The Mommyologist has begun a startling new phenomenon in BlogLand---Bringing Mom Sexy Back. In her groundbreaking post on Monday, she broke up with her scale and kicked him to the curb (quite literally) in a one-of-a-kind vlog that will leave you empowered, inspired, and bent over with laughter. While I am not brave enough to hurtle my scale into a forest just yet, I am Bringing Mom Sexy Back with my Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred dvd.
Because my friend Ian over at The Daily Dose of Reality likes to say, "Pics or it never happened," I asked The Father Load to take some photos of my latest shredding experience. Please remember
(I'm thinking this is why my knees are killing me---this move is tough!)
(Monster likes to join me during my workouts--I just love dog breath in my face when I'm doing chest flies)
(Are we done yet? Oh, the basketball goal is the best place to hang up hula hoops in case you were wondering)
(Even The Father Load joined me and he is Bringing Dad Sexy Back!)
So here's the rub: unless you are sweating, panting, grunting, trembling, and feeling like you're gonna die, you're not really working out, you are not pushing yourself to your limit; therefore you are not Mom Sexy. When I'm giving it everything I've got, I am Bringing Mom Sexy Back. When I'm done---stinky and exhausted and ready to collapse on the couch-- I'm Bringing Mom Sexy Back. I've said farewell to those calories, all that stress, and any feelings of worthlessness motherhood has brought upon me that particular day. I feel good about myself, no matter what the scale said that morning.
But Bringing Mom Sexy Back isn't just about exercise; for me it's also about eating right. I posted last week about my wake-up call from Jessica Gottlieb. In addition to shopping more carefully at the grocery store, I finally forced myself to watch the movie Food, Inc. and I wish I'd done so sooner. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend that you put it in your Netflix queue or head to Blockbuster NOW. It is Mom Sexy to be knowledgeable about the food industry, what is on our plates, and where it's coming from. It is Mom Sexy to educate ourselves so that we and our families can be healthier and kinder to our planet and its species. It is Mom Sexy to explore other options, consider new avenues, and teach our kids about what we're learning along the way.
I am Mom Sexy....when I eat right (most of the time).
I am Mom Sexy....when I exercise regularly.
I am Mom Sexy....when I learn as much as I can every day.
I am Mom Sexy....when I read, listen, and open my mind and heart.
I am Mom Sexy....when I trust myself, love my body, and learn to like what I see in the mirror.
I am Mom Sexy....when I play tag and Duck, Duck, Goose with my kids.
I am Mom Sexy....when I curl up and read Pinkalicious to my kids for the hundredth time.
I am Mom Sexy....even in an worn t-shirt and Gap jeans.
I am Mom Sexy....even if my hair is dirty and I'm tired.
I am Mom Sexy....because it's a feeling that comes from within. It's an attitude I'm adopting. It's a life change. It's being the best mom, wife, friend, sister, daughter, etc. that I can be. It means working hard every day to better myself in so many ways.
But being Mom Sexy also means having patience with myself, not beating myself up if I am not perfect. Rome wasn't built in a day. It starts with one little thing---throwing a scale away, buying a Jillian Michaels dvd, or tossing out all the Twinkies and Ding Dongs. It morphs, stretches and reaches into so many other parts of your life. It's contagious!
How are you Bringing Mom Sexy Back?
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