cabinet is full of barely used Right Guard and Old Spice, which are only good for show.
I wandered around Jitney a bit, not quite ready to go back out into the oppressive heat. I ended up throwing some other necessities into the cart---Doritos, Diet Coke, beer, and what the hell, a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. Once I realized it was in my best interest to head to the checkout, there were only two lanes open and both lines were long. I sighed, opened the bag of Doritos, and munched away as I draped my forearms over the cart's handles.
Suddenly I glimpsed a head of honey-colored hair putting her groceries onto the conveyor belt. The familiar and deliberate tucking of her hair behind the ears, the dimple in her cheek as she smiled at the checkout clerk. My heart started racing and my armpits grew damp. No, no, no. This isn't happening. It can't be.
But it was. Sarah, the girl who had ripped my raw heart out of my chest, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it like she was under the chuppah at a Jewish wedding. I hadn't seen her since the night she told me she "couldn't do it anymore."
"Do what anymore?" I'd asked icily, caught completely off guard.
"This," she'd said with a sad look on her face. "Us. You and me. I just feel like I don't really know you, like you're hiding things."
I threw my arms up in the air. "What things?" I snapped, with clenched jaws.
"Why haven't I met your family after all this time?" she shot back, eyes blazing.
There it was. The secret of all secrets, rolled out like the red carpet. Only I didn't dare step on it. The secret I couldn't seem to share with anyone, not even my own girlfriend of a year. Because my dad is gay and lives with his lover, I answered her in my head. Because my mom's best friends are her box of Franzia wine in the fridge and her bottle of Prozac. Because you have the perfect little family and no one has any problems, while we can barely keep up with our psychotherapy bills. But I couldn't speak. Couldn't say one word of any of this. Fear had taken its hold of me again.
She detested my silence. "See?" she said and walked out, slamming the door behind her.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Isaiah Mustafa will also act in same movie as Jennifer Aniston in Horrible Bosses
He said, "It's a smaller role, but who wouldn't want to be in one of these funny, irreverent comedies? The cast is great. I'm playing a cop because I play these authoritative characters well. I don't know exactly who I'm in the scene with -- maybe Jennifer Aniston!"
It Is What It Is Pt. 13 by Karen Minors
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Jennifer Aniston loves Mexican food
choose Mexican food.
She said, "It'd be chips and guacamole, quesadillas, enchiladas and a big tostada salad - and nachos!"
Arts.Advocacy+Wellness: "Nhojj Soars..."

