Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So, it's official! I'm Top Mommy Blogger of the Year!

Folks, it's official. Lesley over at Project Mommyhood posted yesterday about my win. I am so happy, honored, and excited. You can read the actual announcement here if you think I'm telling tall tales. Lesley, do I get a fancy button to display on my blog?

THANK YOU to my bloggy friends, Twitter friends, real-life friends and family for supporting me and voting. I'm sending a great big hug out to Annie over at A Stone's Throw From Insanity who originally nominated me, and the several others who followed suit.

A shout out to the fantastic sponsors of the contest:

Zen Threads I loved this company from the start because they say: As our commitment to the environment, we use biodegradable eco-friendy inks on every item we print. All of our tees are vintage soft and sweatshop free from American Apparel. You guys know this is right up my alley! And to promote my new vow to vegetarianism, I selected this shirt (although there were several others I wanted & I may have to go back!):
 photo courtesy of Zen Threads (with their permission)

The Concord Soap Company ---Yummy handmade soap
Lea's Letters ---Handmade paper goods for all occasions
Mi Bazaar Latino ---Adorable rosebud earrings
I'm Not Spoiled Designs: Handmade Gifts & Boutique Baby Items
The Silver Diva --Custom Personalized Hand Stamped Mom Jewelry (gift certificate)
Stacey Winters ---Whimsical card set
Ahmelie ---Ahmie Roo stuffed owl

Now as I sit back and ruminate on this new title, "Mommy Blogger of the Year," I'm wondering what it means. Does it mean I'm a blogger who also happens to be a mommy? Does it mean I'm a mommy who is also a blogger? Does it mean I blog exclusively about my kids? If you read me regularly, you know that isn't the case. I guess it's just that for the first time, I'm being categorized. And I don't know if it's good or bad or what it means. Where do I fit in BlogLand? Apparently in the Mommy Section.

What if you knew that I lie to my children sometimes when we pass Baskin Robbins and tell them "it's closed?"

What if you knew that I yawn frequently while reading bedtime stories and occasionally try to skip a page or two, or three just to get to the end faster?

What if you knew that my kids eat breakfast for dinner at least once a week? And that sometimes those pancakes aren't homemade, either.

What if you knew that I yell more than I should and more than I care to admit?

What if you knew that I bribe my kids with promises of lollipops, a piece of crap "prize" from the $1 section at Target, or a trip to the park?

Would you still like me? Would I still be your Top Mommy Blogger of the Year?

What if I told you that I get frustrated when Abby writes her name backwards even though I know it's normal and she has previously written it correctly many times?

What if I told you it irks me to no end when Izzy takes forever to spit out a single sentence?

What if I told you I worry that one will get my nose and the other will get my feet? Or that they'll both get my nose AND my feet?

A part of me hopes that you'd still deem me worthy. Because in a lot of ways I'd like to think I'm just like a lot of other moms---taking it a day at a time, an hour at a time, and doing what I can to survive. But I am always honest. I have never claimed to be a perfect mom (or anything close). And as for being a blogger, well, that's an entirely different story, but since I'm still trying to figure out which came first, the mommy or the blogger, I suppose I'll have to finish this post another day.

What if I told you that I'm lucky to be a mom, period? That there was a long time where I wasn't sure I'd ever even earn that title. I am indeed blessed.

I love how Abby asks for Eskimo kisses at bedtime, and to play the "Miss a Kiss" game, where I pretend I'm going to kiss her, lean in close, only to jump away...finally I relent and smooch on her.

I love how Izzy takes her second and third toes and crosses them over her big toe, just like The Father Load does. I love how she plays independently and isn't afraid to be alone. I love how she learns things when I don't even realize and then suddently spouts out some random information.

I love Abby's affectionate and friendly nature. How she develops crushes on The Father Load's friends and acts all girly while she smiles coyly at them. I love her amazing memory.

I love seeing my little self in Izzy. Pieces of me reflected in my own daughter's eyes.

I love how the girls introduce themselves together. Neither one can simply say her own name. They are a unit, indivisible. They are "Abby and Izzy." Though we strive to encourage individuality, they are lucky to have one another.

I look at my girls with wonder and awe. How I have this amazing opportunity to shape and teach them, but to also learn myself to let go and gently guide them into the world. It is at once incredible and scary. How will they turn out? I don't know.

But deep down I know I'm a good mom. I'm not perfect, but I'm me. And that is okay.

I'm honored that you take all of this and somehow turn it into a fabulous and humbling title like "Top Mommy Blogger of the Year."

Thank you.

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