Sunday, January 31, 2010

To Vlog or Not to Vlog--That is the Question. Or, Why I Embarrass my Husband.

Many of you may have watched my vlog from Thursday about Why Jazzercise is Evil. If you haven't already done so, please check it out here. Then come back and read this.

Are you done? Okay, good.

My husband said my vlog really sucked suggested I quit vlogging and revert entirely to the written word. He told me that I look like an old corpse unearthed from its tomb half eaten by maggots "depressed" in the video and that my real self comes through so much better in plain writing. Last night at dinner my friend, Anne, quipped that perhaps Hubs simply missed the boat with my deadpan sense of humor about those damned Girl Scout cookies (which I bought myself, shame on me---it's all my fault, but that is neither here nor there). She was spot on. I was trying to be funny, but perhaps I shouldn't quit my day job. I will obviously never be Chelsea Lately. Regardless, I patiently explained to Hubs that vlogging is a nice break from the standard stuff, it's fun, and it gives people a chance to see "the real me" in all of my unshowered glory. I mean guys don't even have to pay for this shit!

So, dear readers, here is where YOU come in. I want to hear from you---ALL of you. Even if you aren't a follower (sobbing), even if you only read sporadically (boo hoo hoo!), even if this is your first time reading my blog (please come back again!). Leave me a love note in these comments. I've set things up so that anyone & everyone can comment---you don't have to sign in, you don't have to create a username/password, you don't have to be registered, pay anything, sign over your life....all you have to do is click on "Post a Comment" and then write whatever you want in the pretty little white box below. It really is that easy peasy, I promise. I'm begging you to be brutally honest. Tell me the vlog sucks. Tell me you love it. Tell me you're indifferent. Just tell me something. Either prove my husband wrong and stroke my bruised ego or tell me straight up that the vlog is not my forte and to throw in the towel.

And as long as we're on the subject: If you don't ever comment, I have no idea you're reading.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal wants to date with Jennifer Aniston

Jake Gyllenhaal wants to date with Jennifer Aniston for a long time but haven't make any actions yet.

A source told the National Enquirer: "Jake’s had his eye on her for a long while, but the timing’s never been right. The chemistry’s been there for years but, in the past, either one or the other has been in a relationship.

"They really have so much in common. He’s aware of Jen’s reputation for being unlucky at love, but he feels he has a lot to bring into her life. More importantly, he is sure they could make each other happy.

“Jake even describes her as being hot, intelligent and spiritual - the perfect package!"

Another source added: "Jake’s obviously a good-looking guy and she couldn’t care less if she’s viewed as a cougar for going out with him."


Jake Gyllenhaal wants to date with Jennifer Aniston

Jake Gyllenhaal picture
Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal wants to date with Jennifer Aniston for a long time but haven't make any actions yet.

A source told the National Enquirer: "Jake’s had his eye on her for a long while, but the timing’s never been right. The chemistry’s been there for years but, in the past, either one or the other has been in a relationship.

"They really have so much in common. He’s aware of Jen’s reputation for being unlucky at love, but he feels he has a lot to bring into her life. More importantly, he is sure they could make each other happy.

“Jake even describes her as being hot, intelligent and spiritual - the perfect package!"

Another source added: "Jake’s obviously a good-looking guy and she couldn’t care less if she’s viewed as a cougar for going out with him."


Jennifer Aniston signed up to a dating agency.

Jennifer Aniston has signed up to a dating agency and she won’t be interested to go back to her estranged hubby Brad Pitt.

And it wasn't cheap, she paid six figure lump sum to that dating agency, Kelleher International.

One source said “Jen is desperate to finally hook up with a man who will be faithful and true to her."

“She’ll pay a million bucks if she has to find the right guy. One thing I guarantee you is that she’ll never take Brad back, no matter how much he begs her to reconcile."


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jennifer Aniston's ex beau Tate compliments her dress

Jennifer Aniston bump into one of her ex boyfriend, Tate Donovan at Sunday's Golden Globes. She dated him for five years from 1995 .

He told Us "It was good to see her.

When quoted about her dress, he responded "It was nice."


Blog Housekeeping or Why gets you NO REPLY!

I love blogging, but there are a few things that frustrate me, so I'm going to tell you how to fix them in the words of two blog experts, Tami over at Hearts Make Families and Lee of Headaches, Hormones, & Hotflashes fame. They say it all so well that I'm not even going to bother.

Tami did a post last week and here's a brilliant excerpt:

I think I've been double taxing myself. I try to respond to every comment by email unless of course you have the no-reply blogger dot com that drives me nuts.


I hate it. I despise it. I want to respond to you all by email. I love responding by emails. I love talking to you all. I want to know about my readers. So I respond to every email I get. Until I see the hated "no reply at blogger dot com." To make it easy for you to remove it, I am going to post directions here for you:

Go to your Dashboard on Hit your edit profile, right next to your picture, avatar or whatever else you have showing. Scroll down to the line that says : Show my email address and CHECK THE BOX. Hit save.

For those of you who do not want a regular email address to show, go to Gmail, Yahoo or any other number of places and get a FREE, yes FREE, email account and set it up.


