Three years ago today, I had what we affectionately refer to as the "Labor Lunch," at Circe with Dan and his dad. We braved 7-8 inches of fresh snow to get me a grilled cheese and french fries at Dan's friend Nate's restaurant. It was the best grilled cheese EVER. While some people have actually suggested it was the drastic change in barometric pressure (large weather systems can often send many women into labor), I prefer to credit Nate's cooking. The following morning when I went in for a regular non-stress test, it appeared I was in active labor (but didn't know it because I'd been experiencing very strong contractions for several weeks prior to the birth that required medication to stop/slow down). A nurse spotted me in the waiting room and I don't know if it was my pale, pained face or the sight of a nearly 200-pound woman (that would be me) trying to curl into the fetal position in a very small, uncomfortable chair....but she came up to me and asked if it was my "time." I looked at her hopefully and asked, "What do you mean?" She said, "Well, when some women are about to give birth, they get
that look, and you have
that look right now. Let's get you into a room and see what's going on." They hooked me and the girls up to monitors and I kept watching my belly tighten and stay high and hard with a few very brief releases here and there. They confirmed I was 3 cm dilated, fully effaced, and moved me to a room. Oh, and I almost forgot---after this appointment I was supposed to go to Dan's office where we were throwing him a surprise baby shower. But I never made it and was so disappointed. Oh well. My doctor started an IV and told me we'd go back to the OR around 1:00 for my scheduled C-section. Dan ran home to let the dog out, and grab my suitcase, etc. They took me back right on time and the girls were born at 1:46 (Abby) and 1:47 (Izzy) p.m. on Friday, December 9, 2005.
From this (day 5 embryos just prior to transfer)...
To this....(approx. 32-33 weeks pregnant)
The Big Day--12/09/05, in the O.R.
Our first pic as a family of four!
The girls in the NICU, day 2 or day 3 of life.
Abby (L) and Izzy (R)
Mommy and Abby
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