Thursday, December 3, 2009

My third GO GREEN GIVEAWAY begins NOW ---Third time's a charm, right?!!?

I had a brief mental lapse and forgot to announce that BunkieBott over at Adventures of a Poor Shopaholic won my 2nd GO GREEN GIVEAWAY! Congratulations & your reusable tote is in the mail on its way to you.

This means it's time to begin my 3rd and final GO GREEN GIVEAWAY. It may not be my final giveaway ever, but it's the last one for now.

Here's what you're going to win:

This super cute blue coffee coozie thingie! It protects your hands as you once again succumb to that caffeine addiction enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee on the go. Courtesy of Coffee Girls here in KC! It goes without saying you should be bringing your own mug by now, but if you don't, at least you can skip the paper sleeve part.

You will also win this set of six reusbale produce bags courtesy of Etsy (2 bags in each size):

These bags are white with pink ribbon. They come with a pink floral storage bag:

This giveaway will end  at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, 12/10/09. So you have a full week for this one. Here's how to enter:

1.) Follow me here on Blogger - 1 entry
2.) Follow me on Twitter (@erinlynn76) - 1 entry
3.) Write about this giveaway on your own blog with a link to this post here (please email me and make sure I see the post! - 5 entries
4.) Tweet about this giveaway with a link to this post  - 5 entries (please send me a link to your tweet or at least put my Twitter username in your tweet so I can see it---people who may have entered the last giveaway this way---I never saw your tweets!). You can tweet about this giveaway once per day.
5.) Write your own GO GREEN blog post and tell us about everything you do that helps our planet. And link up to me here, too - 10 entries

Thanks for playing & good luck!

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