I hate hate this as well. I don't know why but my eyes do not do this well at all. Or I hit save and then close. Guess what happens? You don't get my comment and sometimes I don't realize. So I might have been commenting all along. Now to turn off this awful thing and to help all of your commenters' eyes, do the following:

Go to your Dashboard at Click on Settings, which is under the name of your blog. Click on Comments, which is on the top of the page. Scroll down until you see this: Show word verification for comments? Click the box that says NO. Click Save settings at the bottom of the page. Please do not leave this page until you have saved settings.

I am begging you to fix these things to help me get to know each of you even better in the future.

Lee The Hotflash Queen wrote a post last October about the very same subjects:

**Disclosure. I am citing my own opinions and no other irritated bloggers encouraged or gave me sexual or monetary favors for the writing of this post. I am not responsible for any offended egos in the writing of this post.**

How I hate seeing this!! First of all, I can’t tell you how many times I have responded to comments from my email, because truly, some of the comments make me laugh so hard I snort, and then hit send only to realize that my email will be floating in never never land for eternity.

Where do these emails go?? Seriously. Where do they go??

I am not the type of gal who is going to respond to a comment in the post. I’m just not. I like to streamline. I like to hit reply on my email and then respond and hit send. Instead, I go to the respective blog to comment…which I do anyway…and then comment on the post they have written, thus not giving me an opportunity to respond to the numerous fabulous and hysterical comments I receive.

PEOPLE THIS MUST STOP! I am sure the blogger fairies are tired of trying to catch all my emails that are sent out there with no home!! So, I am going to teach you all how to change this, and I am going to do it in a way that there will be no more excuses!!
(end of excerpts/quotes)
and you can read on from there her explicit instructions....

Please please please, for the love of all that is bloggy, fix these things. It will make me more inclined to comment, reply, respond, etc.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Angelina Jolie feels like an insecure teenager because of Jennifer Aniston

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Angelina Jolie feels like an “insecure teenager” because of Brad Pitt’s estranged wife Jennifer Aniston.

She scare of bumping into Aniston and will cancel numerous of events to avoid her.

A source told the National Enquirer “When Brad took Angie out to dinner recently in the Big apple, she insisted they go to a restaurant where neither Jen — nor any of Jen’s friends — could ever show up."

“She’s canceled dozens of nights out recently, even though most of the time there’s zero chance of running into her.

“It’s as though Jen has gotten under her skin and she’s petrified of any type of run-in.

“Nobody has seen Angie act this before — she’s like an insecure teenager all of a sudden. It’s shocking.”


Think Tank Momma's Gratitude With Attitude Tuesday --- First Edition!!

Think Tank Momma

Please go visit Think Tank Momma to play along! I'm so excited about this premiere---Gratitude with Attitude Tuesday --- giving thanks one sarcastic snarktastic Thank You Note at a time. Have a few words you'd like to share? Grab the code and button above and link up with the rest of us thankless Thankful folk and we'll share in the therapeutic cleansing ritual of giving thanks. Let us begin....

Dear Continental Airlines,

Thank you very much for canceling my flight home due to "inclement weather." It was especially interesting since Southwest was able to get me home without a problem. And an extra big thank you to the super folks dicking around working at the Continental counter who did absolutely nothing to try and help a frazzled young mama get home to her little ones.

Kiss My Arse,
Weary Traveler Who Will Leave a Used Barf Bag in My Seat Pocket Next Time I Have to Fly Your Friendly Skies

Dear Izzy,

Thank you very much for asking me about the lines on my forehead. Someday you'll have them too and you'll understand they are directly proportional to your children's bad behavior.

Your Wrinkled Mommy

Dear maroon Toyota Corolla traveling east in the left lane on K-10 today,

Thank you very much for sitting in the left lane boxing me in while you drove just under the speed limit. Am I the only person on the planet who was taught that THE LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING?!!?!? WTF?

Severely Pissed Off

Dear Beloved Progeny,

Thank you very much for telling me I'm a "bad mommy." Like I don't already know this? Somehow hearing it come out of your little mouths makes it hit home that much harder.

Hugs & Kisses,
Mommie Dearest

Dear Lawrence Memorial Hospital,

Thank you very much for stocking lots of cheap toilet paper in your restrooms. There's nothing I love better after a long day in the waiting room than a red, raw bum.

Please Stock Charmin Next Time or I'll "Forget" to Flush!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Jennifer Aniston donated $500,000 to Haiti Relief

Jennifer Aniston donated $500,000 to Haiti Relief. Besides that, she joined other celebrities for "Hope for Haiti" telethon last friday to get donations from the public.


When The Saints Go Marching In....

Good morning lovely readers,

This morning I am sharing a guest post my younger brother, Mark, wrote for me back in November. In light of the Saints' win last night and the fact that they are going to the Superbowl, I am re-running this. As many of you know, I am from New Orleans. Mark still lives there. On the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina last August, I blogged about my family's losses. You can view those posts here and here. Mark's photos from his home are here. I have to say I think he's written a really wonderful post, and I'm not even a football fan. But this is about so much more than football. Please read on.

