Menopausal New Mom tagged me today in the Theta Mom challenge (Theta = The True, Authentic Mom). I'm supposed to share five reasons why I'm worthy of this title and then tag a few others.
First and foremost, I am who I am, and I fully admit I'm a far-from-perfect mom. I let my kids watch television (sometimes too much). I bribe them with treats so I can get my grocery shopping done in peace. I yell often. They drink out of plastic cups and eat off of plastic plates. I sometimes force them to have quiet time because I'm the one who needs it, not them. I don't kill myself trying to be the perfect mom because nobody wins that game. Cartoons and a little candy won't kill them.
I try to maintain a healthy balance. I don't play with or entertain my kids 24/7. They are nearly 4 years old, and they need to learn to play on their own sometimes. It's important for them to be self sufficient, because the reality is mommy isn't always going to be around and they need to learn to be independent beings. I firmly believe this will make them stronger.
I love my daughters with every fiber of my being. There was a long & difficult time when we weren't sure we'd be able to conceive on our own. It was very important to me to carry my own child, although we ultimately decided we'd adopt if the in-vitro failed. I was given a gift, and it was motherhood. It doesn't matter how it all happened; it's just important that my dream of becoming a mother was realized and I now have two incredible daughters. I am blessed and so very lucky.
Being a mom hasn't been all sunshine and roses: it's been skipping showers, wearing dirty clothes, and dressing my kids better than I dress myself. It means vomit and wiping poopy bottoms and lots of bedtime drama. But it is also hugs and kisses to my heart's content, "I love you" in a singsong voice all day long, and those little faces looking up at me like I'm the best thing since sliced bread. It's snuggling and story time and learning together. It's blowing bubbles, riding bikes, and jumping on beds. My cup runneth over. My heart is full of love for these two little miracles.
Lastly: I do the best that I can each day to teach them everything I know. To show them the world in all its beauty, but also in its imperfection. We recycle. We see homeless people on the side of the road. We put money in the Salvation Army's red buckets. We cook together. We take baths together. We argue. We go to Target and bake cakes and go to the park and play duck duck goose. I'm their mother, and it's my job. It's the most challenging and most rewarding job in the world. I'm proud to call myself a mommy.
I challenge these bloggers to write about what makes them Theta Moms:
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