Thursday, December 17, 2009

10 Things that Make Me Happy

The very sweet Noelle over at Elastic Waistbands and Comfortable Shoes tagged me in this little game. It should go without saying that you should immediately go visit her and become a follower. Same holds true for the blogs I'll be listing below.

Now, here are the rules that go with this one: list 10 things that make you happy, try to do at least one of them today, and link back to the person that tagged you. Then tag 10 other bloggers that brighten your day.

10 Things That Make Me Happy:
1.) writing/blogging/reading. Yes, I can lump these all into one category

2.) challah french toast on Saturday mornings. Especially when hubs makes it.

3.) HBO & Showtime shows: Dexter, Big Love, Californication, True Blood, The United States of Tara....the list goes on an on.

4.) my children....preferably when they are sleeping. Hubs and I tiptoe in every night before we go to bed. We adjust covers, move limbs over, pick loveys up off the floor and put them back in their beds.

5.) Monster--our mini Poodle, who deserves his own blog post SOON! (stay tuned, you won't want to miss)

6.) my bloggy buds and my IRL (in real life) buds. I've never had such a large circle of friends. I love you! Thank you all for letting me be me. And for liking me 9?) in spite of it.

7.) my husband who puts up with all my shit. and then some.

8.) my new soaps from Lee the Hotflash Queen (a.k.a. Triple H) of Lah Dee Dah Soap fame---check her out here.

9.) carbs. Most any carb will do, but especially chips (real ones, not that baked shiggedy), pasta, pizza, cake, cookies, candy, name it, I will eat it!

10.) Kendall Jackson Chardonnay

Now, I am to tag 10 bloggers who brighten my day! This is the easy part. I will try to tag all new peeps, but if you've already been tagged, just beat me over the head with a large stick! Plesae go visit these wonderful people. If you don't, I will beat YOU over the head with a large stick. Oh, and follow, follow, follow!

Big Sis over at Speaking of Witch. Big Sis is always entertaining and she is a faithful bloggy buddy. We stick together because we both have big feet. And she has relatives in NOLA (my beloved hometown), so she gets extra points.

Andrea over at Good Girl Gone Redneck. I have only come to know Andrea recently, but she sparkles. She's very intelligent and witty, and she's Jewish. We Jews have to stick together, you know. LOL!

Mama-Face over at Blog-Ignoramus. Mama-Face writes exceptionally well. Her poetry rocks. And her lil-dub is so cute!

Mindy over at The Inquisitive Mom. Mindy is the sweetest! She has two darling kiddos and she always seems to have her shit together. Which is more than I can say for myself.

Autumn over at From A to Z. Autumn has been a friend for a long time, but she recently had to go incognito. She needs some bloggy love, so please go say hi---you won't be sorry!

Leigh over at Leigh vs. Laundry. Leigh has been with me for a while and she has a cool caption contest every week. I never win because I suck at it. But Leigh is still my friend even though my submissions totally stink!!!

Kelly over at Speaking From The Crib. Kelly recently interviewed me for her Hanukkah post and I was so excited and flattered. She was so cool to work with and she's rip-roaringly funny.

Life of a Tater Tot Mom just wrote a very thoughtful post this week on coming full circle. Please read it. And think about it. Life is about more than blogging and followers. Right?

Tattoos and Teething Rings has finally had a good birthday! (maybe?) Go check her out and read about her very interesting birthday situations over the years. She's been with me for a while and I adore her.

Holly over at 504 Main. Holly's a wedding expert. Very hip & stylish. I will never be cool like her. But she's my friend anyway!

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