A nose job in the summer of 1996 gave me a new lease on life. I'm still really grateful that my parents not only allowed me to do it, but paid for it and cared for me in the rather uncomfortable aftermath (though they said my nose was "fine," made me "unique" and a load of other shiggedy that I didn't believe).
Anynose, after that was fixed I moved on to my second biggest hangup, which I am still stuck on and no surgery exists that will remedy the situation. I loathe my feet. And I kinda hate feet in general, but not if they are cute & clean. My feet are clean, of course. But they are all manner of fugly. Even a little OPI California Raspberry polish can't conceal the hideousness. I blame my mother for the width and I blame my father for my ugly toes. There, I've said it. It's out there, and there's no taking it back. Now you know why I hate summer (besides the fact that I sweat like a pig). Winter is my friend because no flip flops or sandals are involved.
**I accidentally hit publish at this point, and panicked. I wasn't done. But then I thought maybe I should just leave it as is. So I did. Except for this---
It could always be worse--my feet could look like this:
So what are your hangups? Or do you only have one?
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