Old Spice man is on a boat. CRACKS ME UP!!! I LOVE IT! LOL!!!!
More on that shortly. A quickie TV spot features Isaiah Mustafa in a boat, shirtless, with a romantic picnic basket filled with fruit, bread and cheese. His mustache is easily interchangeable with a clean-shaven look. A trio of print ads show Mustafa covered in bubbles and riding a motorcycle, atop a sudsy horse and channeling his inner lumberjack. I saved the best for last. Yesterday, Isaiah Mustafa answered fan questions with personalized videos. Oh yeah, my friend Amy got a personalized message. He said "I'm on a motorcycle," the line she was hoping he'd utter in his previous ad, along with other lines that involved wood, hot tubs and pizza. So she had a good-looking, shirtless man, flexing his pecs, talking about food and directing it all to her? BITCH!!!
Check out additional personalized videos via Old Spice's Twitter feed
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