There are a lot of places where the local sports team hasn’t “won the big one.” And in a lot of those places, fans still love their team, still cheer for them year in and year out, and they remain optimistic about “next year.” They want to feel what it’s like to win THE big game; to scream at the top of their lungs; to be filled with overwhelming happiness and euphoria, and to proudly raise their index fingers in the air while chanting their fight song or catch phrase. They don’t know what it’s like. They’ve seen it happen to other teams, but they can’t really understand. New Orleans Saints fans are the exception to the rule. See, even though the Saints have never won the Super Bowl, we know what all of those things feel like.

Hurricane Katrina did a number on the Superdome. It took about a year to repair the water damage from the storm and the destruction caused by the panicked crowd who stayed within the Dome without electricity or plumbing. I imagine it took a long time to remove the putrid smell of raw sewage and death. The Saints spent over a year without playing at home in the Dome.

On September 25, 2006, the Dome was finally reopened. That Monday night, the Saints took on the Atlanta Falcons as all of America watched (you DID watch didn’t you?). I’m sure your average out-of-towner thought, “Wow, I’ll bet the crowd will be excited.” They had no idea.

Picture losing everything. EVERYTHING. Your house destroyed. Your photo albums ruined. Your car totaled. Your job gone. Your friends and family scattered…or worse. Picture YOUR neighborhood, YOUR street, YOUR block…a post-apocalyptic nightmare.

Picture your voice cracking, “What?” as you are told that your insurance company won’t be covering your losses.
Picture hugging your best friend for the last time before she moves away…permanently.

Picture yourself attempting to comfort your child: “It’s going to be okay, honey. We’re going to get a NEW house, and you’ll have a NEW bed and NEW toys and NEW friends, and things will be better than ever.” Picture yourself doubting those words as they come out.
Picture trying to rebuild your home with your own two hands.

Picture the contractor you hired skipping town with your Road Home money.

Picture yourself sitting on a plastic storage container filled with the moldy, rotting remains of your life. Picture yourself crying uncontrollably.

Picture yourself emotionally exhausted. Picture yourself actually forgetting what it’s like to smile.

Imagine feeling those emotions…for a year.

(Don’t read the remainder of this until you’ve actually tried to picture these things.)

Now picture yourself finally getting some good news. Picture yourself hearing that your city’s team looks pretty good and they’re going to be able to play AT HOME for the first time in what feels like forever. You don’t even remember what it was like to tailgate or to have a party at your house. You can’t for the life of you even remember the last time you high-fived someone.

Picture yourself returning to the scene of so much pain, so much violence, so much uncertainty. When you walk through the turnstiles all you can hear is people say, “Wow, it looks like nothing happened here!” When you smell the hot dogs and popcorn, you think of MRE’s. You instinctively check the roof to make sure it’s fixed. When you walk to your seat you think, people died here.

You don’t quite understand it when the National Anthem plays and you can’t hold back the tears. You turn to the stranger next to you who is also wiping tears away, and you both laugh a little, take a deep breath and sigh.

The roar always starts near the Saints’ tunnel because the fans there can see the team when they line up before they take the field. But tonight, the sound is different…louder…more desperate. When the Saints make their first big play, you know you’re going to pump your fists and yell. That’s the conditioned fan response. It’s expected. It’s normal. You’re ready for some normalcy.

The Saints block a punt and return it for a touchdown.

You didn’t know it was going to feel like being born again. You weren’t prepared. No one else is either. The screams of 72,002 other people in the Dome feel like they could break levees. The tears could flood the streets. Every big play is like this. Every touchdown, every sack. You’ve known the definition of “catharsis” since 7th grade English class. You never knew its meaning until now.
Just when you think you have nothing left to give, it’s halftime and U2 and Green Day play a live rendition of “The Saints are Coming.” After the first line, “There is a house in New Orleans; they call it the Superdome,” you well up again. A minute later, Bono sings, “Living like birds in the Magnolia trees; child on a rooftop, mother on her knees; her sign reads ‘Please, I am an Americaaaaaaaaan!”

You weren’t prepared for that. The words ring in your head. The freeze-frame memories from a year ago come flooding back. You don’t hear the rest of the song.

You can’t decide whether what you’re feeling is sadness or happiness. You know no one around you knows the answer either.

After another half of complete euphoria, New Orleanians would be heard for miles, chanting “WHO DAT,” screaming at the top of their lungs, index fingers in the air. Sportswriters, coaches, and players would later say that there was no team, NO TEAM, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD that could have beaten the Saints that night.

I want another night like that. I hope this is our year.

Jennifer Aniston plans for big birthday bash

Jennifer Aniston will be 41 years old soon on her birthday, which falls on February 11. And she plans to have a big birthday party and invite her good friends. Sources tell

And instead of getting birthday gifts, she hopes her guests will donate money to her charity of choice.

What a nice person she is. Well, sometimes giving is better than receiving. That's how people are blessed.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston teams up for Haiti Relief

Brad Pitt and his ex wife Jennifer Aniston teams up on Friday to raise money for Haiti earthquake victims.