Gay Artist Nhojj
Planning "Love Is Love" College Tour

A college tour is not new for Nhojj. In 2004 he toured American colleges to promote his critically acclaimed "Someday Peace Love & Freedom" CD. This time around there is no album to promote – just a deep rooted conviction that this is what he should do right now. In a society where homophobia still exists, Nhojj wants to share strength, hope, and pride with Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) youth everywhere. The message is – Love is a gift from God, and regardless of sexual orientation "Love Is Love."
When Nhojj ventured into the music business almost a decade ago it was for two reasons: 1 – He loved music; 2 – He wanted to share music. It was as simple as that.
Now chart topper Nhojj – hailed as a pioneer in music by BET and dubbed "the artist to watch this year" by – has other reasons. He wants to affirm and empower youth today, especially the gay youth. He wants to reflect the timeless spiritual teaching that some religions forget - love. "Love is the truth" – lyrics to his #1 Out & Proud CDbaby single "The Gay Warrior Song." He wants to give back to the community (proceeds from the single are being donated to SASOD, an LGBT rights organization in his native Guyana ).
Pouring My Heart Out: A Bad Day in 1996, My Journal Entry
Most of you know my dad is gay and came out of the closet when I was 15 years old. If you didn't, please peruse some background here, here and here. I believe his revelation will always impact me in one way or another, and over the years how it has affected me has ebbed and flowed. The major blow was the day he told us his secret and the few weeks/months afterwards. Next came college, where I lived on my own for the first time and really began to process the issues that resulted from his revelation. Below is a very graphic journal entry written from that time period; a time when I had so many powerful emotions swirling around inside that I didn't know what to do with them all. I took my anger, depression, anxiety, and confusion out on myself. If you are not familiar with the concept of self-harm or self-injury, you can read more here.
The most important thing to realize is that self-mutilation is not about suicide, and I have not harmed myself in over 10 years. If this is too disturbing, please do not read it. And as always, remember that you don't have to like me or agree with me, but you do have to respect me. This is my space. My blog is growing, changing, and soon you shall see less randomness and more reality. This is life, people. We all have skeletons in the closet whether we admit it or not. I am admitting it here.
Moving on. Below begins the actual journal entry from Fall, 1996 (I was 20 years old):
The brand new silver blade bit into the white, trembling skin of my left wrist.
I crouched on the green bath mat just outside the shower stall, trying to make myself small.
My hair was freshly washed, still wet and clinging to my cheeks and the back of my neck. A whiff of Herbal Essence shampoo. It was late on a weeknight, I'd planned it out somewhat.
My heart thundered in my chest and I felt the searing, slicing and it felt good. So I did it again. And again. With immense relief and disbelief at the same time.
Blood, red and thick, flooded to the surface and ran down the side of my arm, dripping.
Drip. Drop. Drip.
Plit. Plat. Plit.
Watching. Like slow motion. Numbness. A separation. Pieces of myself. Breaking off.
Red, paint-like splotches on the grey tiled floor of the shower. My nose was running and tears blurred my vision. I wasn't crying for the pain on my arm, but for the pain in my heart, my soul. Each time the razor sliced into my flesh I felt relief, release, rebirth, a newness. I felt purged and holy and clean. Bloodletting.
The blood flowed freely as I stayed quiet, hovering. I heard nothing save the sound of my own breath and the throbbing beat of blood pumping in my ears.
Pain---what is it, after all? This was a self-imposed pain, so it didn't count. There was a gauzy bandage wrapped around the site of my pain for a while, and now there are long sleeves conveniently covering my pain. But still, that's just the outside pain. There are two kinds, you know. The other is internal, deep inside my heart. It never goes away. I tried to make the inside pain go away by creating a pain on the outside. But that pain proved to be only a temporary distraction.
I'm tired of pain. I think a lot of people don't understand where my pain is coming from. Maybe I don't really understand, either.
It's hard to write about pain. I know it by heart, but I've always had trouble putting it into words, vocalizing it. Yet I don't mind putting words on paper. It's easier than talking about the pain, that's for sure.
Pain is a looming, growling monster that gallops after me. He chases me until I am too tired to run anymore. I trip and fall down and he jumps upon me, howling and writhing and fierce and mad. He won't let me get up and he chokes me, latches onto me. He follows me everywhere, taunting me in foreign tongues. I try not to listen.
I know his words are bad.
(end of journal entry)
And here is a Sylvia Plath poem that speaks to me in many ways:
What a thrill ----
My thumb instead of an onion.
The top quite gone
Except for a sort of hinge
Of skin,
A flap like a hat,
Dead white.
Then that red plush.
Little pilgrim,
The Indian's axed your scalp.
Your turkey wattle
Carpet rolls
Straight from the heart.
I step on it,
Clutching my bottle
Of pink fizz. A celebration, this is.
Out of a gap
A million soldiers run,
Redcoats, every one.
Whose side are they on?
O my
Homunculus, I am ill.
I have taken a pill to kill
The thin
Papery feeling.
Kamikaze man ----
The stain on your
Gauze Ku Klux Klan
Darkens and tarnishes and when
The balled
Pulp of your heart
Confronts its small
Mill of silence
How you jump ----
Trepanned veteran,
Dirty girl,
Thumb stump.
LeBron James Purchases $50 Million Home in Miami

