Sunday, August 31, 2008

sigh of relief, sort of...

i am heaving a huge sigh of relief as all of my family and friends have evacuated new orleans. it's really tough being so far away and feeling completely helpless. i wish i lived closer and could help or DO something. instead, i continue to watch the Weather Channel and am feeling very anxious. regardless of the size/intensity of the storm when it hits (they say it is likely to hit as a category 3), new orleans is in for some heavy rains and flooding. i just don't know what's going to happen.

we have a kiddie birthday party this afternoon, so that will be a little distraction.

please keep everyone on the Gulf Coast in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

more pirates


Please keep my family and the people of New Orleans in your prayers as Gustav churns closer. It seems ironic that this is also the 3-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. My mom has already made hotel reservations somewhere in Arkansas (the closest she could get, amazingly), and I'm hoping she won't have to use them.

I am obsessed with the Weather Channel.
And praying hard.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Arrrrg!!!! Ahoy, Matey!"

Not sure about where our pirate obsession originated, but I found a pack of eye patches at Target and Izzy's in love. I have a video I may try to post, too.


foundation work is coming along nicely. basement to be done by early next week (at the latest) and plumbing will be laid down today, i think.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

" i wuv you so much!"

My girls are sitting at the table eating breakfast and proclaiming their undying love for one another.

Izzy looked across the table at Abby and said, "I wuv you so much, Abs." Abby giggled and then replied, "I wuv you so much too, Izzy Bell." Now they are saying, "Nice ta meetcha."

Today I went running for the first time in just over a week. I was very bad last week. Dan wasn't feeling well, so he didn't run. And since I therefore had no motivation, I failed to run. What a slacker. But I did really well today and am so glad I went.

In other news, D and I picked out kitchen appliances over the weekend and are meeting with the cabinet maker on Wednesday. We've got a large stack of magazines to help us identify styles/things we like and don't like. Wish us luck!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


During an impromptu visit to the KC Zoo this morning....the lorakeet exhibit! It was feeding time.

Friday, August 22, 2008

more house pics...

Izzy Busy

more foundation prep....

the girls don't quite "get it" yet, but they enjoy going over to visit and see the progress.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I've decided

I'm going to start writing a book.

Go ahead and laugh. But I've always wanted to do it and so I'm going to get off my lazy ass and JUST DO IT. I've already started. I have three pages. Go ahead and laugh again, but I'm going to set a goal of writing 2-3 pages each day and see what happens.

Call me naive and lame, but I feel like my life experiences could make a really great story and perhaps even help some people.

In other news, my girls managed to lose my Phi Mu pin today. Long story short, it was on the kitchen counter in a small box (Christy had borrowed it for her wedding and just shipped it back to me). Mea culpa----I shouldn't have left it there, even for a split second, knowing my two daughters with octopus arms. Whatev. I know it will turn up eventually, perhaps when we pack up to move.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Blair Witch a l' Izzy

This is what happens when your daughter gets a hold of your camera when you're not paying attention.... Voila! Blair Witch. Who knew?!?!?

another video

3 girls

The cute cousins! Abby, Livy, and Izzy.

Abby, Livy, and Izzy having a few drinks.

"Watch the big girl jump!" (Abby)


it is 63 degrees right now!!!!! soooooo nice out!

we have foundation...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Standing on our lot & looking across the street.

Facing our lot.

guess there's no turning back now...

Dan on the bulldozer (or whatever it's called) which is parked on our new lot.

The big pit they dug yesterday and today. Digging is done. Foundation is next.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 1

ok, so i think i might really do this. or at least try.

today for breakfast i had a bowl of Kashi Heart to Heart cereal with some blueberries and bananas in it. and about 1/2 cup of coffee with skim milk. that was right around 8:00 a.m. Now it's nearly 10 and i'm starting to feel like i'm hungry again. i'm going to glug some water and see how that helps.

cont'd later:

11 a.m. -- 1 banana
12:15 p.m. --1 Smart Ones frozen entree (rigatoni with chicken and broccoli, 290 calories) and a handful of green grapes.

2:00 --cup of Light N' Fit strawberry yogurt (fat free, no added sugar) with a bit of granola sprinkled on top

4:30--handful of Goldfish crackers and 1/2 a piece of mozzarella string cheese while at the pool with the kids

6:30--dinner. One grilled chicken breast with sauteed zucchini and yellow squash. water.

The day is not over yet, but I am going to skip my Skinny Cow ice cream cone tonight. I know night time eating is the worst. Wonder if a glass of skim milk is equally bad? I think the protein might help me feel more full/fulfilled.