Will they be together again one day?


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jennifer Aniston likes to pretend?

Ever since she went to Golden Globe Awards, either people talked about her dress, where people say she emulate Angelina's dress that show high thigh or about her photos with Gerard.

Is she pretending, to grab attention?


Friday, January 22, 2010

The Funny Stuff My Kids Say, or, Why Is My Daughter Trying to Make Out With My Husband?

Last night I was making out with my laptop working on my computer while the girls fawned all over their dad in the living room. They were being unusually angelic, snuggly, and cute. They smelled good too, since I bribed persuaded them to shower with me so I wouldn't have to deal with baths after the crankies set in. Is there anything better than a sweet-smelling child? You lean in for a whiff and suddenly all the baby days come flooding back in a rush. You know the ones: the house is quiet, there is no talking back, no hitting, no fighting. Just snuggling with a warm bundle of joy who chomps on your nipples until they bleed  looks lovingly into your eyes while you coo and fuss over him/her. The baby days are some of the best because babies are mute, immobile, and incapable of grating on your every last nerve.

But I digress.

It starts innocently enough. Abby is giving Hubs quick little pecks all over his cheeks, nose, and mouth. She is giggling. Hubs is trying to read a medical journal, but he finally gives up and starts tickling her. Her laughter is infectious. I'll have to try and capture it on a vlog sometime. Anytickle, Abby begins sticking her tongue out at Hubs and the usual reprimands ensue. Then I can almost see the wheels start to turn in her head. Her tongue comes back out and she licks Hubs' cheek. He laughs, Abby laughs, we're all laughing. Then more wheels turning, and she asks with a sweet smile on her face

"Daddy, can we touch tongues?"


I look at Hubs and carefully ask, "Did she just say what I think she said?"

"Yes she did," Hubs replies.

Dear God, I know I've been a bad wife lately, but seriously, if my own daughter is trying to move in on my man I know it's time for me to step up my game.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

John Mayer never forgetten former girlfriend Jennifer Aniston?

John Mayer was dating with Jennifer Aniston. After that, they brokeup. Now he admits he never forgotten her.

He said: "I've never really gotten over it. It was one of the worst times of my life.

"I have this weird feeling, a pride thing, for the people I've had relationships with. What would I be saying to Jen, who I think is f**ing fantastic, if I said to her, 'I don't dislike you. In fact, I extremely like you.

But I have to back out of this because it doesn't arc over the horizon. This is not where I see myself for the rest of my life, this is not my ideal destiny."


Lucky Chinese Tag

Kys over at Stir-Fry Awesomeness tagged me. Which means I can keep/steal some of her original answers. Because she's original and I'm not.

8 TV Shows I Watch:
• Vampire Diaries
• True Blood
• United States of Tara
• Brothers & Sisters
• Dexter
• Big Love
• Grey’s Anatomy
• Man vs. Food

8 Favorite Places to Eat and Drink:
• Rock N' Sake (New Orleans)---sushi
• The Original Ruth's Chris (was in New Orleans, but Katrina took her out)
• The Galley (New Orleans) ---poboys
• Morning Call (New Orleans) ---beignets
• Vincent's (New Orleans) --Italian, where Hubs & I had our first date
• Galatoire's (New Orleans)
• Cafe Degas (New Orleans)
• Crepe Nanou (New Orleans) ---desserts

8 Things I Look Forward To: (all shamelessly plagiarized from Kys)
Winning the lottery
Alone time
Vacation (sans children)
Snarkler! *insert jazz hands*
Summer camp
The first day of kindergarten

8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
Continental Airlines delivered my lost baggage. FINALLY.
Screaming/fighting /hair pulling/whining
Sleep deprivation
Blog reading, writing, commenting
Indentured servitude
1st Vlog Attempt---boring, albeit successful
Cooking of turkey chili

8 Things I Love About Winter:
Sweaters and oversized clothing that conceals muffin top
Fires in the fireplace
Hot chocolate with mini marshmellows
Not sweating 24/7
Not having to schlep my kids and various toys, etc. to the pool, apply gallons of sunscreen, wear swimsuit
Fewer hours of daylight, therefore easier to convince children to go to bed earlier.
Snow (but not too much of it)

8 Things on My Wish List:
A wife
A mini Potbelly pig
Alone time
A fast-forward button
A nanny
Books--lots on my "to be read" list
Sweets without any calories that taste good and aren't bad for you

8 Things I'm Passionate About:
Peace (World and domestic, if you know what I mean.)
A clean house
Being Green
Helping others
My Judaism

8 Words/Phrases I Use Often:
That's ridiculous!
Please don't do that.
Not tonight.
Maybe tomorrow.

8 Things I've Learned From the Past:
Life isn't fair.
Blogging rocks!
Bad things happen in three's, four's, five's, etc.
Don't hide your private candy stash where your kids can easily find it.
Doritos and donuts won't make me happy (okay, maybe temporarily)
Love doesn't make the world go round---Blogging does!
I was a Great Mom before I had kids.
Some of my best friends may be people I haven't yet met, or people I just met.

