Today I am telling you about bloggers who have me Tickled Pink. It's about everyone else today, readers. It's about highlighting those who have made me pause, think, cry, swoon, and tweet from the mountaintops.
I am Tickled Pink with Mindy over at The Inquisitive Mom, who featured a touching and very real series about her father's battle with cancer. I'm linking to her post on it, but her sisters and her mom posted their memories as well. It was interesting to read the different perspectives, and my heart aches for their loss. I thought it was very brave of Mindy to share their stories in this type of forum and I hope you'll take the time to go and read them.
I am Tickled Pink with Cathy over at Antsy Pants who wrote this incredible post about Real Beauty. And she won Salt's Hootie giveaway this week, but I guess I can forgive her...
I am Tickled Pink with Tracie over at From Tracie, who wrote a very honest, important post about sexual abuse. It's also about parenting and protecting your children by teaching them what they need to know. Read it here.
I'm Tickled Pink with Tami of Hearts Make Family and Lee of Headaches, Hormones, & Hotflashes for starting up their amazing new gig, Raising Awareness Thursdays. These wonderful women are taking the time to bring us out of the Blogosphere and educate us. They're reminding us to think about things going on outside of our little blog bubble. Particularly poignant was last week's post on Multiple Sclerosis, which affects another bloggy friend of ours, MiMi over at Living in France. MiMi graciously shared her personal thoughts on the disease and I really learned a lot. Read her perspective here.
I'm Tickled Pink with Sunday over at Adventures in Extreme Parenthood. Not only did she bare her boobs and deal with that scare very well, but she wrote a lovely tribute to her best friend that made me cry. Because I wish I had a friend nearby like that...Sunday, I'm Tickled Pink for you!
I'm Tickled Pink with Naomi over at Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip. She wrote a phenomenal post this week entitled, "How To Train Your Dragon, which you can read here. It's all about parenthood and the frustrations that go along with it. Being worrried you're not doing it right, setting limits, setting boundaries....go visit Naomi NOW. Also, she's scraping together her Mom Prom Post today, so stay tuned!
Speaking of Mom Prom, I'm Tickled Pink with The Mommyologist for finding her niche and initiating this whole Bringing Mom Sexy Back thing. My Mom Prom was such a fun experience and I'm looking forward to whatever else Mary has up her sleeve. She's helping us prove that we are more than "just moms" and perhaps we've let our "selves" slip away gradually. But we can shimmy into a dress and some heels and instantly feel better. Be sure to watch her audition & vote for her video on the Oprah site!
I'm Tickled Pink with Traci over at 38 and Growing. She's an avid supporter of Heifer International, an organization devoted to fighting hunger and poverty. But it's not as simple as handing out food. Traci is accepting donations and matching many of them herself to buy a cow for Heifer International. Read about her plan here and make sure to leave a comment, because she'll donate $1 for every comment you leave. But hurry, because we only have a few days left!
I'm Tickled Pink with Stephanie over at The Blue Zoo. She's an amazing mom to her FOUR boys and in this groundbreaking and brutally honest post she was brave enough to show her mommy tummy. Stephanie had a tummy tuck last week and is recovering well. I'm thrilled for her, and I'm so impressed that she had the courage to show everyone how a woman's body changes during pregnancy. Get well soon, Stephanie!
Finally, I am Tickled Pink with my new owlette necklace on its way from Heidi. Make sure to visit her darling Etsy shop, Lizziboo Felt Creations. Heidi is so nice, works really fast, and sells darling things. I love animals, critters, and creatures of all kinds, so this is right up my alley, especially since I didn't win Hootie from Salt. But I'm not bitter because I've got my own Hootie coming! Isn't he sweet? So go check out Heidi's shop!
What are you Tickled Pink about? Write your own post and go link up at Holly's place!
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