Thursday, November 20, 2008

Excerpt from "Skinny Bitch"

from pages 44-45:

"Of the ten billion animals slaughtered each year in America for human consumption, the vast majority of them come from factory farms. Factory farms that raise cattle, pigs, chickens, egg-laying hens, veal calves, or dairy cows have an enormous amount of animals in a very small space. There are no vast meadows or lush, green pastures. The animals are confined inside buildings, where they are literally packed in on top of each other. Egg-laying hens are crammed into cages so small that they are unable to open their wings, and their mangled feet actually grow around the wire mesh floors. This overcrowded, stressful environment causes chickens to peck at each other and factory farm workers, so the ends of their beaks are seared off their faces using a hot knife. Pigs and cows are imprisoned in stalls so small, they are unable to turn around or lie down comfortably. Cattle are subject to third-degree branding burns and having their testicles and horns ripped out. Pigs also suffer from branding and castrations, in addition to the mutilation of their ears, tails, and teeth. They all live in the filth of their own urine, feces, and vomit with infected, festering sores and wounds. To keep animals alive in these unsanitary conditions, farmers must give them regular doses of antibiotics."

Honestly, this all makes me want to cry. I've not been ignorant to such appalling things, but I guess I've just chosen not to let it get to me. Until now. This REALLY bothers me. For a long time I've bought organic things, eggs from free-range chickens, tofu, etc....and I don't think I eat a ton of meat, period. But I love a good cheeseburger every once in a while. I have one friend in particular who has had a discussion or two on this with me---and he is a firm believer in the food chain and basically believes that if we didn't eat these animals, other animals would eat them anyway. To me that doesn't seem to be a good enough reason for me to continue eating meat/animal products.. Does it have to be all or nothing? I don't know. I also don't know where to begin as far as nutritional needs and making sure I get enough protein and iron, etc. from sources other than poultry, fish, and beef. And what about my kids? I feel they're too young to push them down the vegetarian route---Dan won't hear of it.

If you are reading this and have some thoughts, I would love to hear them....

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