8 Things I Currently Want/Need:
A personal chef
A lobotomy
A massage
A pedicure
A facial
More hours in the day
A good shrink

8 People I'd Like to Tag:
Jenny Mac
Speaking of Witch
3! A Charm
Good Girl Gone Redneck
The Inquisitive Mom
Think Tank Momma
Our Daze in the Desert
Angel Believes...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brad Pitt may meet Jennifer Aniston in court

Brad Pitt and his former wife Jennifer Aniston didn’t bump into each other at Sunday’s Golden Globes because Brad didn't attend the ceremony but they may meet in court.

They have both been subpoenaed in a case that will starts in March 8 against their endorsement agent Todd Shemarya.


Jennifer Aniston will have a daughter in movie Pretend Wife

Jennifer Aniston will be having a daughter in the movie Pretend Wife. The person who will be acting as her daughter will be Bailee Madison.

Bailee said this at Access Hollywood's Stuff You Must gifting suite at the Sofitel hotel "It's such a funny movie. Adam Sandler pretends to have Jennifer Aniston as his wife and we pretend to be his kids so he can get the other girl."


My First Solo Vlog--No Profanity or Alcohol Involved This Time, I Swear!

Please feel free to submit any topic suggestions for my next vlog. Maybe I'll do my hair next time....or maybe not! After you watch this, go visit Lee the Hotflash Queen at her new wordpress spot!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Experimenting so I can do a vlog later...

Trying this out to see if it works or if it confirms I'm a dumbass. If it works, stay tuned for my first ever weblog (don't get too excited) later today or tomorrow.

This video is an old one of Abby. It's one of our favorites. See, she has a little pie obsession. In fact, pie was one of her first words. This was taken maybe when she was 18 months or so??? Enjoy! This is totally family and kid-friendly! It looks strange, so I'm assuming it's not gonna work. What am I doing wrong? I cut & pasted the code from You Tube...hmmmm....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Jennifer Aniston follow Angelina's style?

Jennifer Aniston wore something like what Angelina wore when she was at Cannes, where the dress exposed their thighs. Is this coincidence or she just want to show to everyone that she wears better?

People saying Jennifer looks better in that style because of her toned and tanned leg.

Said BarbiBenton to Us via Twitter, "The difference between Jen's leg and Angelina's [dress] though is Jen actually has great legs compared to Ang's bone and skin legs!!"

I wonder whether Angelina will be furious about this.


Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler spotted looking cozy at Golden Globes


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jennifer Aniston asked Brad to leave Angelina Jolie

Jennifer Aniston asked Brad Pitt to leave partner Angelina Jolie.

One source told the UK’s Now magazine “Brad longs for the serenity and fun he had in his life when he was with Jen and he can’t wait to get back together with her."

“Jen’s made it 
clear she’s not interested in talking to Brad until Angelina’s out of his life. That gives more incentive to walk away from Ange now.

“Jen has told friends she’s worried about Brad’s appearance, describing him as a ‘walking corpse’.

“She says Brad’s aged by about 20 years. It’s obvious that stress and drinking is to blame for his physical deterioration. Jen believes he’ll fall apart if he doesn’t get away from Angelina soon.”


Friday, January 15, 2010

Lee The hot flash and Erin the Mothah and Penis


I was hanging with my new best friend Lee the Hot Flash Queen, who I called Triple T, and she has no idea what that means, and frankly neither do I, so let's take that back and just call her the queen of all things hot.  We had some hot flashes of inspiration after drinking several margaritas and some beer.  So, we headed over to Travis at I like to Fish, and he gave us this great idea for a vlog.

I think we should be up for a golden globe or perhaps Jerry Springer...In fact, they did comment on one of Lee's blog posts, so anything is possible. 

Anybeer, on to the video......

Jennifer Aniston is addicted with a ritual that combines astrology with yoga

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Jennifer Aniston is addicted to a ritual that combines astrology with yoga.

She meets up with “yogalosophy” teacher Mandy Ingber six times a week to “align her spirit and body”.

This is what she has to say about it “You start to crave it. You know, you start to actually crave that adrenaline. Mandy combines her wisdom of astrology with the mind and the body and also cardio.

“So it’s sort of just a combination which is why I guess she calls it yogalosophy.”


Jennifer Aniston hang out with her pals at Sunset Tower Hotel's Tower Bar

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Jennifer Aniston was spotted at the Sunset Tower Hotel's Tower Bar with four girlfriends and one male pal.

One source said "She looked great, really happy and mellow. They all spent the night laughing, sipping wine and just having a really chill evening."

It is nice to see Jennifer having a great time. You can be happy even if you are single.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

I'm off to meet Triple Threat!

I am leaving town early tomorrow (Friday) to attend the wedding of a childhood friend in Houston...but a major perk on the side is that I get to meet Triple Threat, Triple H, H cubed, or however you refer to Queen Lee of Headaches, Hormones, & Hotflashes fame. I'm a little scared. What if I don't curtsy appropriately? What if she banishes me from her kingdom?

All joking aside, it will be lovely to get away for a quick weekend and relax a bit (Hubs will stay here with the kiddos). I've been in this funk and I desperately need some time to recharge. I'm quite sure Lee can assist me in this endeavor.

