Please go visit Think Tank Momma to play along! I'm so excited about this premiere---Gratitude with Attitude Tuesday --- giving thanks one sarcastic snarktastic Thank You Note at a time. Have a few words you'd like to share? Grab the code and button above and link up with the rest of us
Dear Continental Airlines,
Thank you very much for canceling my flight home due to "inclement weather." It was especially interesting since Southwest was able to get me home without a problem. And an extra big thank you to the super folks
Kiss My Arse,
Weary Traveler Who Will Leave a Used Barf Bag in My Seat Pocket Next Time I Have to Fly Your Friendly Skies
Dear Izzy,
Thank you very much for asking me about the lines on my forehead. Someday you'll have them too and you'll understand they are directly proportional to your children's bad behavior.
Your Wrinkled Mommy
Dear maroon Toyota Corolla traveling east in the left lane on K-10 today,
Thank you very much for sitting in the left lane boxing me in while you drove just under the speed limit. Am I the only person on the planet who was taught that THE LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING?!!?!? WTF?
Severely Pissed Off
Dear Beloved Progeny,
Thank you very much for telling me I'm a "bad mommy." Like I don't already know this? Somehow hearing it come out of your little mouths makes it hit home that much harder.
Hugs & Kisses,
Mommie Dearest
Dear Lawrence Memorial Hospital,
Thank you very much for stocking lots of cheap toilet paper in your restrooms. There's nothing I love better after a long day in the waiting room than a red, raw bum.
Please Stock Charmin Next Time or I'll "Forget" to Flush!
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