The rules of this award require me to list 10 things you may not know about me. So here goes nuthin':
1. When I was in 2nd grade in Houma, LA, I won a spelling bee at Southland Mall. I won a set of giant dictionaries. I still have them.
2. I detest bell peppers. I can't even eat anything else that shared a plate with/touched them.
3. My maiden name is Best. When I was in grade school, some of the kids called me Erin Worst. How original.
4. I am afraid of flying. I am often the lone 30-something woman who cries when there's turbulence.
5. I have unfortunately inherited my dad's ugly toes.
6. I used to get a $2.50 weekly allowance when I was young. I spent most of it on books.
7. I sleep on my stomach. And often drool while doing so.
8. One day I would like to work at Whole Foods.
9. I hate pantyhose. And tights are not the same as pantyhose.
10. I think someone needs to make Spanx for men. Why don't men want to look svelte/desirable?
I want to pass this award along to:
Melanie over at Adventures of the Reluctant Housewife
Lee over at Headaches, Hormones, & Hot FlashesAdventures of a Wanna-Be Supah Mommy
Matty Thoughts
Jennifer at Hope Studios
Holly at 504 Main
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