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and I'll see you on Monday!

Peace out.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jennifer Aniston may appear in Cougar Town

Jennifer Aniston was spotted at Disney and this may indicate that she went to discuss about her role in ABC show, Cougar Town. She will appear together with her best friend Courteney Cox.


Shutup and make me some SPINACH SOUFFLE!!!!

**From Everyday Food Magazine from Martha Stewart

I made this last night along with some Tilapia. Delish. The recipe claims to serve eight, but Hubs, Izzy and I pretty much devoured the entire thing and there's very little leftover. This was the first souffle of any kind I've attempted, and I think it turned out pretty well (mine didn't look as pretty because my dish was too large, but who cares as long as it tastes good?). I love Everyday Food, and if you haven't checked it out, please do so immediately!

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature, plus more for baking dish

1/3 cup plain dried breadcrumbs
5 cups (5 ounces) packed spinach, trimmed and washed
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons whole milk
1/2 cup grated Gruyere cheese
Coarse salt and ground pepper
2 large eggs, separated, plus 2 large egg whites


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Butter a round 1-quart tall-sided baking dish and dust with breadcrumbs; set aside. In a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons water over medium-high. Add spinach and cook, stirring constantly, until wilted, about 4 minutes. Transfer to a strainer to cool; press to release liquid.

In a medium saucepan, melt butter over medium until bubbling. Add flour and whisk until a paste forms. Continue to cook until pale blond in color, 2 to 3 minutes. Whisking, gradually add milk. Cook, whisking, until lumps are gone and mixture is thickened, 3 to 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in cheese until melted; season with salt and pepper. Transfer souffle base to a large bowl.

In a food processor, pulse spinach and egg yolks until coarsely pureed. Add 1/4 cup souffle base; pulse until blended. Stir spinach mixture into remaining souffle base. (To store, press plastic wrap against surface and keep at room temperature, up to 4 hours.)

In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat 4 egg whites and pinch of salt on medium-high until stiff peaks form (do not overbeat), about 3 minutes.

In 2 additions, gently fold egg whites into souffle base.

Pour batter into prepared dish and bake until souffle is tall, browned, and firm to the touch, about 35 minutes. (Avoid opening oven during first 25 minutes of baking.) Serve immediately.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Beware: Funny/Happy Post NOT Inside. You May Need to Look Elsewhere.

Things have steadily been declining for me over the last several weeks. It's been gradual, a falling off of sorts, a listlessness, a wandering. A brain that won't focus. A heart that hurts, but for reasons I can't specify.

I am not myself. Pieces of me are getting lost or buried somewhere. I picture them in a neglected heap in a forgotten place.

I feel quiet and addled and unable to concentrate. I feel tired and sad and alone. I am impatient with my sweet daughters, yelling far too much. I am angry with myself and feeling badly for neglecting my husband, my friends, my family.

I am trudging through this muckety-muck slowly. My boots keep getting stuck. My legs are hard to lift, heavy as stone. I keep tripping. I fall. No one picks me up. But me. I have to pick myself up. I want to curl up in bed and stay there all day, drifting in and out of dreams, but I can't. I won't.

I have felt similarly before in life, Depression is no stranger to me. I'd forgotten his heavy, sudden hand, however, and it startled me recently. When he visited me thirteen years ago, he had me grating my wrist against a razor blade as if it was a block of Gruyere. I've come so far since then, yet I can feel his familiar shadow settling slowly over me, plunging me into his darkness. He tries to be my friend, but I am yelling at him to GO AWAY. I fought him off then and I am fighting him now, but in a different way.

I'm not going down without a fight. I have a family that needs me. I can't just give into it.

**I have suspicions that this could be thyroid related and simply require an adjustment of my meds; I have also considered the possibility of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), or just the likelihood that I'm encountering a wave of depression. I have done so well for so long that I would really love to attribute everything to my thyroid. I have labs this afternoon and should know more soon. Please be patient with me.

Jennifer Aniston used her cell phone while driving

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Jennifer Aniston always act as the good girl in the movies but does not mean in real life, she does the same. She was caught red-handed with her cell phone when she was driving in breach of California law.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Alyson Hannigan wants Jennifer to act as mom

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Alyson Hannigan would like Jennifer to act as a mother.

She told UsMagazine "I'd love to have Jennifer Aniston! I'd like her to turn out to be the mom."


My Name is Monster and I Am a Mini Poodle.

(This is my favorite perch--atop the couch in the living room. You'd think I was a cat.)

My name is Monster and I am a really handsome Mini Poodle. I am 5 1/2 years old, and I adore my family. I especially love that my parents refuse to give me a typical Poodle 'do. Most people think I am a Bichon instead. Anybark, I try to be a big help around the house, but they just don't get it! My sisters make such a mess at meals, so I hang out to catch the crumbs they drop on their chairs and the floor. I wait very patiently most of the time....(how cute am I, by the way?!?)

but occasionally I lose control can't help myself and Mom and Dad have to tether me on my leash, which really bites. Each morsel is so delectable compared to this Iams shit they feed me day in and day out. Sometimes my sisters are little hags sweet for a change and toss me their vegetables under the table when my parents aren't looking. So I'm afraid I've become a bit of a beggar, which isn't good. But honestly, would you want to eat the same crap at every meal for the rest of your natural born life?