Newly acquired Miami Heat player LeBron James is starting off his stay in Miami very comfortable. According to reports, James is now the proud owner of a $50 million dollar mansion that was once owned by famed NBA coach Pat Riley.
The home which is tucked in the exclusive Coral Gables community has over 880 feet of water surrounding the property as well as holsters a whopping 8 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms.
[Peep The New Crib After The Break]
The total amount of property that King James has acquired is 20,862 square feet. Not bad for a transition, let's see what the Cleveland fans have to say about this.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Beyonce Gets a Ticket For Texting While Driving

WATM: Disin' It with Dariel Pulliam
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Reason on why Jennifer Aniston change her fragrance's name?
She explained the reason, “As we were getting close to the launch, there was another one out there, very similar, and it was just going to get confusing in the marketplace!”
Then she added “At such a late hour, I didn’t want to postpone the launch, so the only thing we could really clear was my name!”.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Jennifer Aniston went dinner with her publicist

Jennifer Aniston went dinner with her publicist on Wednesday night. The dinner was at London’s Cipriani restaurant.
Image source from
Friday, July 23, 2010
Zolra's Corner: The LGBT Connection

I consider myself a socialite. I love being around my friends and new people. Each of their lives are 10% similar, but they are 90% different. Whenever there is an event coming up that interest me, I would go there in a second, especially when I'm invited by a friend. I do have my limits. None of my friends know where I live. We're not that close yet.
One night, I went out with my best friend for a night at the club. It's the first time I've been out in a long time due to my crazy schedule. We went to different clubs and danced the night away. It feels great hanging out with your friends. Relationships are special too, but friends stay longer according million dollar socialites and business people. Once midnight finally arrived, the night was more interesting and mysterious than I thought.
The two of us happened to run into our ex-boyfriends that same night. One was drunk out of his mind while the other looked like he could handle three bottles of any beverage. Then I looked on the other side of the street. One of my former co-workers were hanging around this club I usually walk around. My ex pointed at him and they gave each other a huge bear hug. Me and my best friend walked a few steps back. We were completely shocked at what was going on. Turns out my co-worker used to date him just like how my ex tried to make moves at my best friend before I knew any of them.
I walked away feeling confused. One thing I always try to do is to make my personal and professional life private. If I ever dated anyone, it will be someone that doesn't know anybody I know and I don't know anybody he knows. I tried the whole dating connections thing. It always worked out for the worst.
Me being a fan of the horror, thriller, science fiction, and fantasy genres, I couldn't help but to study this weird connection that is going on right in front of our eyes.
Something I've noticed is that the LGBT community are connected like an invisible rope, especially in the performing arts. We do have heterosexual friends that love us, but gay folks are rising above them in numbers. All of my friends are in the film/television, theatre, fashion, and music industry. In some ways, that is great. I love creativity. I have been attracted to that for a long time. I'm sure that's one reason why I've dated people in the arts.
I love having friends in Maryland and New York. However, one tiny problem with that is that everybody knows everybody. When you want to get to know somebody professionally or personally, it becomes very uncomfortable because they know people around you and you know people around them. If you don't like somebody it will be hard to get rid of them due to the connection.
After me and my best friend left the club with huge questions ringing in our heads, it got me thinking.
In the LGBT community, does having large connections be a positive thing, or will it lead us to a negative, emotional, downward spiral most of the time?
Raleigh Gets a BLACK PRIDE!!!!