So if you're reading this, clearly I'm overeating, right? I need something in my stomach every 2 hours, and I'm trying to make sure I get protein in there because I know that is the key.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


i have a really annoying problem. and i'm not excited about sharing it here, but i think if i do, i may be able to do something about it.

since i began exercising, i've actually gained a few pounds. yeah. not right. at first i thought i was gaining muscle, but i really don't think so. tonight as i was getting dressed to go out for dinner, i put on a favorite pair of slacks only to find i was holding my breath and jumping around to get into them. ok, so it wasn't quite that bad, but they were very, very tight. i took them off and promptly hung them back in the closet. oy vey.

i think the explanation is two-fold: first, i'm honestly hungrier since i began running. consequently i am eating more. i'm not making poor choices, but i'm eating larger quantities so it only makes sense that i'm gaining a bit. secondly, i think there's a slight sense of entitlement, or a feeling like i deserve a reward (which has become my nightly Skinny Cow ice cream cone, which, at 150 calories isn't bad at all, but the fact that i am eating it at night is awful). i catch myself sometimes thinking, "oh, well i went running today, so i can eat a few more of those wheat thins," or, "i did such a good job working out that i can have that yogurt and granola." don't get me wrong---i am hungry. a lot. but perhaps there is a third reason, and it's the same one that's always plagued me: emotional eating. i suppose when you combine these three things, it's no wonder i've gained a few pounds. regardless, i'm quite upset with myself and i really want to put a stop to it. but how to do this when i really AM hungry most of the time? sometimes i even get sweaty and shaky, like i have low blood sugar. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

i've often thought about posting pictures or signs around the kitchen. it's not as easy as just not buying certain things because i have kids. i'm not willing to deprive them of foods just because i hear the cookies calling my name from the pantry. i am a firm believer that if you're denied something, you want it all the more later. we don't keep a lot of junk food in the house---we have pretzels and Sun Chips (not greasy Lays/Ruffles). We have cookies around, but they are mostly Fat Free Newtons or the Archway oatmeal raisin cookies (I also make my own cookies when I can summon the energy, as those are far better, although still not good for you). we eat lots of fruit and veggies, eggs, yogurt, milk, cheese, whole wheat bread, turkey, chicken....I am talking in circles. Perhaps if I taped signs around that read, "Do you really need/want to eat that?" or, "What's really eating you?" or even, "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips," I would be less inclined to indulge my every food whim. Certainly a magazine clipping or two featuring swimsuit models would be enough to stop me from stuffing my face unnecessarily.

I have also read about keeping a food diary, which I've never attempted. It seems like it wouldn't work, but perhaps I ought to give it a shot. You do just that---write down everything you put in your mouth. I suppose with the result being that you begin to fully realize how much and what sorts of foods you are putting into your body daily. And maybe writing it down prompts you to consider whether you really need it. I can't remember for sure, but I think you're also supposed to jot down how you're feeling that day or what's been going on. Hell, maybe I should post my food diary on my blog! I can see that being a very effective diet!!! It would say:

"Saturday, August 9, 2008. Today I ate an apple and a large glass of fat-free skim milk. I wasn't really very hungry for some reason. My kids were absolute angels and took three-hour naps, and I used that time to mow the yard and wash my car. D came home from work early and loved the delicious, wholesome meal I prepared for the family (which I declined to eat because I wasn't hungry). I did 22 loads of laundry, took the dog to the vet, vacuumed and mopped my floors, had hot sex with my husband, read a novel, went to the grocery store, and ran 10 miles followed by an hour of strength training. I am so happy and fulfilled and my life is perfect! I always manage to squeeze so many productive things into my day. It's very important that I keep my mind sharp by reading and writing, but sometimes I then don't have time for my other chores. So I just pop a few pills and stay up all night. It's fabulous!

I don't know how so many moms do it and make it look so easy. I feel like a failure. This post started out about eating/gaining weight, but it's really about so many things. Isn't it funny how many thoughts and feelings are related and constantly bending into each other? How we think eating/hunger is a physiological thing, a need answered. But my brain and stomach are victims of miscommunication. My stomach's sending a message to my brain, "Feed me, feed me," but maybe the emptiness it feels isn't a hunger for food. Sadly I haven't fully realized that until now, and I don't know how to fix or change it. Maybe I'm blowing it out of proportion. I tend to over analyze sometimes.

Friday, August 8, 2008


i am most pleased to report that we got the building permit and contruction of our new home will begin most likely on Monday!!!! photos of progress will follow.

i am likewise happy because i am watching Pride & Prejudice. the book is always better, but i love the movie as well. the girls are at school and i am regrouping from a rough week.

and tonight we are going to see Dark Knight. looking forward to that as well!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

f'ing awful day, and it's only 1:45 p.m.

the last few days izzy's been regressing with her potty training. it's been fabulous--really convenient and fun. it's been a real treat taking her car seat out of the car twice in the last 10 days to wash the cover (2 accidents in the car).

as if all of this wasn't fun enough, this morning happened.