See that little Goldfish cracker? MmMmMMm. My favorite. The girls just can't seem to get everything into their mouths. So I take care of the rest. Being so low to the ground sure has its perks!

After the meal is over and Mom is slaving away washing the dishes, I seize the opportunity to help her clean up the kitchen. I lick the table and placemats clean while she yells at me from the sink. I wait until I hear the dishes clatter and then I hop down and hide under the table where she is too big to reach me can't catch me. I also find yummy bits on their napkins. Before Mom went all green she used paper napkins, which I would helpfully shred for her (to aid in the decomposition process, you see). Now she uses cloth napkins, so I drag them off the table and onto the floor where I can lick them clean in peace. Then Mom screams at me again, snatches them from me, and starts complaining about all the laundry she has to do every day.

"This is MY napkin now, Mom! Don't you dare try to take it away!"

As Mom loads the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, I feel its my duty to make sure she's rinsed them well. So I check it all out and give it a last wipe down with my tongue.

After all my hard work, all I want is a nap on the same little blue bed I've had for 5 1/2 years....

and a maybe belly rub!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Angelina Jolie beats Jennifer Aniston for most beautiful star of the ’00s

A survey was conducted by cosmetics retailer Superdrug and Angelina Jolie is in first place for most beautiful star of the ’00s.

Looks like Jennifer Aniston lose when it comes to beauty. Well, maybe she will win if it is fit body contest.



Please read my guest post over at Kelly's blog, Speaking From the Crib. I am so honored that she asked me to be her Top Blog of the Week! Kelly is hilarious and if you aren't already following her, please visit now and do so!

And if you missed it the first time around, Kelly & I collaborated on a Hanukkah post several weeks ago. It re-ran yesterday. Go here to read it!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Awards and Why I Can't Keep Up With Them Anymore

My newest bloggy friend, Kate over at Busted Plumbing, bestowed the Sweet Friends award upon me. So did Noelle over at Elastic Waistbands and Comfortable shoes (only I was a total dolt and kinda missed the boat). And so did Cathy over at Antsy Pants! Thank you lovely ladies, and it goes without saying you all need to head over to visit these gals immediately.

Accordingly, here are Happy 101/Sweet Friends Blog Award Rules:

List 10 things that make you happy, try to do at least one of them today, and tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day. For those 10 bloggers who get the award, you then link back to my blog and create your makes you happy list. I did this part in a previous post. Go here to see it. Yes, people, I am stupid. No surprise there. On to the next one.

Andrea over at Good Girl Gone Redneck gave me this:
Go visit Andrea NOW and FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW! She is twelve kinds of  funny, and understands the daily grind of motherhood, so we share lots of stories.

Mama-Face over at Blog Ignoramus gave me the Circle of Friends Award! Thank you!! Mama-Face is out of town right now and I know we are all keeping her in our thoughts and prayers. We'll miss you, Mama-Face!

Deb over at Menopausal New Mom gave me this award. Thanks, honey! Deb's been with me for a while and we are good friends. She also has a little one, so we have lots in common there!

Stephanie over at The Blue Zoo gave me the Kreativ Blogger Award. You rock, Stephanie! I'm so honored, even though I don't consider myself "Kreativ" at all!

I want to thank each and every one of you. And don't hate me, but I'm going to join the ranks of other bloggers you may know & love....the awards are so thoughtful and I do appreciate them more than you know. But I lose track and although I try to keep a draft and update it when I get them, sometimes I forget or fall behind. And then there's all the linking up when I pass them on to you fabulous people....

So from now on, I'm making it easy on myself, and FUN for you! If you read & follow my blog, I am giving you each and every one of these awards! I love all my readers so much, it's just too time consuming sometimes to list you all out (there are too many of you, which is a really wonderful thing!). So I encourage you to grab what you want, post it on your blog, and pass it on. I have really been feeling the bloggy love from everyone, but I confess I'm struggling to keep up lately. I can't seem to stay on top of anything (let alone bloggy awards). Please know I do the best I can, but if I don't visit you as often as I should, it's not for lack of trying. There are so many incredible blogs out there and I frankly don't have time to read them all every day. So I read what I can when I can. Thank you for understanding and sticking with me! LOVE YOU ALL and THANKS FOR MY AWARDS!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jennifer Aniston ignores Brad's text messages!

Jennifer Aniston has been keeping in touch with her former husband Brad but now she makes her own stand. sHE ignores his text messages.

A source told American tabloid the National Enquirer “Brad sent Jen a text, pleading for her to get in touch, but she simply ignored him.

Brad still pines for Jennifer badly, but she seems determined to cut him out of her life — once and for all.

She thinks it’s pathetic how her ex continues to pretend to be happy with Angelina despite everything that’s going on between them.

He’s proven to be totally spineless and incapable of standing up to Angelina’s temper tantrums and violent mood swings. Jen has lost all respect for him over the way he’s conducted himself.”