Shades of Pride will be Building on the Rainbow this summer in the Triangle
RALEIGH-The Inaugural Triangle Black Pride is less than three months away and organizers are anticipating a truly historic event to unfold in the Triangle area this summer.
Shades of Pride will present the first Triangle Black Pride July 29-Aug. 1, 2010 at locations throughout the Triangle Area. “Building on the Rainbow of Colors in our Community” is the theme of the premier event and organizers are presenting a diverse range of options to entertain, empower and educate attendees.
The mission statement of Shades of Pride is to celebrate and honor the diversity of the African American LGBTQ community in the Triangle through events open to all. The agency will also work to deliver programs that increase awareness, prevention and control of HIV/AIDS, diabetes, breast and prostate cancer and other health disparities affecting minority populations. To that end, workshops conducted by the American Heart Association, Lambda Legal, and AARP will be held July 30 at Triangle Black Pride’s host hotel, the Marriott Crabtree, 4500 Marriott Drive, Raleigh. Topics scheduled to be discussed include How to Take Your Doctor Hostage, Transgender Issues, Care giving and Financial Planning. A writing workshop conducted by Rising Voices Press will also be offered at a cost of $15 for attendees. Box lunches will be available for purchase as part of the workshops.
Triangle Black Pride will also feature a free LGBT Film Festival on July 31st at the Rialto Theatre in Raleigh following a Pride expo scheduled to be held at the host hotel. Closing events for Pride Weekend include a Jazz brunch featuring Tara Lake and is being presented at the host hotel by Triangle Financial Advisors on August 1st.
As part of reaching out to the community, Pride organizers has partnered with the Durham Perform Arts Center to promote their upcoming presentation of “The Color Purple” and have worked with the Human Right Campaign during their 2010 Gala event held at the Raleigh Convention Center. Other partnerships include the LGBT Center of Raleigh, the Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau, Golden Corral, Seven Sisters, and Men United for HIV/AIDS Awareness.
For more information about Triangle Black Pride, please visit or email
Tickled Pink Today With Holly of 504 Main
I'm Tickled Pink to hitch a ride on Holly's coattails over at 504 Main again today. Her DIY projects are so inspiring (yet completely out of my league), and I will never forget her chicks on a stick or her hubby's birthday chandelier---two of her signature crafts that always come to mind when I think of Holly. All the crafty classes in the world could never make me into the guru she is!
But I'm back to the green (mostly) today. I'm starting off with Four Paws Doggie Doo Bags. They are biodegradable with easy-tie handles. I'm sure there are many other brands, but these are what I've currently got.
• No parabens, harsh preservatives, or grapefruit seed extract
• No synthetic fragrances or colors
• pH balanced
• 100% vegetarian ingredients and no animal testing
My girls are loving their new Burt's Bees all-natural toothpaste! They are partial to the berry flavor. And if you didn't already guess, yes, this toothpaste is PINK.
Banana Republic's new Heritage Collection, which was launched earlier this spring, also has me Tickled Pink. All items in the line are crafted from organic cotton, bamboo, and soy-silk. Patagonia and American Apparel are also companies known for offering eco-friendly clothing options. Patagonia even recycles their clothing through their Common Threads program.
Nike Tickles me Pink because they've initiated Reuse A Shoe, a program that recycles any brand of old athletic shoes. If you are a serious
On an entirely different note, my daughters' new mid-summer do's have me Tickled Pink. Take a look and tell me I'm not just biased:
Confession: I've never really had a girls' weekend before. I'm Tickled Pink that these snarky, fantastic women put up with me, included me, and made me feel like I am fun, funny
By now you know reusable bags Tickle me Pink. Fun ones are even better. Check out these series from Envirosax. Don't they just beg you to GO GREEN?!! They hold up to 44 pounds. Don't even try to tell me your craptastic plastic can do better. Be sure to search Google for the best deals on them!
Also, I am sort of a snob about my books. I prefer them new. I loathe germs. But my desire to be green has outweighed my fear and I now shop frequently at Half Price Books. I spent $60 this week and came away with new vegetarian cookbooks, fiction for me, and several classics for the girls. All in beautiful condition, barely/gently used, and therefore saving trees and green in more ways than one!
Two last things that have me Tickled Pink: Honest Tea and Honest Kids. I love the Pearfect White Tea and my kids love the Berry Berry Good Lemonade (and it's PINK). Of course I recycle my glass tea bottles and I send the girls' juice pouches to Terracycle, so it's all good and green.
What tickles you pink?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Stalker asked to stay away from Jennifer Aniston