it started out as a semi-normal morning, and izzy peed all over the carpet in their room. i cleaned it up and put her in a diaper. i told her when she's ready to be a big girl to let me know, and if she'll begin using the potty regularly again, she can have her panties back. she was less than thrilled with this and threw a fit, but i held firm. we ran some errands and came home mid-morning. i took them downstairs to play while i worked out on the elliptical. afterwards i brought them back up with me and let them play in their room while i showered. mid-shampoo izzy finds her way to my bathroom and announces that she's wet and poopy and it's right then that i notice poop on her legs. i scream at her to "STAY THERE AND DON'T MOVE!" as i hurriedly scramble into a towel (shampoo still in hair, mind you). as i pick her up to bring her to her tub, i notice that there's poop/pee on the carpet of my bedroom, and apparently she stepped in it on her way to inform me. lovely. if you hadn't guessed already, my illustrious daughter took it upon herself to remove her own diaper. she made it clear she didn't want the diaper on and it was obvious to her the best time to take it off was while mommy was in the shower.

so i am dripping wet, shampoo still in my hair and feeling like vomiting. i throw her in the tub, where she proceeds to poop a little more. then i remember the last time we had a similar situation (also documented in this blog), and too late run to grab the dog and shut him up in the laundry room. so now izzy's crying in the tub and has pooped in it; there is more poop and pee on the floor in my bedroom and bathroom; and as i go to bring her dirty clothes and my dirty bath mat to the laundry room, i remember too late Monster is in there and open the door. he goes flying past me to investigate and see if there are any delectable morsels left. I scrape what i can off my carpet and go to drain the tub, shower izzy off, and then clean the tub. i put a clean diaper on izzy and threaten her with many spanks if she dares to pull it off.

fortunately i still have my mother-in-law's handy dandy carpet steam cleaner and i load it up with the cleanser and hot water. i clean my bedroom carpet. i throw in more laundry. i spray down the girls' bathtub a second time and wipe it down well. i sit the girls at the kitchen table with lunch and call my mom, sobbing.

i eventually got back in the shower to finish what i started. i put the girls down for naps and ate some lunch. just as i started to unwind a bit, abby got up (a measly 1/2 hour after i put them down---so it's definitely one of those days around here). i again almost had a drink. i can't take it. why doesn't anyone warn you that motherhood will be this way? why, on this day of all days, can't both of my kids nap for at least an hour and a half so i can get my shit (pun unintended) back together before the 2nd half of the day begins?

i think i'd be really perfect for the lead role in How to Lose Your Mind and Commit Suicide in 10 Days (or Less). i think i'll go buy some poster board and make a sign that reads, "Free To Good Home," and put it in my front yard and sit my kids next to it.

Just kidding!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


this has to be quick because my battery's about to die and i have to go pick up the girls.

this morning i almost had to pour myself a drink. this MORNING.
whilst seated at the table eating breakfast, izzy decided to channel the Big Bad Wolf. She said to Abby, "I huff and I B-L-O-W your house down!" Abby started crying and whining and said, "No, you NO blow my house down!" and Izzy continued huffing and puffing until Abby began to scream. And I'm all, "Abby, she is PRETENDING! IT'S NOT REAL!" and swearing under my breath. It went on and on and on. Where do they get this stuff? And curse the woman who told me that the 3s are far, far worse than the 2s.

Someone please shoot me now.

Monday, August 4, 2008

heat wave

we're in the midst of a horrid heat wave. i don't know if it's officially a heat wave, but it sure as hell feels like one. it's currently 100 degrees and the heat index is hovering somewhere near 110. i just returned from a trip to the grocery store with the girls and suffice it to say that i broke a huge sweat without even really exerting myself. it's ridiculous out there. barely a cloud in the sky, sunny, and HUMID. in a word----GROSS.

fall, where art thou?

i suppose it's for the best my dad and kory didn't make it up here over the weekend because they'd surely be miserable as well.

i need a shower and i didn't even DO anything!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


after hair cuts this morning....Izzy.

Say "cheese!" Izzy's on the left, Abby's on the right.

More sisterly love. Wish this happened more often.

Starting to get goofy. Time to put away the camera.

Izzy's latest thing is putting her hands on her hips.
Wonder where she got that from?

Friday, August 1, 2008


Us Weekly is my one guilty pleasure. I love it. I'm addicted.

However, as I greedily grabbed my new issue from the mailman just now, I couldn't help but sigh when I saw the title splashed across the cover: "How They Get Thin Fast!" featuring new moms Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, and Nicole Kidman.

Argh. Double Argh.

Why must we women be so obsessed with our weight? Surely if men were the ones carrying the babies they wouldn't feel the need to bounce back so quickly, nor would society be waiting with baited breath to see them debut their post-baby bodies. Why the double standard? Men age and become more distinguished looking. On the flip side, women seem to be chastised for every wrinkle, bulge, or cellulite-ridden spot. Yet I confess I'd love to have Halle Berry's bod. Why is it so hard to be happy with who we are? I refuse to starve myself. I have a torrid love affair with food. I am an emotional eater. Hell, I'll probably head to the pantry after reading this new rag mag just because it's going to make me feel like crap!!!

rant over.
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