Sunday, August 9, 2009

A tummy sleeper no more

Sadly I am unable to sleep on my tummy for the moment. I had my hernia surgery on Friday and am very sore. It's definitely not as bad as my c-section was, so that's a good thing. I am off painkillers (can't tolerate those very well at all--bad nausea) and just alternating Motrin with Extra-Strength Tylenol. I'm hurting, but I know in a few more days it will be much more tolerable. I don't even have stitches---the surgeon used Dermabond to put me back together. Should be interesting to see how that heals up and what the scar looks like afterwards compared to my c-section (which I had staples and stitches for). I'm not too worried, it's not like I'm wearing a bikini or anything!!!

The part I dread most about any surgery is the nausea/vomiting. I can't stand that awful feeling from the anesthesia and pain meds...fortunately they gave me a good cocktail in my IV right when I woke up and that helped keep it at bay. But the disconcerting thing was that I was very aware when they were extubating me. I think they'd already taken the oxygen off, but the tube was still in my throat. I couldn't get air, and it seemed like an eternity--but realistically it was probably only a minute or two. I felt like I couldn't breathe through my nose either, and this giant tube was lodged in my throat---talk about awful!!! I was awake, but I couldn't move or open my eyes yet. But as soon as the tube was out and they brought Dan over to me, I started crying and babbling about the breathing tube. I sounded like I was drunk, all garbled and my throat was raspy, etc...I think after that experience, I'll take the nausea anytime! I don't like feeling like I'm suffocating. Ugh. So relieved it's over.

My dad and Kory are moving to Mississippi next weekend. I can't believe it's finally here. It's going to be so odd (well, more odd for the rest of my family who still lives in NOLA)....

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