According to TMZ report, a man that has been stalking Jennifer Aniston is ordered to stay at least 100 yards from her house and place of work.
He was found by police on July 15, "laying-in-wait in a location and has sharp object, a bag, a roll of duct tape and written messages about [Aniston]."
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sort of Wordless Wednesday: Me vs. My Mandoline (& no, that is NOT the instrument)
The Father Load had to cauterize my finger with silver nitrate, which was so not fun, but it stopped the bleeding. Nevermind that my screaming propelled my progeny into utter hysterics (methinks fingertips are loaded with nerve endings). #MomFail. Should've thought to remove the girls from the house before hubs attempted to fix my boo boo.
Needless to say, typing has become slow and problematic.
What valuable lessons have you learned today?
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Passion To Action Series with Winsome & Thembisa

MEGA Dream event producers Nefertiti A. Strong and Richard E. Pelzer II (aka Lil Mogul) today announced the first The Passion To Action Series to be held at the Bennett Career Institute, 700 Monroe NE, Washington, DC 20017 on Saturday, September 25, 2010. For tickets and more information go to Purchase your tickets TODAY, seats are limited. Group Discounts are available for 15 or more people.
Film/TV Casting Director and Producer Winsome Sinclair & Entertainment Branding Executive/Author Thembisa S. Mshaka have teamed up to engage, enlighten and empower professionals to discover a career in entertainment called The Passion To Action. This series created and produced by Nefertiti A. Strong and Richard E. Pelzer II of MEGA Dream asks people, ‘How will you move from Passion to Action?’ Are you doing what you truly want to do with your career? Join this dynamic duo Winsome and Thembisa as they discuss career paths, entrepreneurship, family, the entertainment industry, life and living one’s dream. Their Passion To Action weekly blog is currently posting on to provide their online community with expertise, testimony and hard-won advice available no place else on the Web.
Casting Director & Producer Winsome Sinclair has collaborated on major motion films with top directors such as Steven Spielberg, Spike Lee, John Singleton, Oliver Stone, Lee Daniels , Forrest Whitaker, and Hype Williams, will teach everything you need to know about "the industry," how to land an audition, how to wow casting directors, and stand out from the pack. She will give you the personal feedback you need to enhance your ability to get more work and flourish in the industry by answering any and all questions regarding the aspect of showbiz.
Author, Producer and Marketer Thembisa S. Mshaka of PUT YOUR DREAMS FIRST: Handle Your [entertainment] Business brings her book alive for her three hours. Hailed by Public Enemy founder and Air America radio host Chuck D as "the new entertainment industry bible", this must-have industry survival guide for women interested in pursuing a career in entertainment but can also serve anyone who needs inspiration to invigorate—or protect their careers.
Thembisa a 5-time Telly Award winner who has served in the entertainment industry for over 18 years, spanning the areas of touring, management, magazine publishing, recorded music and technology, advertising, music supervision for film, voice over, and television. As Senior Copywriter at Sony Music, and 2-time NARM Award winner, her campaigns contributed to the sale of more than 170 million albums for artists from Lauryn Hill (The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill), Will Smith, and Beyonce’, to NaS, Maxwell, George Michael, and Jill Scott. Her creative production company, SEEIT Live Inc., was responsible for writing the launch campaign of RocaWear clothing, in addition to producing advertising and/or creative for J Records (Alicia Keys, Jazmine Sullivan), Universal Motown (India.Arie, Akon, Lil Wayne), Hewlett-packard, and others. During her tenure as GAVIN rap editor she coined the phrase 'Generation NeXt'. Mshaka has also written for and, and serves as contributing editor for The She contributed to anthology Sometimes Rhythm: Sometimes Blues (Seal Press) edited by Taigi Smith and Icons of Hip-Hop, an academic reference volume edited by Mickey Hess (Greenwood Press).
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