Friday, August 14, 2009

thoughts of substance

I realize this blog isn't the fabulous arena of lofty thoughts I'd like it to be. But you have to consider that I am a mother to three year-old twins. Secondly, you must realize that silence (necessary in order to arouse my writing inclinations) is a rare and surprising occurrence in our household. So when you check on my blog and frown at the boring posts, be patient with me and know that good things come to those who wait.

Now, for my inspirational quote & post du jour:

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I?
And if not now, when?" --Rabbi Hillel

I am constantly surprised by the number of Jews who either don't claim to be Jewish or are not at all active within their community/synagogue. When I think of the six million who perished in the Shoah (the Holocaust), I feel this aching responsibility to stand up and yell out, "I'm here! I'm a Jew!" So many Jews are marrying outside the faith (which I don't have a problem with) and this often leads to children who are not being raised as this trend continues, the number of Jews in the world just keeps dwindling.This is not an attack on intermarriage; rather it's one explanation of why there are so few Jews. And while I am sure the opposite happens sometimes (i.e. a Jew and a Catholic marry and the Jew converts to Catholicism), I don't think Catholics are in any danger of being extinct.

I am proud of my Judaism. I love my synagogue (but we need to make an effort to go more often--it's hard with little ones). I make Shabbes every week---we light the candles, have challah & wine, say the blessings, and eat family dinner together on most Fridays. We have lots of Jewish friends. We have a mezuzah on the door. Our kids are being raised Jewish and I am so happy I married a Jewish man.

We love our temple. I know that as the girls get older we will spend more and more time there, and I am so excited about that! Rabbi Jacques Cukierkorn is truly phenomenal and has made me feel so welcome (it is sometimes hard acclimating when you weren't raised Jewish and yours truly tends to have a complex about "fitting in" or being accepted). New Reform Temple is the only place for us. It feels like a family. Check it out:

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