Monday, October 19, 2009

Crummy Day

I've had a really crummy day.

I did (or rather didn't do) something shitty this morning and I can't stop thinking about it.

It reminds me of one of Melanie's recent posts over at Adventures of the Reluctant Housewife, which you can read here. And by the way, follow her!

I was on my way to drop the girls off at school. We were approximately 3-4 blocks away when I spied a young woman sitting alone on the sidewalk across from the hospital (the girls' school is affiliated with the hospital where Hubby works, and is basically around the corner from it). I thought it was interesting that she was sitting, but as I got closer I realized she was crying. Meanwhile, a construction worker was walking towards her (there is construction going on at the hospital). I could see he was facing the same dilemma as I: to stop and try to help her, or not? My windows were open and I could hear her pleading, "Please help me,"and something about her boyfriend leaving her there without her inhaler. She was crying and gasping/gagging and she wailed, "Please help me, I can't breathe!" The man in the car directly in front of me pulled over, too.

I was conflicted because my kids were in the car with me. My gut was telling me this was a normal woman in an unfortunate predicament and she just needed some help. On the other hand, I didn't know her, she could have been mentally unstable or something, and my kids were in the car and I was reluctant to potentially traumatize them.

Melanie's story differs from this in that she was confronted with a child in trouble, and I wouldn't have worried about stepping in there. But this was a grown woman.

In the end, I kept driving. I dropped the girls off at school. On my way back, there was an ambulance parked in the spot where the woman had been.

My heart sank. I felt horribly. I should have stopped. I should have shown some compassion and human decency; after all, the hospital was right there and obviously they came to her aid quickly. Thank goodness those nice men stopped and called 911.

I kept thinking: if it had been me on the side of the road in some kind of trouble, wouldn't I want someone to help me? Clearly the answer is yes.

To the young woman in trouble on 43rd Street this morning: I am truly very sorry. I should have stopped to help you, but I was scared. I hope you're alright and that they were able to help you at the hospital.

What would you have done?

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