The Resolutions I'm Not Going To Make This Year, or, Why New Year's Is Stupid

I don't do New Year's Resolutions. Seriously, they're a fantastic way for me to fail miserably with the same old things: dieting, motherhood, exercise, that nasty pot habit etc. I think the whole concept is a mite silly, considering that January 1 is just like any other day, and not a heck of a lot different than December 31.
Besides, if you make resolutions on January 1, you know you have 364 more days to procrastinate work on them. That's a lot of time to waste. Or at least that's how my mind works. Anyshizzle, I should write about the resolutions I don't intend to make or keep this year instead. Perhaps I'll end up surprising myself? Eh, not likely. But whatevs. And if you've been reading me for a while, you know that I quit Diet Coke several months ago cold turkey. Have never felt better and am so glad I did it. And guess what?? IT WASN'T ON NEW YEAR'S, PEOPLE! Since when should we need some formal excuse to do something good for ourselves or for others?

So, for 2010...

I will NOT resolve to eat less. Because the reality is that my thyroid/metabolism is out of my hands. Or this is the lie I continue to tell myself. These extra pounds are not going anywhere unless I seriously deprive myself. I only get cranky when I do that, so what's the point? I may eat less for a few weeks, but then I'll be right back where I started. I might make an effort to pay more attention to each morsel that finds its way into my mouth, but...I'm incapable of being anorexic. I might choose steamed cauliflower over twice-baked potatoes most of the time occasionally.

I will NOT resolve to exercise more.  Because the reality is that the more I Jazzercise, the hungrier I get. Which then means I eat. all. the. time. I have this funky mentality that exercising gives me license to eat more of whatever I want, which is so screwed up. I think, "Oh, I can have some Rice Krispy treats because I worked out this morning!" Well, it's my own dumb fault that these extra pounds have found their way to my ass come on. So if I exercise less, maybe I will eat less....and thence kill two birds with one stone? Eh, not likely.

I will NOT resolve to be a better mother. Because the reality is that the twins gang up on me and it's two against one all day every day. I might try to yell a little less and I may not beat them senseless anymore, but quite frankly I'm never going to be June Cleaver. I swear my kids are so manipulative for only 4 years old and I have no idea where they learned such behavior. It's appalling. I might try to be a better mother if they try to behave better. An eye for an eye, know what I mean?

I will NOT resolve to stop making fun of my family on my blog. Oh, wait, I just realized I forgot to blog about the charred slightly overcooked lovely meatloaf my mom made for us the evening we arrived in New Orleans. She thought it would be a marvelous idea to put it in the oven as she left for the airport to pick us up. Did I mention that the gridlock traffic was a nightmare being that it was Christmas week, not to mention that our bags took forever to come out, and also that security had airport traffic down to one lane for some reason? So that poor meatloaf was in the oven for oh, I don't know, maybe two hours? And while I did blog about my dad's crazy Japanese terlets, I tastefully left out a post on all the male nudes hanging in his house. That would've been funny. But a girl's gotta draw the line somewhere, right?

I will NOT resolve to be a better blogger. I have all these lofty, crazy posts in my head and they never make it into BlogLand. I will also NOT resolve to finish NoMoSlackMo, the kinder version of NaNoWriMo (Nat'l Novel Writing Month). I am behind already (surprise, surprise), and basically since NoMo began on January 1, it seems like a formal resolution which means I'm destined not to keep it.
I will NOT resolve to dress better. There is nothing wrong with my clothes. I will NOT resolve to shower daily. It's wintertime, my skin is flaky gross really dry, and it's not like I'm getting that dirty. I will NOT resolve to get my shit together once and for all. Because that would just be so unlike me. I will NOT resolve to stop watching crappy reality television. It's just so entertaining. I will NOT resolve to read 200 books this year. I read a lot, but no sense in another goal I won't achieve. I will NOT resolve to stop drinking so much Kendall Jackson Chardonnay. It's just too good and a mommy's gotta have her Mommy Juice, ya know? I will NOT resolve to clean out all the closets. Because it's too much work and I'm not in the mood. I will NOT resolve to drink more milk because my thyroid disease makes me prone to osteowhateever. I like milk and all, but there are so many other things I'd rather spend calories on. I will NOT resolve to use the computer less. It is my lifeline, my link to the outside world when inside I am being beaten and harassed by two four-year-olds with lungs like you wouldn't believe. I will NOT resolve to write more. Writing is intimidating. And it's hard to do when you can't concentrate, i.e. when the kids are around. It's also hard to do when I'm tired. And when I know it's going to suck and I'm going to have writer's block.

I think I resolve to end this here.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jennifer Aniston is among the list for Sally Beauty Best Tressed Survey

The 16th annual Sally Beauty Best Tressed Survey has request American women to vote celebrity women that have nice hairstyle.

Some of the celebrity with good hairstyle are Jennifer Aniston, Taylor Swift, Rihanna whereas worst hairstyle are Lady Gaga, Kate Gosselin, Lindsay Lohan.


Post-It Note Tuesday

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